A/N: I like chocolate milk

A/N: I like chocolate milk. Does Ed like chocolate milk? He does now.

Disclaimer: I write fan fiction, therefore, I am no owner.

Sweet Dreams

By: Rachel L. Mustang

It had been a long day at work and all Roy really wanted to do was go home and crawl into his nice, warm bed next to Ed. But as he unlocked the door to his apartment he immediately knew his wish would not be granted. He walked over to the desk where Ed lay passed out with his blonde head resting in an alchemy book.

Roy gently picked the boy up, careful not to wake though he knew the boy was an amazingly hard sleeper. Roy was quite the opposite. Something he had learned fighting in Ishbal. You never slept hard enough that you couldn't be immediately woken up. It was not a rare occurrence to be called to the front lines in the middle of the night because of a raid or riot. Roy had learned quickly that one thing you don't do a lot when you're at war is sleep.

He carried the blonde into the bedroom they shared on most nights and gently placed him on the bed. He slipped the boy's boots off first, then moved on to removing his coat and pants so he was only in his black under shirt and blue boxers. Roy then quietly removed his own boots, coat and shirt before climbing into the bed and pulling Ed close to him.

Roy was almost completely engulfed in his much needed sleep when he heard Ed's voice. It was very soft and Roy couldn't help but smile at the sweetness of his tone. "Roy..."

"Yes?" Roy responded, nuzzling into the blonde hair.

"I can't sleep." Ed said, almost whining.

"But you were out cold a minute ago." Roy countered.

"I know, but now I can't sleep." the younger boy whined, sounding for all the world like a little boy talking to his mom. Roy smiled; he remembered what his mom used to do for him when he couldn't sleep.

"I'll be right back." He said, getting out of the bed and wrapping the blankets tighter around Ed to help keep him warm.

"Promise?" Ed asked. Roy knew he hated to be alone, especially at night. He knew very well that the boy was scared of the dark and the unwanted memories it plagued him with.

Roy bent over and kissed Ed's forehead. "I promise." he said before turning and leaving the room and heading into the small kitchen.

He pulled out a glass cup from the cupboard above the stove and got a bottle of chocolate syrup and the gallon of milk out of the fridge. He filled the glass with milk before adding just the right amount of syrup to it and stirring it with a spoon.

Putting both the milk and syrup back in the fridge, he headed back to the bedroom where he found Ed curled tightly under the covers. The boy obviously hadn't heard him come in.

"Ed, baby, here. I brought you something." Roy said gently. Ed sat up and Roy handed him the glass. The boy just stared at it.

Roy laughed a little "Come on, I promise it won't kill you."

Ed hesitantly took a small sip before mentally deciding that it was indeed not going to kill and he downed the whole glass.

"My mom used to bring me chocolate milk whenever I couldn't sleep. I'm not quite sure how it helped, but it always did." Roy smiled and Ed smiled back.

"Thanks." Ed said before leaning over to the opposite side of the bed to kiss the Colonel, who gladly accepted.

"Well, if that's how you thank me, I should do stuff for you more often." He said and lay down, pulling the blonde with him. Roy pulled the covers over them and let the boy snuggle up against him. The Colonel never really cared if he was comfortable. If Edward was comfortable, so was he.

Before long, both alchemists were asleep. Roy would wake up late the next morning with Ed still sleeping soundly next to him. He decided to "forget" he had work today and closed his eyes again, falling right back asleep next to his lover.


A/N: Yay for chocolate milk. It helps create fluff! Review if you would like. :D