Ok, once again, the title isn't the best but it's what I came up with :p so since this is a highschool fic, the characters will be Out of well.. Character.. Especially Teal'c since in this fic he comes from earth and learned a lot about the North American culture.. Anyway, you've been warned.

Ps: I know NOTHING of the proper protocol regarding foster children. Sorry, please just go along with it... it is an AU after all ;)

Back in the day

Chapter 1: Settling in.

"We're almost there, Mr. Jackson." The driver announced but Daniel wasn't listening.

The 16-year-old boy was lost in thought. He wondered what his new foster family would be like; he had only been told that they were the O'Neill family. He thought of his previous families and how they had treated him. In fact, the reason why he was here now was because of how he had been treated by his previous family.

Changing families was something that Daniel hadn't even thought was possible until that day at the museum nearly a decade ago. Daniel continued thinking and looked out the window. Every house they passed seemed to be bigger than the last. The driver slowed down and stopped in front of the biggest house yet.

"Here we are." He said.

Daniel looked at the driver, then at the house and then at the driver again. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yup, go on now."

A little hesitant, Daniel grabbed his backpack and walked up to the door. He knocked twice then waited. He was used to this. It had happened so many times before that he had lost count years ago. And yet, somehow this time felt different.

"Hello. You must be Daniel." A woman said as she opened the door. "I'm Lizzy O'Neill." Daniel figured the woman was in her late thirties. She had long brown hair and had equally brown eyes. Daniel shook her hand and said hello as well. "I guess you want to meet the rest of the family. They've been excited to meet you." Daniel followed her into the house.

"Hey! It's the foster dude!" A teenager who was sitting on the couch said.

"Michael O'Neill!" The women said. "What have I told you?"

"Sorry Mom, it just came out." Michael answered.

"Do excuse my brother. He hasn't learned how to live yet." The girl who was entering the room said. She had to be around 13 years old. "I'm Kayla."

"Daniel." He answered.

"Where's Jack and your father?" Lizzy asked Kayla.

"Dad!" Kayla yelled.

"What!?" A man in his hurly forties said as he came out of the kitchen.

"There he is." Kayla said proudly.

"Thanks sweetie." Lizzy said with a laugh.

Daniel smiled. They looked like a really nice family.

"I think Jack's in his room." Kayla said.

"Why don't you go get him?" Lizzy told her daughter then she turned to Daniel. "While we're waiting, let me introduce you to John."

"Nice to meet you..." John started.

"Daniel." His wife helped out.

"Of course. I knew that." He said.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. O'Neill."

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" A voice was heard from the stairs.

"Jack, don't be worse than Michael." Kayla said as she followed her brother downstairs.

"How badly did he screw up?" Jack asked.

"Not bad, compared to how you're doing." Michael answered, his mouth half full with chips. Lizzy immediately took the bag of chips away.

"No junk food before dinner." She said as she made a no sign with her finger. "Speaking of which, I should get that started. Jack, why don't you show Daniel to his room?"

"Sure." Jack answered as he picked up Daniel's suitcases and showed him up the stairs. "Sorry about that crack earlier on."

Daniel shrugged. "I've had worse welcomes."

"So, here we are." Jack said as they entered Daniel's room. "So, you've got your desk, your bed, and your dresser but given the weight of your suitcases, or lack there of, you won't really need it."

Daniel froze when he noticed there was only one bed. "I get my own room." He said in awe.

"Yup. Why, you never had one before?"


"Well then, it's your lucky day. I'll let you unpack."

After Jack left the room, Daniel looked around his room and out the window. The O'Neill family had a huge backyard. They had a pool, a trampoline and even a little forest behind their house. This isn't so bad,' he thought.

At supper time, the whole family was seated at the table eating spaghetti.

"So Daniel, tell us about yourself." John said.

"Well, there really isn't that much to tell."

"You can start by saying how your folks died." Michael said, then got kicked in the leg by Kayla.

"Don't be rude." Kayla told her brother. "Just tell us where you've lived and stuff." She said to Daniel.

"Well, I was born in New York and we stayed there until my parents had the... accident. Since then I've basically been to almost every state but this is my first time in Colorado ."

"How does that work? With school and stuff I mean." Michael asked.

"Well, usually the school systems don't change too much so I'm usually just a little behind or a little ahead."

"Speaking of school, did you do all your homework, Jack?" Lizzy asked.

"Please, he was probably writing a letter to..." Michael started before receiving another kick in the leg, this time from Jack.

"Yeah, I did it all." Jack answered.

"Good, because with the way your grades are going, you need to work harder." Lizzy said.

"Or get a tutor. I know somebody that Jack wouldn't mind at all." Michael said evilly.

"A girl?" John asked, interested.

"Yup and a real..." Another kick in the leg by Jack. "Ouch. I was going to say geek."

"I stand correct." Jack said. Daniel laughed a little.

"Hey, since you're always moving, how do you keep in touch with your friends or girlfriends?" Jack asked Daniel, as he tried to get the attention off of himself.

"Um, I don't. I try not to get too attached so it isn't too hard to part."

"That's got to be tough." Kayla said sympathetically

Daniel shrugged. "You get use to it."

"Yeah, but that can't be healthy." Michael said.

"Since when do you care about health, Mr. I eat chips all day?" Jack asked.

"I was talking about mental health, duh!" Michael said.

"Ironic that this is coming from someone with just two brain cells." Jack said bitterly.

"Look who's talking." Michael replied.

"All right, that's enough." Lizzy finished. "Why don't you all go finish your homework or clean

up your rooms?" Supper was officially over at that moment.

So, how am I doing so far? Please review... I like reviews...a lot :D lol. more to come soon.