A.N. An early birthday present for The Origami. Feel loved. It's my first Bleach fic, and it's KaiRuki. Just what you wanted, right? Probably not. But it's the best your little sister could do.


Disclaimer: Nope. Don't own it.

"You know…" Miyako said, looking over to where Kaien was sitting, gorging himself on miso soup "Sometimes I think you care more about Rukia than you do about me."

Kaien choked on a piece of seaweed. "W-What makes you think that?" he asked, meanwhile extracting the seaweed from his mouth.

"Well…" Miyako said thoughtfully, laying down her chopsticks, "You seem to be spending more time at the barracks than you did before, and Ukitake told me you're training with her for hours at a time. I feel so neglected." she added, with a theatrical sniff.

Kaien chuckled. "She really needs the help. Byakuya, as you would imagine, does nothing to improve her confidence."

Miyako smiled at him. "I knew you'd have a good reason" she said, taking her bowls to the kitchen sink. "But I'd win over her any day, wouldn't I?"

Kaien just smiled at her as he passed Miyako his used bowls. He wasn't exactly sure of the answer to that question.