Hello singingallthewayhome, yes I plane on continuing the story ALL the way through.

Hello VampiresaInShadows, yes, I suppose your right. But Edward could only see that she did something, but he didn't know what it was.

Hello flower123, you will find out where rose is later, but I don't get your other questions. "Will she let Edward explain? Will he understand?" I don't understand what you want to know.

Hello AnastaziaCullen159, yes in a way your right. Charlie just treated really badly. But he didn't go that far. He might have touched her, but not that far.

Hello Dibs on Rob Eddie 88, you will know where Bella went with this chapter.

Hello unique0987654321, I guess you will find out why Rose was mean latter, but it's the same reason as in the book.

Edward's Point of view:

The rain poured down on my back without mercy. It was dark now, and I could barley sense Bella's smell. It seemed that the hard down pour of rain had washed it away.

My heart ached for her to be safe in my arms again. I felt an uncontrollable fear rising inside every moment she was not with me. She could be anywhere. She could be scared, hungry, or worse, hurt.

I dashed through the forest, the trees skimming the tips of my jacket. I searched high and low, but still no Bella. I threw myself into the mud searching for any scent of hers. My hands clawed in the mushy wet mud, picking up clumps of sludge to smell them. I had no luck.

I slowed my pace to scrutinize the ground for any light footprints, or broken branches she might have left. My eyes landed on a small item of pink Chap Stick. I jumped upon it picking it up with care. At least I was on the right track to her; she must have past this way. I rubbed the small pink item between my fingers, and then placed it in my pocket for safekeeping.

I followed her direction slowly until I caught her scent in the trees again. Her scent got stronger and stronger until I was running along with her scent. Now dashing through the forest again with her scent so strong, I thought any moment I would see her small form somewhere huddled against a tree.

I could see the approaching end of the forest as I followed her scent. I quickened my pace and split straight out of the forest where a small house stood in front of me. I slid to a stop in the mud and looked the small house over. Her scent was the strongest here. Charlie's house? Outside the house was parked a police car. I recalled Bella being the only child of the town's sheriff but whenever I asked her about Charlie she always started crying. This was in fact the last place I would have looked for her. Why would she stay with someone she hated so much or perhaps was terrified of?

Bella never told me why she didn't prefer to talk about Charlie, but there were hints to figure out why, as Alice had suggested them to me. But then why would she ever put herself in that position?

I went closer to the home and looked inside where a small light was on in what looked like the living room. The TV was on but there was no one in the room. There was however a plethora of empty beer bottles sprawled over the floor and side tables.

The scene before suggested that there was someone still awake and who ever it was had drank themselves into a drunk. No doubt it was a man; I could see a pair of jeans and T- shirt lying on the floor. I felt a twinge of fear inside me as I thought of Bella and her safety.

I looked up at the top window that was opened an inch. I quickly jumped upon the tree that was rooted next to the slightly open window and climb up it. I stationed myself on a small branch as I leaned in to look into the dark room.

There she was.

Her head was turned in my direction as her eyes were closed in a deep sleep. Her hands clenched into tight fists around her heavy quilt. I sat there for a while just staring at her. The peacefulness of her features was calming to me. I could hear her light breathing going in and out of her slightly opened mouth.

I inched closer until I could reach the edge of her window. I opened the window, quickly slipping in so as not to let the rain get in or disturb her.

I glided across her carpet floor until I was hovering over her sleeping form. "I found you," I whispered in the darkness. My eyes where glued to her soft and serene face, with a few strands of hair glazed over her lips. They moved every time she inhaled for a breath.

I didn't want to disturb her. I hoped that no harm had come to her in my absence. Perhaps the damage of Charlie had already been done while I was searching for her. I cringed at the thought of what Charlie might have done to her. She was so small and vulnerable. I wanted to protect her form any harm, any pain, any sadness.

My eyes drifted to the door of her room. It was locked. I went to the door and opened it slightly. Across the hallway was Charlie's room; I could see, through his opened door, him stretched out on his bed with no pants on. I looked back at Bella; she didn't look like she had been assaulted. And if for some reason Charlie did assault her, he would not have locked himself out of the room.

I was thankful that tonight was not the night that Bella had been physically abused. I fear my anger would have got the best of me and in the end Charlie would no longer exist. I closed her door back with a tiny click and locked it.

I turned around with relief and froze as I looked straight into the open eyes of Bella.

Bella's Point of view:

I opened my tired eyes. I could feel the cold wind blow against my face from the small opening in the window. It was pouring outside, and the rain crashed again my window, a few drops slipping under the window and colliding with my face.

I felt something like a presence in my room. It didn't feel dangerous; not like the one I had felt before. It was strange, because I knew nothing was in my room; especially not Charlie since I locked my door. He would be too drunk to go looking for the key to my room.

But I still couldn't shake the feeling of someone being in my room. I gripped my quilt closer to me, and slowly turned around with as little movement as possible.

My breath caught in my throat. There was something in my room, standing at the entrance of my door; but it was faced away from me. At first I thought it was Charlie. Perhaps he did go and find the key.

I squinted my eyes. No, that could not be Charlie; he was far too much in shape. I watched as the figure took a step back into my room, closed my door with a soft click and locked it.

The form turned around to me and promptly froze in its tracks as it faced me. I could not see its face, but I could tell it was staring at me. The entire figure appeared to be a dark standing shape and nothing more.

It stood there staring at me as if it were waiting for something. A part of me was scared but the other part for some reason knew that this something was not dangerous and therefore was rather curious. This was in fact one of my worst fears; that someone would be in my room as I slept.

The figure moved ever so lightly across the room, like it thought I didn't see it, or couldn't see it. But I followed it with my eyes as it flashed across the room like a big dark blob.

I turned my head to see where it was going but at my first movement the figure stopped instantly again and froze. Now I was more curious then scared; if the creature wanted to kill me it would have already done so.

The figure began to move again, towards the window. It put its hand on the window sill and looked back in my direction. I thought it was going to leave.

"Wait," I said holding my hand up. It stood there staring at me. "Who are you?" There was silence as it continued to be as still as stone. The rain was crashing against the window and filled the silence with the pitter patter of rain and wind.

I pulled back my covers and crawled on my hands and knees across the bed towards the statue. As I came closer I saw the figure flinch away, like a scared rabbit that was about to dash any moment. I stopped crawling; I didn't want to scare away the being.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know who you are." I heard a soft velvet chuckle come from the figure that sounded oddly familiar.

"Must you be so curious?" My face scrunched into confusion. That voice. It sounded too familiar. Edward? No. It can't be him. He would never show up in my room. How on earth would he get in? I turned to the window. How would he even get to the window, unless he spent the whole night climbing up the tree?

I squinted my eyes again. "Who are you?" My voice was more demanding and firm.

"Don't you already know?" He stepped closer to me stopping at the edge of the bed; catching the moonlight that had come out between the clouds. His skin was so pale and sparkled like shimmering stars. The sliver light bathed his body and glazed over his golden eyes. His beauty astounded me in ways I couldn't explain and I found myself at a loss for words.

After a moment of silence in the rain, I crawled the rest of the way across the bed to him. I wanted to climb into his arms, but my memory came back to me of what he had done to me. My feelings changed instantly.

Edward put one arm around me, but I quickly shoved it away with force. Edward flinched away like I had burned him. I looked into his moonlit honey glazed eyes with anger.

"What are you doing here? How dare you show you face to me?" My voice was cold and unfeeling.

"Bella," Edward whispered, "I came to find you, why did you run away?" His voice was so calm and full of emotion; it made it hard for me to yell at him.

"You of all people should know the answer to that!" Edward looked in thought.

"Was it something I said?"

"What you said and what you did! I should have known that you would never change!" My voice caught in my throat as my emotion of hurt came through my voice. I quickly swallowed it down; I refused to cry in front of him.

Edward's hand found its way to my cheek as he slowly wiped a stray tear away rubbing it between his fingers.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I snapped back. "For pretending to be my friend and giving me everything I ever wanted and then taking it away from me? Is that it?"

He stared at me; emotion filling his face. He seemed to be truly hurt but I couldn't shake the face that it might still be just another act. Before I could react to his movement he quickly enclosed me his arms; his lips close to my ear. He held me for a moment before speaking.

"I'm sorry you are hurt Bella." His breath tickled my ear as he held me close to him. His body was so cold and firm; I felt like I was being crushed against a large block of ice. The wind that slipped beneath the open window didn't help either. I felt myself beginning to shiver against his cold body. I felt no warmth; no heart beat.

Edward seemed to sense my coldness and pulled me away from himself. He smiled, which sent shivers down my spin and released butterflies within my stomach.

"You're so cold," I whispered as he held me at a distance. Edward nodded, smiling.

"Won't you keep me warm?" I blushed a little. As much as I didn't want to let him in, I couldn't help the fact that he was slowly defeating my barriers. Edward laughed as he reached up and ran his fingers though my hair curling the ends around his index finger.

My smile died down as I thought back to what Rosalie had said. "Do you really think that about me?" Edward's face turned to confusion.

"Think what about you?"

"Those things. Rose said that you-"

"You talked to Rose?" I nodded.

"She said that you were only pretending to like me and be my friends. But in reality you just felt sorry for me." Edward's expression turned from understanding to rage. But his voice seemed controlled when he spoke.

"She said that to you?" His voice seemed pained as he scrunched his face in disgust.

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I would never imagine saying anything of the sort to you. Nor being in an agreement with anyone who would say such things about you."

"I don't believe you." I glared at him turning my head away from him and looking out the rainy window. He put his hand to my cheek and following the outline of my chin down past my neck; but he quickly stopped when he approached my upper chest.

I head threatened to turn around and face him again, but I stubbornly refused. From the corner of my eye I saw Edward smile. From the corner of my eye I watched him as he slowly leaned forward and brushed his cold lips across my cheek.

My eyes widened at the thought of Edward Cullen kissing me. It made me blush; more than I wanted to. I bit my lip in delight; a sudden excitement taking over me. Edward leaned his head on mine smirking, "Thank you and forgive me."

I didn't look at him, but I was confused of why he would thank and apologize to me when I hadn't done anything. "For what?"

Edward chuckled in my ear, "for the kiss. I know I didn't ask permission, but I couldn't help the sudden sensation." I could feel the deep hot blush getting worse. But alas I couldn't help the smile that overcame me.

"Your right. You didn't have permission to do so."

"I'm sorry," he whispered with a smile still on his lips. I turned to him trying not to smile too much, even though I was beyond excitement.

"You know, you can't always apologize and expect to be forgiven. Sometimes you have to suffer the consequences that come along with your actions." Edward's smile widened, until it touched the tip of his golden eyes.

"What is my punishment?"

"I'll have to think about it. But in any case, you better make it up to me."

"I'll do my best to do so."

"And don't think that I'll forget."

"Oh, of course not." I smiled again.

"How did you get in my room?" He gave me a mischievous grin.

"The window." I turned to the window and furrowed my eyebrows in mystification.

"How-" I was at a lost for words. I didn't even know how to phrase the question, but Edward quickly filled in.

"How did I get in through your window?" He cocked his head to the side and smiled. "Well that part was easy. Finding you was the difficult part."

"Finding me?"

"Yes. I have been searching for you since you left."

"Why? I mean, you could've just waited for me to come to school the next day if you wanted to talk to me. You didn't have to search me out and come crashing through my window in the middle of the night, in the rain."

Edward looked as if he was staring at something far off in the distance, a glazed look in his eyes. I was about to ask if he heard me when he suddenly replied.

"Isn't that what you do when you've lost something you love? You search for it?"

My breath caught in my throat and my eyes met with his. "I thought you wouldn't care."

"I am sorry for the pain I have caused you and whatever statements you were led to believe about me. If with any luck, I hope we can pretend this never happened. Or perhaps there is something I can do to make it up to you."

"You know, you've got a pretty long list of things you have to make up to me." He smiled. I put my arms around his neck and quickly jerked them back in surprise. He clothes were wet. "Oh! You're really wet." Edward smiled a little.

"I wasn't hoping to stay as long as I already have." I jumped out of bed and ran to my bathroom quickly grabbing the first towel I saw. I sprinted back to Edward handing him the towel. He took it slowly, like he wasn't sure if he should take the towel or not. "Thank you."

"You weren't hoping to stay?"

"No. I should be on my way." he said rubbing the towel through his faultless hair. I felt a small twitch of panic go through my body.

"Well you might as well stay. I mean you're already here. And you said you were searching for me." I half smiled a little, inching a little closer to him. "Well, you found me. No sense in letting all that hard word to waste." Edward smiled a little but didn't look like he changed his mind about leaving. "Plus, it's dark. I mean you could get lost or fall trying to climb down that tree."

Edward laughed a little, "if that happened Bella, it would surly be a humiliating embarrassment to me."

"I don't understand what you mean by that."

"I know, that's always been a good thing for me." I put my head down, and stared down at my hands as I ruffled the top of my quilt trying to think of something that might make him stay a little longer. But nothing came to me.

"What are you?" This question seemed to catch Edward off guard as his eyes wondered around the room as if the answer could be found in thin air.

After a moment he replied, "Does it really matter?"

"I would never tell anyone. I, I just need to know."

He nodded his head in thought, "Well, perhaps in good time you'll figure it out on your own. But I wish you wouldn't try so hard Bella." I looked out the window again, closing my eyes for a moment listening to the serene sound of the rain; I reopened them again.

Edward had a soft smile waiting for me when my eyes reopened to meet his. "You can't tell me? Is that what it is?" Edward ran his fingers through my hair curling the ends of it around his index finger.

"In good time Bella, I promise, you will know exactly what I am. But I can't guarantee that you will want to know. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not the character you believe I am."

"You say that as if you're a bad person or something."

Edward spit out a mocking laugh, "well I'm not what you would call the good type. I have my regrets in life."

I leaned forward to touch his hand that had sat limp by his side, but he quickly moved it back. I turned my head up to his, "you're not bad." I stared into his honey glazed eyes searching for the answer. "You're something else. You're not like the rest."

"Well your right in that aspect." Edward smiled at me, but it was a wicked smile; one I had never seen before. I felt a small twinge of fear as he looked at me with his intense eyes. Edward seemed to sense my discomfort and quickly changed his demeanor. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to scare you."

I shook my head quickly in defiance, "I wasn't scared." Edward smiled at my stubbornness to cover up my fear.

"And, I'm sorry that you are a horrible actress and liar." I smiled a little, as Edward put the towel that he had been using on the edge of my bed. "I should go."

"But you just got here."

"I've been here for a while Bella. I will be back first thing in the morning for you."

"You don't have to leave."

"It's not safe for me to stay with here with you Bella."

"Yes it is. You can stay, I want you stay." Edward leaned forward into my face, with a forceful gaze that silenced me.

"Bella, you don't even know what I'm capable of. You don't know what you're asking for. In fact you don't even know what I am."

"I know that you would never hurt me. Please, just please stay."

"Bella, please, you can not know what you are asking for."

"I'm asking you to stay. You owe me a favor." Edward shook his head in irritation.

"Not this. I will not do this. There are so many things that could happen."

"Yes, but only if you let them."

"Do not give me so much credit for being in control of my actions Bella. I am not as strong and controlled as you think I am."

"I trust you."


"You owe me."

"Not this."

"Oh, so first you hurt my feelings now you get to choose the favor?" I could tell I struck a cord of emotion with my words. I also knew that he wasn't the one to blame for my feelings getting hurt; Rosalie was. But I could still play the card to get him to stay. Edward lowered his head a little.

"Don't do this."

"Just tonight. You don't have to be next to me, but just be with me."

"If I do this, my debt is clear."

"For which one? This kiss or my feelings?" Edward clenched his hands a little.

"Both." I didn't want to push him any further. I was afraid that if I argued anymore then he would throw the whole deal out the window.

"Fine." Edward sighed in irritation as he turned away from me to sit down on desk chair. I watched him as he walked across the room, and then sat down. He didn't seem to move an inch after that. He just sat there. Minutes went by, until at least twenty minutes had passed, and still no sign of movement.

Then he spoke, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"If I do, what guarantee do I have that you won't leave?"

Edward stood up and made his way over to me. My head followed him as he stood right in front of me. "I'll make you deal." My eye brows lifted in an inquiring way. "I promise not to leave this room, if you please go to sleep." I eyed him for a moment before agreeing to him plea.

I flipped myself back onto my bed; Edward pulled to covers up around me tucking me in until I was snug warm under the covers. He leaned down, hovering over top of my head and placed a small kiss on my forehead. "Good night Bella, sleep well."

I didn't bother asking him if he would want somewhere to sleep. I had figured that much out about him. I knew he didn't sleep. Which any normal girl would be terrified of, but I only felt more attachment to him. I guess that made me weird.

Edward climbed in on the other side of bed leaning his back against the bed frame as he sat propped up; his body perfectly straight. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, as if he could sleep sitting up.

I on the other hand, couldn't take my eyes off him. I was still amazed that I even convinced him to stay.

"Close your eyes Bella." Edward said, his eyes still closed and his body looking relaxed in its perfect posture. "I'll be here when you wake."

"You better be." Edward smiled, tightening his lips so as not to laugh.

"Is that a threat?"


Edward snickered and replied in his sarcastic tone, "Well, now that I am terrified of what you might do to me if I should leave, I will make sure to stay. I must say Bella; you have a way of instilling fear in people."

"I will teach you a lesson in fear and pain if you break your promise!" Edward laughed even harder.

"Bella, don't tempt me to break my promise. I must say that you are making it awfully temping for me. I almost want to leave for the sake of your threat. It would be something I would truly love to see you accomplish."

"Fine, leave and you will never be able to kiss me again." Edward stopped laughing but he kept his smile.

"Umm, that does present a problem. I have decided stay, now go to sleep Bella." I closed my eyes awaiting for morning.