Ok... this is my first story ever and I have no idea how this is going to go. 0.o Wish me luck!

P.S. I don't own yu yu.



Lightning struck as Kurama walked home from his night class, and his thoughts once again revolved around the past. It had been three years since the gang was last together. Even though he hadn't seen them in a while, he still enjoyed thinking about them. After all, they were his closest friends, and probably the only ones that would ever truly understand him. They accepted him for who he really was, Yoko Kurama, the legendary thief, and a demon. In truth, he missed their presence, but there was no need for the group to get together again now that the demon world was under the control of, strangely enough,a kind demon. 'That man won by luck. However, after so many years without interference in this world I'm beginning to think we were the lucky ones. It's nice not having to fight to save all humanity everyday. But still, I do grow bored now and then.' He continued his trip home.

Everyone seemed to have moved on; they were settling into a normal human life. It seemed that Shizuru's barking orders all the time had payed off. Kuwabara made it into a great college and was studying to become a veterinarian. 'A few years ago everyone would have laughed at the idea; he didn't exactly have the reputation for being the brightest crayon in the box. I'm quite impressed with what he's done with himself.' He was now completely lost in thought. 'But of course, Kuwabara wouldn't be Kuwabara if he wasn't still chasing after Yukina.' Which meant that Hiei would pop in now and then to make sure things were okay. However, his presence always managed to go unnoticed by the two. 'He's just not a people person.' Kurama laughed to himself at the thought of Hiei being social and friendly. 'I wonder how he'd react to them getting married. What if they had kids?' His laugh began to grow, 'Now there is a thought—Uncle Hiei.'

Yusuke, on the other hand, stayed in his line of work—muscle. He made a great police officer; some how while he was on patrol the bad guys never got away. 'Huh, imagine that.' He was also engaged to Keiko now. She was in the process of becoming a lawyer. Yusuke talked her into that seeing as she was so good at arguing... she always won. He gave a small chuckle. 'Their lives seem to be working out perfectly.'

As for himself, Kurama was now 21 and halfway through college. He was in the process of becoming a botanist. Working with plants was one of his stronger skills. It helped that he didn't mind it either. 'It can be so relaxing at times; the plants never talked back. I can always count on them when I need some time to myself.' Since school started, he had moved out and gotten his own place; that was something new. He was renting a small apartment close to home. After all, he didn't want to upset his mother to much. 'She was emotional enough when I first brought up the topic of leaving home that night at dinner.' She had begun crying a river and almost broke his heart in two. He hated seeing her like that.


Another bolt bought him back from his day dreaming as rain started to fall from the sky.

"Great, it couldn't wait just a few more minutes? I'm almost..." He stopped walking. Someone was following him. "Who are you? Show yourself!"

"It's about time you caught on to me. I've been following you all day, Kurama." The voice was familiar and mocking.

'He's to the left. Up there, in the trees.' He whirled around to face his opponent.

"Are you really that rusty, Kurama?" A boy jumped out from behind him.

His judgment had been wrong; he was originally to the right. 'How? It hasn't been that long since my last battle, has it?' He took a good look at his follower. "You! You're Yomi's son. Shura." He kept a close watch on the boy. 'What's he doing here? It's against demon law for him to interfere in this world. And how did he sneak up on me like that? Obviously he's become quite the fighter these past few years.'

"Come now, aren't you the least bit glad to see me?" Shura's voice was becoming more sarcastic.

"I'm not sure yet. What do you want?"

"Well, you see, I'm here on business."

There was a slight pause before Kurama decided to answer. "How so?"

"Oh, you're going to love this." Shura's face began to hold an evil smile. A long time ago, you took something from my father—his light. It was very important to him. He went through quite the ordeal to learn to cope with it. Do you realize how many lectures I had to listen to about what it's like to depend on something and then have it taken away? Ugh, those stories made me sick; they're so boring. Anyway, in the end, he learned to deal with it; it even made him a stronger ruler. Yet, after all you put him through, he manages to forgive you. Now, I'm afraid that because of those god awful stories, I can't let you squeak by. I won't! It just doesn't seem right that he just lets you off the hook so easily. If I were to mess up just once it would mean endless hours of torturous training. That's why I'm here; to even things up a bit. To take your happiness away from you." Shura's grin became a scowl. His eyes had a longing for death in them.

Still unsure about what to do, Kurama decided not to move. His emotion, as usual, was completely absent. 'At least that part of me isn't rusty. But what now? What is he talking about? My happiness?'

"Well then, no more talking. Let's get this over with, shall we? After all, we both have lives to get back to. Oops, I forgot, you won't. At least, not one that will welcome you as kindly with open arms as it does now." With that, Shura lunged forward and landed a punch smack in the center of Kurama's stomach. He had no time to react; he didn't even see a blur Shura was so fast. His body went flying through the air 20 some feet and slammed into a tree.

A few minutes passed before he could recover. "You've gotten a lot better since we last met." Kurama just barley found it in him to stand up. 'I'm definitely going to have some bruises tomorrow,' he thought as his body ached in response to all his commands.

"Yes, I was training, unlike some people apparently." Shura was annoyed. Shifting his body slightly, he began to summon a massive amount of energy in both hands.

'This doesn't look good. How can I fight this off?' Kurama, though it rarely happened, didn't know what to do.

Shura let go of the energy and sent small discs toward Kurama one after another. He ended up unable to doge one of them due to the previous blow to the abdomen and received a giant gash on his right leg. Blood began to drip down and stain his clothes. He tried taking a step forward but the sharp pain began screaming at him from the pressure of his weight prevented him from doing so. 'Come on... look for an opening. Any opening.'

"Don't worry, as much as I want to kill you I won't. It's like I said before, I want you to suffer. To learn the lesson my father has been bitching about my whole life. I'm going to take something equally valuable away from you." Shura reached into his pockets and pulled out what looked like a small sphere with one hand and a piece of fruit with the other. "The gas in this container is something rare. Kind of like the gas that first let you revert back to Yoko, only, this toxin does the exact opposite. Instead of releasing your powers, it stores them deep inside, binding them so they cannot be accessed. You will become the weakest your body has ever known. Quite interesting, isn't it? However, there is a cure. This fruit, the hyoi pear, seems to work as an antigen to these fumes if eaten within a certain amount of days. I've never experimented with it so I'm not sure how long you can go without it. Anyway, there were only two hyoi pear trees that ever existed in all of Makai. One was said to be in the deadly heat of Makai's greatest deserts; I destroyed it after taking this delicious sample. I'm sorry to say the other's location was lost. Not even I could find it. In fact, I don't believe it's alive any longer. They thrive in such harsh climates, extreme hots and colds. I guess there is a chance that it's still out there, whereabouts unknown to us, but that is very unlikely." Shura tossed the sphere and it shattered. Kurama's only choice was to hold his breath; the gas was spreading too quickly for him to get away in his condition.

'I can't hold my breath forever. This is not good.' As his lungs gave in and he inhaled the poison his body instantly began to change. He could feel his stomach crawling up his throat. 'I think I'm going to be sick.' The ground began to spin underneath him; his vision was leaving him. The last thing he saw was Shura ingesting the pear until nothing was left. He was out cold.


End of chapter one. Any good? Please review!