Staggering News


"Bella? It's okay, they're all gone now. Bella it's me, Edward. Do you remember me, Bella?" He asked me. I distantly remember falling as I replied,

"Of course I remember you. I love you…" Then everything was black. I woke up and was briefly blinded by a bright light. My eyes quickly adjusted and I saw that Carlisle was shining a light in my eyes. We were in a hotel room. I sat up and looked around, taking in my surroundings. Edward, Brie, Jasper, Alice, and Emmett were all looking at me with concerned eyes. I assumed Jace and Rosalie were at home to console Esme and help with the kids.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well Bella, you just took out half of the Volturi guard." Replied Carlisle.

"Half?" I screeched. "I mean, I knew that I out a dent in their numbers but… half? Are you sure?"

"Bella, what you did… I've never seen power like that. What you did is unparalleled by anyone or thing." Edward told me. I looked over at Jasper to see what he thought about all of this. He was glaring at the floor. Alice had concern written all over her face as she glanced between him and me. I got up from the bed that I was lying in and made my way over to him.

"Jazz?" I said hesitantly. He looked up at me with an expression that could break hearts. I guess it didn't matter if a heart was dead or alive because I felt mine crumble.

"Bella what do you remember about last night?" He asked urgently. I thought back to what happened.

"I remember being ambushed by Felix and then running back to help you guys. I hurt Jane, tortured her even. And then… nothing." I said frowning and looking away. Liar! And you know it! A voice inside my head told me. I did remember telling Edward that I loved him but what I didn't remember was why I had told him that.

"Well since you don't remember then I remind you: you told Edward that you loved him. He asked you if you remembered him and you told him yes and that you love him." Jasper told me bitterly. He stood up and gripped my shoulder, forcing me too look at him by grabbing my chin with his free hand.

"What about me, Bella, do you still love me? Do you still love Rhain and Colin and Luke? Do still love your family?" He whispered bitterly. I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion, hurt even. Of course I loved them.

"Why are you so angry with me? Of course I still love all of you. I wouldn't have risked my life to save all of you if I didn't care." I told him.

"Then why? Why did you tell Edward that you love him? If you truly love me then you'll tell me why." He said in the angry, demanding voice that was starting to hate. I yanked my face from his gripping fingers. Now I was starting to get angry.

"Stop it! Stop accusing me of everything that might be wrong! Stop telling me I don't love you! Stop telling me I don't love my own family! And stop telling me I can't love more than one person." I whisper the last part as fiercely as I could. I felt my anger blazing. I felt my breath quicken as I got angrier. I balled my hands into fists. I stared into Jasper's black eyes and I got angrier when I saw the accusation in them. I looked as deeply into them as I could and I couldn't find one little bit of trust.

"Just go away Jasper. If you're so insecure that you feel like you have to blame me for your issues then maybe this was a mistake. Maybe I should have forgiven Edward and stayed with him. At least he's selfless enough to not crush me. I don't care what you do anymore. Just go and leave me alone." I watched Jazz's face as he took in what I said. The accusation in his eyes turned into pure misery and depression.

"If that's what you want." He said. Then he left. I looked into Edward's wide eyes and smiled sadly.

"I'm so sorry. I really have missed you. I'm sorry for dragging you into this it's just-" His lips crushing onto mine cut me off. At first I didn't react but then I started kissing back. He pulled back and stared deeply into my eyes.

"I missed you too. This was all my fault. We could be happily married right now if I hadn't been so stupid! I still don't understand what had come over me." He sighed and looked at me with regret written in his features. "Do you forgive me?" He asked me sincerely.

"Yeah, I got over what happened a while ago." I said smiling.

"Now what were you going to show me?" He said grinning back at me.

"C'mon. I'll show you." I paused thoughtfully for a moment. "And this time no interruptions." Everyone laughed and we all raced off home.