
Ino impatiently tapped her fingers on the counter. For the last fifteen minutes, Hinata had been walking around the Yamanaka Flower Shop trying to find the perfect flower for her sensei, Kurenai-sensei. Her sensei had just returned from her mission but was still in the hospital for a week.

The door opened and the bell rang. "Oui, Hinata-chan, Ino-chan!"Hinata turned around to see the blond loudmouth ninja, Naruto Uzamaki. Hinata blushed.

"Ohioyo goziamas, Naruto-kun."Ino cocked a brow. This was getting interesting.

"What are you doing here, Hinata?"She poked her fingers together.

"Um…….Kurenai-sensei's in the hospital and I thought bringing some flowers would be nice."Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Well, did you find the flower you're going to give her?"Hinata shook her head.

Naruto came close to her, almost an inch from her nose."Need me to help you?"

Hinata nodded and they started to look for the right flower. A few minutes later, Naruto popped out of nowhere next to Hinata.

"How about red roses?"Naruto shouted . Ino shook her head. This guy had no common sense.

"BAKA!! You only give red roses to a person when you are in love with that person."

But Hinata had a different thought. Naruto-kun is holding red roses in front of my face. Is he going to give them to me?

Naruto put the flowers back. Hinata still had her daydreaming face on.

"HINATA-CHAN!!HINATA-CHAN!?"She snapped back to reality.

"Gomenasai, Naruto-kun."He put his hands half-way up.

"No, no, you don't have to say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong."Then he tugged her sleeve.

"Let's continue, kay?"They searched and searched. Ino realized something about Hinata. Once in a while, she would give glances to Naruto and blush.

Naruto spotted something pale purple. Quickly, He took them out."Hinata!Hinata!I think I found it!"He walked to Hinata and showed her the flowers.

"Lavenders…,"whispered Hinata.

"I think these are perfect!They look exactly like your beautiful eyes.I think if Kurenai-sensei sees them, she'll think of you!"Hinata's face turned bright red.Did he just call my eyes beautiful?

"AHHHHHH!! I'm late! Gomenasai, but I have to go. Ja ne!"With those words he ran out of the shop.She sighed. Then she felt a hand grasp her shoulder.Next to her stood Ino.

Ino shook her head."Hinata, that kid's got one a bad brain, I wonder how dumb can he get? But don't worry one day he's going to see you as the best girl in the world.So don't give up and fight for your man!"Hinata smiled.Yeah I'm going to fight for Naruto!

"Thanks, Ino,"she said and left the flower shop.


I don't own Naruto. Anyway did you like the story?Please review.It's my first NaruHina fanfic.