Hi everyone! Not totally sure how this one turned out…hope you like it. Please be kind, this was written in the middle of the night (inspiration always likes to wake me up….) Anyway, I would like to dedicate this to all my wonderfully supportive and generally great friends, I love you all! :-)

Beautifully Broken

Day after day I watch you, observing every feature, every quirk. How your deep black hair softly falls over your face, like a cloud obscuring the moon. And how the corners of your mouth pull upwards in an almost imperceptible grin when you discover a new lead. To everyone else you maintain a mask of ambivalence, but I have studied you. I know the slightest changes in your voice, the glints in your eyes; those endless hypnotic eyes that betray all your emotions.

All these pieces make up you, a perfect entity. And I love you for it. Your odd way of sitting, your obsession with sweets, your insomniac nature; these things only make me love you more.

It hurts so badly to know you will never feel the same. Every time I catch your gaze I see you; calculating, evaluating. Percentages and theories run at lightning speed through your mind, there is no doubt that you are brilliant. Yet, you are incapable of loving someone.

I don't know the story of your past, but the scars are still there. On the rare occasions that you sleep, I lie awake and watch you in your peaceful slumber. I imagine you, lying in my arms, telling me that you love me and will never leave. Then the illusion shatters like glass as you cry out, a wail filled with so much pain that my heart breaks. At that moment, I would do anything to be able to cradle you in my arms and hold you close; stroke your raven hair and tell you that everything will be alright. I would kiss your beautiful lips and whisper my love for you. I would keep you safe.

But I know that that will never happen. My soul withers when you look into my eyes and see nothing but a suspect, yet it is you I feel sorry for. You will never experience the rush of joy I feel when you smile at me or the surge of electricity when our hands brush, because you, L, the world's greatest detective, are scared. Scared of rejection, scared of hurt, scared of that searing pain that splits your heart in two. So you run. Run from love and your chance to be healed.

I know that my feelings are unrequited, but please, never doubt that I love you, and always will, my beautifully broken angel.

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