So by popular demand, the sequel is coming first. If you didn't read the Author's Note on ATCR, I'm going to do Caitlyn's POV after, since not as many people wanted it, and it will be easier to write, so if I end up not finishing it before leaving for college, I can get it done.

Okay, so we are jumping to October for when the last one ended. No one get too excited about the break up, please. I promise it will all work out in the end. I have plans, I tell you, plans! Jason is a lot more serious in this one, almost jaded now. And I needed at least one realistic romance. :)

Oh, and could you guys suggest names for future characters. I have a lot of guy names I like, but not too many girls. Hence, how we ended up with Nicky & Nicole. We almost had two Rileys but I caught that one. Lol. Bree is silly, remember? And yes, people do call me Breezy, just not that often.

Disclaimer: Bree does not own Camp Rock. BUT she does own Anastasia/Stas, Jacob, Nicky, Kevin, Riley, other characters mentioned in ATCR, impending bimbos that will enter, and any other characters that enter.

Warning: This is a sequel to After The Credits Roll. You may be lost if you don't read that one first.

After the credits roll…

Life Keeps Going

Chapter 1:

So while I would love to tell you Shane and I had lived happily ever after our first year together, I can't. We were normal, despite our freakish ability to harmonize together when singing, our inability to stay mad at each other for long, and Shane being one of the sweetest guys on the planet. We had our problems. He was still a famous pop star and I was still in high school.

The press had a field day with Nicole's outburst way back when. Okay, so to you it was only two months ago. However, once I started losing my good girl image, they thought it was okay to really dig deep and get the 'dirt' on us. People started questioning our age difference, whether or relationship was 'legal', etc.

By early October, life had already fast forwarded about 9 or 10 weeks since Camp Rock. School had started and life was getting stressful. Senior year was not as easy as I would have liked and was everything I had anticipated and more.

"I think I'm going to die." Caitlyn complained dropping her head on to the table in the cafeteria.

"I agree. But stop being so melodramatic." I said as I went back to trying to fill out my college application. "What qualifies me to be considered for their music program?" I asked Caitlyn, in all seriousness.

"Okay, why are you stressing so much? Cause that was a really stupid question. I'm trying to get through this year, and you're worrying about things that aren't due for like 2 months." Caitlyn complained. "And I don't know, maybe the fact that you sang as a lead voice on a professionally recorded album by a professional record label that was a hit nation-wide?" She asked sarcastically. "Mitchie, why are you worrying? Bradley and Milo said they'd write us letters of recommendation, and they are like as good as we could get."

"I know that, Cait." I sighed, dropping my pen and giving up on the essay for the moment. "I just… I really want to get into this school."

She smiled. "Would the fact that Shane and Nate expressed an interest in this school have anything to do with that?"

"Or the fact that it's not far from Shane's family, so I'd be by people I know at one of the best music schools there are." I replied.

"Still comes down to Shane." She laughed. "How are you guys doing anyway? With the whole not seeing each other every day thing?"

I shrugged. "As good as you are, I guess."

"That good, huh?" She asked sarcastically. "I almost wish they'd go on tour again. We saw them more." She laughed.

"Nope. Shane promised me no tour this school year. Senior year is going to be hard enough without them being gone, Cait."

"Don't remind me." She groaned, "Seriously. Do I need history to make music?" She whined.

"Yes. And you were the one who took AP American History, I told you not to." I laughed at her.

"Ugh. Subject change." She demanded.

I searched for a subject. "Um, our appointments… are today?" I suggested.

She groaned again. "I don't want to go." I laughed.

"Why? Are you afraid on the gynecologist?" I teased.

She glared at me. "They look at your… and… how are you not… freaked?"

I shrugged. "I'm sure once we're in there, I'll be the one freaking and you'll be going 'Oh, it's fine. Stop freaking'."

"Like normal?" She asked laughing.

I nodded. "Yup, like normal." I smiled.

Okay, so it wasn't exactly normal. By the time we got to the waiting room, I was freaking out, and so was Caitlyn. Mom was laughing at us and telling us to relax.

"This is your fault." Caitlyn glared at me.

"Well, we should have brought you back in January." Mom replied. "I wish you would have told me, Caitlyn."

"It was a mistake at the time, and I didn't want to own up to it." Caitlyn admitted.

"I understand that. But it's a good thing Mitchie told me. There could be something wrong." Caitlyn paled, but Mom didn't seem overly phased. "I don't mean to scare you, but it's the truth. Having sex increases your risk of certain things, sweetie."

Thankfully, the nurse called Caitlyn and me in be for she got more freaked out. The doctor suggested meeting Caitlyn and I together might ease our fears a bit. Our examinations would be separate, but our introduction/question session… thing… would be together.

"Hello girls. I'm Dr. Ignativa. But please call me Mary." She smiled sitting at her desk in front of us. She held out her hand to each of us and we introduced ourselves. "Mitchie are you married?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's a promise ring." I answered. "My boyfriend wears a purity ring, so this was his way of telling me he wants to wait for me."

She nodded. "Well, I guess I'll start with the easy questions. Are you virgins?"

Caitlyn blushed a bit, "I'm not. She is." The doctor nodded and wrote something in each of the folders in front of us.

"Caitlyn when was your first period?" She asked.

"Um, when I was… 11?" She said trying to remember.

It seemed as if the doctor was going to write down everything we said. "And when did you have sex for the first time?"

"December 25." She said.

I gasped. "You didn't tell me it was on Christmas. You said while you were there for Christmas!" I laughed at her.

Mary smiled. "Have you had sex since then?" Caitlyn shook her head no. "Okay, Mitchie. First period?"

"13." I replied.

"You were later then most." She commented scribbling more than just the number.

"Is that bad?" I asked nervously.

"Not necessarily. There are some girls who don't start until they're 16 or 17. It's just how your body works." She replied with a smile. "And you haven't had sex, correct?"


She continued to ask us questions, and Caitlyn and I came to the realization that we don't share everything with the other. However, now we had. Caitlyn went in first and came out looking a little freaked out. When I went in, my eyes widened a bit. When it was over, I was also a little freaked out, but not too much.

We went back into her office with Mom this time. "Both girls seem to be just fine. But, of course, we're going to run the tests. Now you mentioned birth control for the two of them?" The doctor addressed Mom.

"Yes." Mom said.

"I'm curious. Is this your decision or theirs?" She asked as she began filling out the prescriptions.

"Mitchie came to me about it. But, I'd like Caitlyn to go on it as well." Mom answered.

She nodded, but asked in an odd tone. "Mitchie, can I ask why?"

"Um, my boyfriend has an amazing career ahead of him, and I have a future, too. And well, a purity ring isn't a fail safe. Sometimes things get out of hand." I felt like I was being interrogated a bit.

"Well, if you do have sex any time between now and our next visit, be sure to make an appointment immediately." She said handing over the prescriptions.

We left and Mom could tell I was mad. "What's wrong?"

"She asked me about my ring earlier… and then didn't seem to believe I was a virgin, and then she was curious as to why I wanted to go on the pill… like it's any of her business. I'm not going to cheat on Shane if that's what she was thinking." I vented. Mom just laughed at me.

"Why Don't you call the boys over for dinner?" Mom said as she pulled out of her parking spot. Caitlyn and I immediately pulled out our phones.

By the time we got home, the guys were in the living room watching a soccer game with Dad. Anastasia was currently away at college in Massachusetts. The distance was a bit straining on Jason, who seemed to have lost some of his hyper-ness with her gone and busy at college.

"Hey!" Shane put Jacob on the floor and stood to greet me. Nate followed suite. "I've missed you." Shane said holding me longer than necessary, but not unwanted.

"I'm missed you, too." I replied. We hadn't seen much of each other since school started. I was really busy with school work and applications. I was glad I had quit Barney's before leaving for Camp Rock last year. I don't think I could have survived working, too.

"How'd your appointment go?" I shuddered in his arms. "That good, huh?" I glared at him while he laughed.

"Where's Jason?" I asked, realizing the other member of Connect 3 wasn't there.

"He's, uh, kind of locked himself in his room this past week." Shane said softly. "We told him to come, that he needed to get out, but he insisted we come without him. He didn't want to ruin the mood."

I felt my eyes soften with sadness. Jason really missed Anastasia. I could only imagine how hard it was for him when Caitlyn and I were still near and not quite as busy as college student. "Poor Jase. I'm going to hang out with him all day tomorrow. So, give me a ride and then leave your apartment." I instructed him. "He's probably missing Stas a lot, huh?"

"At this point I'm kinda wishing she never came in the picture." Shane said a bit heatedly. I pulled away from him, looking confused. "Let me guess, you can agree with her?" He asked frustrated.

"Shane, she's busy. It happens. Jason's not going through anything Caitlyn nor I went through while you were on tour. There's only so much that occupies your mind while your boyfriend, or girlfriend, is off doing their own thing and having little to no time for you."

"She didn't tell you." He realized. "Neither of them told you. Does Caitlyn know?" He wondered aloud.

"Know what?" I asked confused.

"Mitch, Stas broke up with Jason last week." I just stared at him for a good minute.

"What?!" I practically screeched. "Shane, that's not funny. Don't kid like that." By now, everyone had come in the living room to see why I screamed.

"I'm not. Nate," Shane turned to Nate who looked less than thrilled to be in the middle of a Shane-Mitchie argument. Despite our argument, I had to smile as Nate's arm held Caitlyn close to him. They'd been really inseparable since they made up 3 months ago. I didn't want to think that another one of my friends was hurting like they had not too long ago. "Did Stas break up with Jason?"

"What?!" Caitlyn cried. "That's not funny, Shane."

"I'm not lying!" He said frustrated. "Nate."

Nate sighed. "He's not lying. She broke up with him last week. He called her, she was studying. He said something like 'Baby, just take a break and talk to me. I haven't talked to you in like weeks.' She yelled back at him. 'Well, forgive me for missing you.' He said back, she yelled again. He said 'If that's what you really want, then fine.' Then she must've hung up because he sat there looking at the phone for almost an hour."

"Did he say 'Stas broke up with me' or did he say 'I think Stas broke up with me' or did he say 'Stas hung up on me!'?" I asked.

Shane sighed. "He said she said 'Jason, I can't take this okay? I have to study and worry about school I'm sorry. This just isn't working. May be we should take a break or break up or something, I don't know. I just, I need space and time and to be alone.' That sounds like a break up to me."

"Not necessarily. People take breaks all the time. We have, they have." I gestured to Nate and Caitlyn. "They'll get back together." I said confidently. To prove my point, I called Anastasia.

"Hello?" She answered, tired and cranky.

"Hey, Stas-"

"Listen, Mitchie. I can't talk, okay? I'm sorry for hurting Jason, but I just can't handle him and school at the same time, okay? Just leave it alone." She hung up on me.

"Wow." I said looking at the phone. "She hung up on me. I've never known Stas to be like that. She must be pretty stressed." Caitlyn nodded in agreement.

"Well, I guess that settles it. Stas broke up with Jason. Can we eat now?" Nate asked. "And no, I'm not being insensitive, I've just been being sensitive to Jason all week, I can't do it anymore."

I nodded my head sadly and we headed into the dining room. "This is different." Dad commented. "Just my daughters and their boyfriends." He made a face and started eating. Caitlyn and I looked at each other with weird expressions. Did Dad really just call Caitlyn his daughter? I smiled at Caitlyn and she smiled back.

"So what was all the excitement about?" Mom asked looking around the table at us.

"Jason… and Stas broke up." I said.

"Oh poor, Jason. How's he doing? He didn't break up with her, did he? I can't see that happening."

"Honestly, Momma T? Miserable." Nate said. After being like a second mother to the guys and Caitlyn for a year, Nate thought it might be appropriate to give Mom her own unique name. He randomly walked into the kitchen, and said 'Hey, Momma T.' Except for Anastasia, they had all started calling her that. Except for Shane, who would occasionally just call her Mom.

Mom smiled at her nickname, but frowned at the answer. "I'm gonna bake him some cookies later. I'm assuming you guys are going to hang out after dinner?"

"Of course." Shane said smiling brightly. "Haven't seen our girlfriends in like a week."

"So clingy." I rolled my eyes playfully.

Shane leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You know you love it." He replied. I smiled, knowing I did.

After dinner, we helped Mom bake cookies. I couldn't stop thinking about Jason, though. I couldn't believe Anastasia would just break up with him like that. I had the feeling that everything that had fallen into place would quickly begin to fall back out.

Love it? Hate it? don't really care either way?