U is for Used

That was what I was.
I let my guard down for a moment, and because of that, this happened.
I never expected this to happen, never thought that Noah would be able to sneak up on me like that.
But he did, and what he did to me.
I was terrified.
I never knew one could be so scared.
I felt like I was going to choke on my tears and my mouth felt like it was burning.
He used me, just so he could please himself, just to leave me broken.
I hear the door creak, footsteps on the old, dusty woodenfloor.
"Yu?" Your voice, comforting, filled with concern reaces my ears.
Gently, you embrace me as I sit on the cold floor, my own blood staining it and me, making you bloody too.
Your hands, now stained with red, strokes my black hair out of my face and your one green eye looks me over.
Me, a rag, dirtied and bloodied, only in my now torn dress-shirt, the wounds at my upper tighs frightening you, as you realize what has happened.


When I realize what has happened to you I feel fear.
Fear for what you had to go through, and anger towards the one who did this, and anger towards myself, for not being there to protect you.
"Yu." I say as I hug you, seeing tears fall helplessly down your cheeks.
"I'm so sorry." I lift your thin body, making sure not to hurt you more.
'I will never let you get used like that again.'