I know that the Joker doesn't or I think I know that he doesn't have blue eyes, I'm not sure, but either way, since I wrote it already in Chapter 1 that he had dark blue eyes, then I decided to stick with that trait as you already have seen. I've had my ups and down with this story changing many plots and having both positive and negative reviews, but it was all worth it at the end. I have been writing this story since before I saw the movie at the midnight showing, being influenced by the trailers. I have been blessed to have such wonderful reviewers and I care about you all very deeply. This is the last chapter for Love Is a Strange Thing and I hope you guys like it.

Kayla smiled as she changed Iris. She was a real sweetheart that made anyplace she went feel like heaven. Once she was done with Iris, she moved to her son. One month she has waited for him to recover. She stayed hours by his side, praying and hoping for his recovery. As true to the doctor's word, her son little by little was able to recover. She named him Taylor.

Taylor, along with Iris, looked similar, but not identical. They were fraternal twins. Iris had the Joker's eyes while Taylor had hers. Iris looked more like Kayla while Taylor looked like the Joker. They were honestly beautiful creatures, but she had a feeling that Taylor will inherit the Joker's character. He seemed very possessive, troublesome and a bit of a hassle. Iris on the other hand seemed like a caring and a gentler person, more like Kayla.

The only problem she had was the Joker. After she awoke, she started to get a feeling that he seemed distant and colder. Not once had he approached her with a lusty gaze like before. She thought maybe because she had gained weight from the pregnancy, but not even that was too noticeable. Sometimes he goes for day without coming once to the hospital or the house; Kayla honestly thought it was meant for the four of them instead of just three. She didn't know where he was or where he went when he wasn't with the kids or her.

Kayla picked up Taylor and put him in his crib, then doing the same thing to Iris. She had a month to gather the twins' stuff and settled them in that small house. She didn't know how he knew, but Bruce came to her house and gave her the stuff that they had bought. He didn't say or accused her of anything, all he said for her to be happy and that he'll be watching over them. She could also see that he was still feeling the pain for Rachel's loss, but she was sure that another woman will fill that empty whole in his heart.

After the kids fell asleep and walked in the kitchen and sighed. She was sad knowing that the Joker hadn't shown up to see them this week. She sighed thinking back when he'd go to the hospital, saying such sweet things to her, but why the change of heart. She wanted more explanations from him and she was determined to ask him about this situation the next time she sees him.

"Kitty," said someone behind her, making her jump. She turned and saw the Joker standing awfully close to her.

"Jack," she said. "W-Where have you been? I've been waiting… Why are you doing this again?" she said covering her face. She didn't want for him to see her crying.

"I've been busy," he simply said. Kayla looked at him with tears on her face. She walked closer to him and slapped him hard across the face. The Joker felt the sting on his face, but that didn't hurt as much as a special place inside him.

"Why are you doing this, Jack? Y-You have kids now! Think about them o-or is it because you don't love them," she accused.

"Don't say that!" he growled, shaking her shoulders.

"Then you don't care about me, is that it? Are you afraid to love again? D-Don't you see what you're doing to me?!" she cried. "Don't you see that I love you?" she whispered. The Joker looked at her. It hurt him seeing her face red with tears. Kayla breathed a laugh, but couldn't stop from crying. "I-I never really thought that my feelings could get this far. I-I guess stuff like this just happens, strangely enough." Kayla took a deep breath. "I-I know I shouldn't be feeling this after all you have done to me and others, but I can't help it. I feel this need to be attached to you, Jack. I love it when you grab forcefully, pinning me against the wall or the bed and ravish me. No other man could ever do that to me, but you're different.

"I don't care the scars, Jack. I don't care about your dark past. All I care about is you, Jack," she said, touching the side of his face.

The Joker cupped her face ready to kiss her, but something held him back. "We can never be together, Kayla. We're in two worlds apart."

Kayla bit her lip. "Then let's put them together."

The Joker shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you."

"What is it that you're doing now?" she said, placing his hand on top of her heart.

"It'll be better like this, Kayla," he murmured.

Kayla sighed. "I-I… J-Just remember the twins. I decided not to go back to Gotham. I don't have fond memories there."

The Joker nodded. He gently pushed her hair back, caressing her face. He lifted her chin, her lips only a few inches away from his. Kayla fluttered her eyes, feeling so near to him, physically and spiritually. He leaned down, just barely touching them, but he didn't want to attach to this. He knew that once his lips were on hers, the next thing that would happen is him bending her over the table and taking her from behind.

The Joker sighed and stepped back. He gave her one last look and charged out of the door. Kayla closed her eyes, letting her final tears fall. Looking out the door, she saw him marching out of the front yard and out of their lives.

Does anyone want a sequel? Well, if there is going to be a sequel, I need a title to the new story and maybe if you like you can chip in ideas. If you don't want a sequel, it's OK; you can tell me that it should end here, but don't start with the flames again LOL. Please contact me (PM or review) and tell me what you think. Remember that you guys are the reason why I write and without any of my lovely reviewers and the hits, I'd be nothing.