Disclamier- Not mine, but a girl could hope..right?

A/n- ENJOY!!


A new year, new memories, and a new beginning for hope, but only for some. But I am not part of that 'some,' as I will only wallow in my little pit of despair. Edward left while the new school year has just begun; all the Cullen's left, probably never to be seen again.

I knew it was wrong to revolve Edward and his family around my life entirely, because now that they have left, I truly have nothing, no friends and barely any family, but when you are in love like that, nothing seems important anymore, and you are stupid enough to believe it lasts forever.

Silly mistakes, 'never to happen again,' I promised myself. However, how many chances do you get like that though, not many, I guess I was just one of those people to fall into an unpredictable and failed fairy tale.

Vampire and human, never would have made it...right?

I was sitting on my bed, staring at the clock, 7:15 it read, I was glaring at it now; I was hating how time went by so slowly. It was the first day of my senior year, memories that would last forever and this was suppose to be one of the best times of my life, but to me, it was just a waste of time.

I replayed the exact scene of when Edward told me he never loved me, sure it hurt, more then all the pain the world combined, but that didn't mean I could just erase that one moment from my life, no matter how painful it was. I let a few tears fall, and used the back of my hand to wipe the cold sweat away from my forehead, caused by having a nightmare of Edward just a few minutes ago.

I got up and took a semi-relaxing shower, and then I changed into a light blue T-shirt, with dark blue jeans and a white hoodie. Forks was never warm, so why dress like it was?

I took one last look at myself, their were dark purple circles under my eyes, and my skin looked blotchy, and my red puffy eyes weren't attracting anyone, but this is how I always looked, it's something you get used to.

I ran down the stairs, loosing my footing as usual and tumbling downward, I wasn't waiting for those stone cold hands to catch me anymore, but I couldn't help but be hopeful.

I landed on my hands and knees, my hands were bleeding a little though.

"Crap" I muttered under my breath and walked over to my sink to rinse it off, while I grabbed a granola bar and shoved it in my mouth. It was still sticking out of my lips as I went to open my door to my poor-excuse-to-call-a-truck.

The engine roared to life and I pulled out of my driveway just like any other day, but not before noticing the black Mercedes Benz, a light blue corvette and a silver Honda Accord in the driveway across the street. Then I was off to school.

I parked in first empty spot I saw and got out of my truck.

I noticed the Mercedes was in the parking lot, I thought nothing of it, like how I thought of most things, nothing, because it had no meaning to me.

I walked towards my first period class, I let my imaginations and hallucinations roam free during Mr. Barren's lectures on his rules in his class room, and how this whole class room was a family and was suppose to be treated as one, but the truth was I had no family, not anymore, because it left me, in the cold, hard world I found it to be.

By the time it was lunch, I heard the rumors, the new kids. I didn't give it a second thought.

I wasn't exactly friends with anybody specific, but I wasn't stupid, I knew what the news was around the school but it never made an effect on me.

I sat next to Angela Weber, she was the sweetest girl I met, but I was too focused on my relationship with Edward to get to know her at all, but she forgave me.

Then I looked at the table the Cullen's and I used to share, it was now occupied by 2 kids, who I learned their names, Carson and Heidi, Carson had dark brown hair with dirty-blond natural high-lights, defined muscles and very pale skin, Heidi has reddish-brown hair with bangs in the front of her face, defined curves, and also very pale skin. They were both too far away for me to see their eye color. I already had trigonometry with Heidi; she sits on the other side of my room from me and Carson I don't know much about.

I turned away quickly, not wanting them to see me staring.

"Hey Angela, what do you know of the new kids?" I asked. It's been a long time since I talked to her, but it's also been a longer time since I used my voice often to form a full sentence.

"I can tell you about them" Jessica's high-pitched voice said to me and she acted as if she knew everything about them.

I didn't have to talk for her to continue, "They are both adopted but I don't think they are dating or anything, their father, Felix Stivil, is a private detective, and their mother, Louisa Stivil, is a veterinarian, I don't think she can have children." Jessica finished with one swift breath.

I just nodded my head, something about those two people, something about them, triggered something into my mind to a place I forbid myself to ever enter again.

But something very special about them was putting my brain into a frenzy…..I just, didn't know what it was yet.

When the lunch bell rang I noticed I hadn't eaten anything so I stuffed everything down into my mouth just before I dumped my tray into the garbage. I grabbed my books and ran to class, I was going to be late, and then I slowed my pace down to walk.

Why rush? Their was nothing I was looking forward to anyway.

Once I made it back to the one classroom I had too many memories with, the biology room, their was someone in his place. It was that Carson kid, how ironic?

Seeing as I was late, and their was only one spot left, next to him. I walked over without blinking, my foot caught on a leg of a chair but I caught myself quickly, hopefully no one saw that.

I sat down next to this mystery kid. "Nice fall." I heard his voice say in sarcasm.

I mentally cursed myself for my clumsiness; I turned to look at him and then slammed my lips tight together, to stop the gasp that made its way up my throat.

His golden eyes were penetrating, and I knew them all too well.

'Vampire' I thought. Well…this is unexpected but very pleasant.

'Time to have some fun with this guy.' I thought. I knew I could totally mess with his head, and since I had nothing better to do, I definitely would. That sweet, innocent Bella was long gone, along with my heart that he so brutally broke, I was now hard, tough, and not easy to catch, but that was the new Bella, that no body took the chance to get to know, but I knew it was still there.

I grinned and rolled my eyes at his comment at my clumsiness.

"Hey, I'm Carson." He said with warm, topaz eyes.

"Hello, call me Bella." I said just as warmly.

Let me just say 'Hello', and that's when it all began, the journey that neither of us could ever comprehend, one simple 'Hello' and my life would be turned up-side-down, but this is just the beginning.

A/n- Well this is a story that just popped into my head and I couldn't get it out, so I let my fingers roam free. And this is what I got, I hope you guys like it!! Review I want to know what you think so far. Your opinions mean A LOT to a story!! I know it's the beginning of a story but give it a chance!!

Thanks for reading!!
