This is the sequel to Love for an Eternity, so if you haven't read that story yet, then please go and read it before reading this one. It starts off where Love for an Eternity left off.

This is my second fanfic so i hope that you all like it :) Remember to read and review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters :(


Chapter 1

It had been a week since I had gotten home from my honeymoon and unwelcomed visit to the Volturi. Edward and I know sat in the middle of our room packing all of our many belongings into boxes. We only had two days before we moved up to Alaska.

We were going to live in our own home because none of the other Cullen's were coming with us. Alice guilted me into letting her and Esme buy our house and decorate it for us. I had no idea what it looked like because they were both doing an excellent job of blocking their thoughts from me.

We were folding our clothes at vampire speed and soon we were done. I looked around our room and sighed.

"What's wrong, love?" Edward asked, kissing my neck.

"Oh, it's nothing really. I was just thinking about how much I was going to miss it around here." I shrugged. I listened to his thoughts and felt his emotions. He was feeling guilty and was upset that I was going to regret leaving here. I kissed his lips lightly. "No, don't feel guilty! This is what I want." I said and looked into his eyes. He looked away and down the stacks of boxes scattered around the room.

"I know, but I can't help but to feel guilty when I took away your soul and your life." I rolled my eyes and lifted his chin so that I was looking into his eyes.

"Edward, I want this. I was just sad because I was leaving. I don't regret anything that has happened." I said truthfully and he nodded and believed me. He sighed and kissed me passionately.

"Since we finished early, is there anything that you would like to do?" He asked after taking a few ragged breaths along with me.

"No, I don't really have anything in mind." I watched as his eyes lit up. "What do you want to do?"

"I know what we can do." He swept my feet out from under me and ran out to the car. I shook my head and giggled. I didn't need to be carried now that I was a vampire and I was faster than him. He told me that it was safer this way and it was just a habit. He put me in the car and pulled out and drove out of town limits.

I listened to his thoughts but he was blocking them from me and I sighed.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise, love." I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

"You know that I hate surprises…"

"I know. But you'll like it." He said and I looked into the future and saw that he was taking me shopping for a phone and a laptop.

"Edward! A phone and a laptop?! I don't need you to buy that for me!" He laughed and shook his head.

"That's not fair, love. And you will need those for school." I huffed out a breath and crossed my arms in defeat. He chuckled and stroked one of my cheeks. "You are so sexy when you are upset." He said soothingly. I smiled slightly and waited for the car ride to be over.

Edward pulled up at a mall and he helped me out of the car. We held hands as he led me into the mall and went directly to the Apple store. People stared at us and I was getting used to it and I barely noticed it anymore. I liked to listen to their thoughts and hear what they were thinking. Edward and I usually did this together and laughed at the poor humans confused thoughts about us.

A sales man helped us and Edward and he talked about different laptops that would be best for me. They decided on a MacBook Air and then went over the phones. They then picked out an iPhone and Edward ran over to the iPods.

"You said just a phone and a laptop. An iPod wasn't part of the deal. And I already have one of these." I told him as he looked through all of the models.

"I know, love, but I want to get you a new one." He said with pleading eyes. He picked an iTouch and then dazzled me and I just nodded at him. I cleared my head as he led me to pay for all of the things he was getting me. I didn't look at the amount as he pulled out a debt card and purchased everything.

We walked around the mall for a while more and soon left so that Edward could show me how to use all of my new stuff. Edward made the hour drive in about ten minutes and we went back into our cluttered room and cleared a spot on the floor.

He turned on my iPod and transferred all of my songs to it. Then he activated my new phone and added all of the numbers that I would need. Jacob was one of them and I smiled as Edward quickly punched his number into the phone. He showed me how to work it and then turned on my laptop and showed me how to use that too. He pulled up the course list for Alaska and told me to pick out the course that we were going to take together next year.

"What have you already taken?" I asked looking up into his beautiful topaz eyes.

"Philosophy, psychology, human communications… Well a lot more but what do you want to take?" I rolled my eyes and looked back at the long list of majors on the screen.

"I think that I want to major in history. Have you done that before?" He shook his head and I smiled. "History it is, then."

"I always wanted to take that course but I never ended up signing up for it." He was sitting in a chair and I climbed up into his lap and leaned my head against his chest. He kissed the top of my head and I inhaled his scent. I heard Emmett barreling up the steps and towards our room and I groaned.

"Bella! Edward!" He shouted breathlessly as he threw the door open and barged in with a huge grin.

"Emmett, are you ok?" I asked as he looked around at all of the boxes and his face fell. I listened to his thoughts and he was blocking them from us. I didn't bother to look into the future because he started to speak again.

"You guys are all packed…" He said sadly. "Do you really have to go?" I slid off Edward and walked over to Emmett and gave him a hug.

"Yes, Emmett, we really have to. But it's not like we are leaving forever."

"I know, but I'll miss you guys. I'll especially miss pulling pranks on you too…" He said and tightened his grip around me and smiled hugely. Then he pulled my up to his chest and ran out of the room and down the steps. I was stunned and he started laughing at the surprised expression on my face.

"Jasper! I got her!" He yelled as he ran further in to the forest.

"Emmett! Put me down!" I screamed as I pounded on his chest. He laughed louder and I heard Jasper behind us laughing too. "What are you doing?" I asked as he finally slowed to a walk.

"Jasper and I just wanted to see how mad Edward would get if we just took you and ran away with you."

"Seriously, guys, you know that he's going to find us." I said chuckling at the excited expressions on their faces. They both burst out laughing and I looked into their thoughts and I saw Jasper handcuffing his hands and feet together with handcuffs that were vampire strength. "Jasper! You handcuffed him!" They both laughed harder and fell to the ground.

"Well, Bella, you are leaving soon and we just wanted to have a good laugh one last time while we play a prank on Edward." I shook my head at them.

"He's going to be very angry… you do know that, don't you?" I warned them.

"We know, but that's where you come in and stop him. Just dazzle him or something." Emmett said and grabbed one of my wrists and nodded at Jasper who did the same.

"You want me to stop him from coming after you by dazzling him?" I laughed and tried to pull out of their iron grasps. They held on tighter and I gave up. I wasn't going to win against two strong male vampires, even with my strength. Instead I plopped down on the ground and pulled them down with me.

"When do you think that he's going to get out of those?" I asked after a few minutes.

"We really have no idea. I want to see how long it takes him. There's no one else in the house with him so it could be a long time. Alice, Esme, and Rose are in Alaska getting your house ready and Carlisle is at the hospital. And besides I have the key." Emmett said pulling out a chain with a key from around his neck.

"So we are just going to sit here and wait then?" They both nodded and I sighed. I tried to listen to Edward's thoughts but they had taken me out of range so I couldn't hear them.

"Where did you find these vampire proof handcuffs anyway?" Jasper laughed and Emmett looked down in embarrassment. "Actually, I don't want to know." I said and shook my head. I blocked out mind reading and let out a huge breath. "What are you all going to do when we go off to college?"

"Well, Alice and I are going to France so she can study design and fashion and she's making me take the class with her. We bought an apartment there so that's where we will be living. It's just for a year though." He said more to himself than to me. I looked at Emmett and he smiled hugely.

"Rose and I are going to live that island that you went to for your honeymoon. She wants to go there so that she can lay out in the sun and not worry about anyone seeing her so I'm going with her. I don't really know how long we are going but we are not going to be away for more than a year."

"What about Carlisle and Esme?"

"They are just going to stay here and live in Forks so that if we want to come back then we will have a house to go to." I nodded and then laid back on to the damp ground.

They had my hands at my side but were slowly loosening their grip. I waited until they were both thinking about something else besides keeping me here and I pulled out of their grasps and grabbed the chain from around Emmett's neck before they knew what I was doing. I started off into the woods and back to my house.

"Bella! Hey! That's not fair!" They yelled as they followed me. I ran faster and soon I made it to the house and they weren't even close. I rushed up stairs and laughed as I saw Edward laying on the floor with his hands and feet handcuffed together so that he was curled up into a tight ball.

"Bella!" He said and relief washed over his face as I unlocked the cuffs. He stretched out and groaned. I helped him up and he pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"Feeling better?" I asked, pulling away from his warm lips.

"I would be if I knew what the heck just happened." I chuckled and he waited for me to explain.

"Well Emmett and Jasper thought that it would be funny to see your reaction when they stole me away from you and ran me into the woods, just out of my powers range to get to you. Then Jasper and Emmett told me that they had handcuffed you and left you up here." He looked at me in a surprised expression. "So then I eventually was able to break away from them and I stole the key from Emmett. They should be opening the door, in three, two, one." The door opened and I heard Emmett and Jasper walk in to the house cautiously.

"Bella?" Emmett called carefully.

"I'm up here!"' I called back. "I can't seem to get this key to work though… Could you come and help me?" Edward smiled hugely at me and I smiled back as Emmett and Jasper rushed up the steps. As soon as they reached the doorway, Edward managed to pin both of them to the floor.

"You thought that it would be funny to take Bella away from me?" Edward growled playfully at them.

"Bella!" Emmett yelled. I laughed and watched them struggle.

"Yes, we thought that it would be fun to see your reaction." Jasper said calmly.

"But we were wrong! We don't want to see it now! We are sorry!" I was laughing really hard now as Edward was able to hold both of them down. He wasn't really mad at them. He thought that it was funny to see their reactions.

"Bella! Help us!" Emmett said as Edward tightened his hold on them. I smiled and decided if my dazzling would actually stop Edward.

"Hey, Edward?" I asked and he turned to look over at me. I focused on dazzling him and his thoughts became unclear and he stared at me with a light, goofy smile on his face. Emmett and Jasper jumped up and stood behind me, as if I would protect them from Edward. His expression changed to confused as he stood up and cleared his head.

"Whose side are you on, anyway?" Edward asked wrapping his arms around me. I giggled and looked from Jasper and Emmett to Edward.

"I'm Switzerland, remember? I don't take sides." I said and I skipped out of the room, grabbing my laptop and iPhone, leaving three stunned vampires.

I went and sat on the sofa and decided to call Jacob because I knew that the boys wouldn't be down for awhile now. I could hear a lot of banging and crashing going on up there. I found his number and pressed send and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" Jacob answered.

"Hey Jake! It's Bella."

"Hey Bells! When did you get a phone? I don't recognize this number."

"I just got it today. Edward said that I needed a new phone for school. Is Olivia around?"

"No, Emily and Leah took her out to lunch. Why?"

"Did you ask her yet?"

"No, I'm taking her out tomorrow night and I'm going to ask her then."

"But I'll be gone by then, Jake!" I whined and he chuckled.

"I know, Bells… I wanted to do this earlier but it's the only time that I could find!" I sighed.

"It's ok, Jake."

"But we are going to make sure that you and the rest of your family can come to the wedding!"

"Ok, great!" We talked a little bit longer and then hung up as Edward came and sat down next to me.

"Jacob says hi." I told him. He smiled and kissed the top of my head as I snuggled against him.

"Where are Emmett and Jasper?"

"They are just cleaning up for us." I rolled my eyes and sighed. I didn't want to know what happened. I rested my head agaist his chest and I looked up into his beautiful face.

"You need to go hunting." I said, stroking his eyelid.

"As do you, love." He said and we ran out the door into the night together.


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