A/N Hey everyone, wow, I haven't written anything in years..., seriously, but I've been bitten by the WALL.E bug, and I had this idea I just had to write.

SAM.E Yet Different (Title subject to change)

Chapter 1: For You!

Wind softly blew over the old trash-covered city stirring the sandy soil and newly grown sprouts. The sound of crunching metal and rolling tire treads gradually cut into the silence. A pair of round telescopic eyes peeked over a mound of garbage at something shining in the distance.

The little waste allocation load lifter slowly rolled over to the sparkly object and picked it up. "Ooh..." he said to himself as he studied it closely, zooming in and out again to see what it was.

It looked like a small human he decided, much like the ones he saw in the old musicals he loved so much. She wore a long white dress and held part of it in her hand. Most of her face and body were covered in dirt. She was very shiny and slightly heavy, he had a feeling he should be careful with her.

WALL.E gently placed the figure in his plastic container and realized she reminded him of something he greatly cared about. "Evah...," he said quietly, folding his metallic hands together. It had been nearly a year since the humans had landed on Earth to create new lives for themselves. In that time WALL.E and EVE had rarely left each other's side unless to do daily work. They had even gotten a place to live with more room to store his collectables and some for her if she desired.

Life was progressing slowly and surely for the humans as well. Many had worked steadily to create houses and living arrangements for themselves. They had learned to grow crops and used farms to create more even food for themselves. Old records showed recycling was greatly beneficial in the old days to create new things. Metals, plastics and glass items were in such a great supply that many new materials were created for their houses and other buildings.

WALL.E's job was to separate these materials so the giant WALL.A's could gather them and melt them down to create new materials.

During his daily regimen WALL.E always managed to fill his lunch box until it was time for him to go home. Along with the figurine he found some metal toy cars, and old pair of glasses, a bowl and some more VHS tapes, he wasn't sure they would work but he'd try them later.

He looked upward to see where the sun's position was and decided it was time to go home.

The little robot always had a happy feeling at the end of the day because it meant he would be able to see EVE again. She would be calmly waiting for him like she did every day but today he had something special to give her. He hummed a 'Hello Dolly' song as his treads took him home.

He saw another robot on his way and waved. "Mo!" He said, alerting the tiny cleaning bot.

M.O wheeled over to WALL.E holding out his cleaning brush for him to shake hello. "Wall.e" he said.

WALL.E happily shook the brush and remembered something. He took off his plastic lunch box and opened it, carefully removing the figure he had found. He held it out to M.O, silently asking if he could clean it.

"Hmm..." Mo said and nodded before running his brush all over the item's front back and sides. His sensors scanned it for any remaining dirt and beeped showing there was none. "All clean." M.O said.

WALL.E now saw that the figure was smiling and appeared to be dancing. He placed it back into the lunchbox and suddenly picked M.O up to hug him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The small bot protested until WALL.E put him down again. He huffed and went back to cleaning.

WALL.E continued home now even more excited to show EVE what he had brought her.

EVE's current job was over-seeing the planting of trees and other plants by the enviro-bots. She herself would occasionally plant or dig holes for seeds but mostly she would make sure everything was progressing well. She had taken a great linking to flowers and loved seeing all of the different kinds. Sometimes she would pick some and take them home to put in a vase with water.

Today she had found something called Lily of the Valley, it had little white bell-shaped flowers on a long slender stalk. Her olfactory sensors told her it had a sweet scent which would attract bees and butterflies. She took a bunch and floated homeward, wondering how they would look by the window.

When she arrived WALL.E wasn't there yet. She went inside to put the flowers in a shiny glass vase which he had found for her on one of his work days. She put some water in it and placed the flowers in the slice of sunlight shining through the window. She sat there a moment looking out the window thinking of the fond memories they had created over their time on Earth.

It hadn't always been easy, WALL.E sometimes did things EVE didn't find favourable. Moving had been a bit difficult, WALL.E insisted on bringing his collection to wherever they decided to stay. This seemed impossible until finally, the humans found a way to movie the bunker and attach it to their new house. EVE knew the happy memories outweighed everything else and it made her happy.

The swish of the door opening told her WALL.E had come home. She hovered over and smiled. "Wall.e," she said quietly.

"Evah!" He said happily and went to embrace his love.

EVE giggled and placed her long slender arms around his boxy frame. She leaned down, looking into his round eyes and gave him a small electric kiss.

WALL.E dreamily sighed, how he loved her kisses. They made his body tingle all the way down to his treads.

EVE giggled again, she always liked seeing how he reacted. She pointed to the lunchbox.

The little robot made a happy sound and took the box off of his back and rolled to his collection room.

EVE followed him, she was always curious about what he found day to day. It kept their lives interesting. Sometimes he would have items to give her but they were mostly things like old shoes or kitchen items such as whisks or rusted pans. She would smile in amusement and let him sort them away with the rest of the items.

He opened the lunch box and pulled the handle causing the rotating boxes to move. He stopped when he saw his collection of toy cars and he placed the ones he found earlier with the ones in his collection. He did this with the other items leaving the special one for last.

EVE saw something shiny slowly come into view as WALL.E removed the other things. He carefully lifted it out and held it up to her. "Evah..." he said.

"Wall-e...," she said softly and took the item from his metallic hands. It was beautiful, shiny and delicate. She was at a loss of what to say for a moment. Her slanted blue eyes seemed to ask for me? as she looked longingly at him.

WALL.E nodded and folded his hands together.

EVE's blue eyes showed happiness as she twirled once and leaned down to give him another kiss. She then floated to the next room where her vase stood. The sun was nearly gone from the table. She placed the figurine beside the vase and moved backwards to see what it looked like.

The sight before her made her happy, she wanted to twist and twirl in the open air. She turned to WALL.E silently asking him if he wanted to dance.

He knew what that meant he held his arms out. "Evah!"

EVE took his arms and brought him close to her body and she floated out of their house. It was dusk now with a few stars showing on the blue, purpleish night sky. She flew straight up making some sharp twists and turns and then some slow circles.

Flying was something WALL.E had learned to love, ever since his zero-gravity experience with EVE outside of the Axiom. EVE had always loved flying, now she had someone to share that with and she always flew if she was happy about something.

After a few more slow loops and turns EVE stopped and looked up. Stars now filled the sky, and the moon was rising just over the old cityscape. WALL.E also looked and sighed happily. His life at the moment with EVE was perfect, hoped they would always be happy together. EVE had a similar feeling but she knew that nothing could stay the same forever. However, she hoped their happiness would last for a very long time.

Finally she flew back to their home and placed WALL.E down at the entrance. He went inside and waited for EVE to follow. She did and closed the door behind them. For the rest of the night WALL.E picked a movie from their extensive collection. Sometimes EVE would pick and they would alternate back and forth. WALL.E was still partial to musicals and would still watch his favourite one from time to time. EVE liked learning about how the Earth used to be and watched the occasional action film.

Tonight they watched The Sound of Music, something that appealed to both of them. WALL.E enjoyed the singing and EVE liked learning about the war and what life was like for the people at that time.

By the end of the movie WALL.E's charge levels were very low and he needed to shut down for the night. EVE followed suit and gave him one last kiss before the two of them went into sleep mode.

A/N Intro chapter finished! Please tell me what you think, and I'm sorry if you think the chapter is too short, but the next one will be longer.