JasperxBella!! If you don't like that pairing, don't read. This story takes place after Edward leaves. Please review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

(Bella's POV)

My fingers went over to the ivory keys and clumsily played out a tune.

Four months.

Four months since he left me. Four months since my heart broke.

Four months since the meaning of love and life was over for me.

Could I ever love again?

Edward was stupid--stupid enough to think that a clean break would be good for us. I was stupid enough to think that anything could ever, ever come out of our relationship. He was a vampire, I a human. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I mournfully sighed. Charlie told me not to mope around the house, so I was here.

At the Cullen's house, trying to play Edward's piano, the only thing left in there.

My fingers hung over the keys for a moment, overshadowing the keys, and I slammed my whole upper body into the key board. I cried out, but not for the pain that I intentionally inflicted on myself. I cried for the things that Edward and I should have been if not for me being a frail, fragile human: an item, a couple, a pair.

I stood up from the piano and turned back on the Cullen's house, anxious to be gone from this place full of warm yet sad memories.

I was nearly to my truck when I heard it. 'Bella? Is that you?'

I slowly turned around; looking for the person the very familiar voice belonged to.

Then I saw him. 'Jasper?' I faintly called out.

He nodded.

Jasper quickly ran towards me at vampire speed and pulled me into his arms. 'You came back!' I said, overjoyed. I loved the feeling when he did that. It was just like the days before when Edward loved me--safe, protected, loved. Wait a moment, did I just said loved?

He pulled back a little from our hug, looked down at me and smiled. 'Of course I came back.' As if on cue, he dropped his arms away from me and looked away shyly. I blushed, then asked him, 'Where are the others?'

He looked back at me, his smile vanished into oblivion. 'They're all in L.A, except Edward and Alice. They're on their honeymoon.' He smiled bitterly at the last sentence.

I felt as if my world collapsed. 'Honey……moon?'

He nodded again, with apparent effort. 'Alice and Edward have been cheating on us.'

Jasper caught me in his arms again as I sobbed into his shirt. 'Shhh…… Don't cry, it's alright……'he said while stroking my hair. He sent me calming waves and I stopped crying. 'See, it's not so bad after all…… What happened to you, Bella?'

I burst into tears instantly and threw myself onto him. "What happened!? Edward left me! You know that! I'm dead inside, Jasper! Empty!" I sobbed my feelings to him. Jasper held me close, rocking me gently. "Shhh, be calm Bella……Please……Seeing you so sad-" he paused, obviously knowing it would sound odd. "Well, it kills me Bella." he said genuinely. He sent me wave after wave of calm. I calmed and my tears slowly ebbed away.

He picked me up into his arms and I curled up against Jasper's chest. He gently kissed me on the forehead and started to walk to my truck. We said nothing, still absorbing what we've said.

Jasper drove me home. Charlie still wasn't home from work, so I didn't even bother to make dinner. I heated some leftovers left yesterday and ate them in silence with Jasper looking at me fondly and……lovingly?! I felt the same surge of love for him when I met his gaze. It was weird……yet it felt right. I noticed he had the same intense butterscotch-topaz eyes like Edward.

I was washing the dishes when he called me. 'Bella?' he called uncertainly.

I answered, 'Yes?' while stopping to look at him.

Jasper was right in front of me, his eyes burning with an intensity I have never seen before. I dropped the dish into the sink, startled. 'I love you, Bella.' he whispered, pulled me into his arms and kissed me right on the lips. I was shocked for a second before I started responding and he deepened the kiss, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair. He put more love and passion into that kiss than Edward ever had. Edward was always concerned about my safety, as if I couldn't take care of myself.

He didn't end it suddenly, too. He pulled back and simply said, 'Wow.'

Then I knew I loved Jasper Hale, and that nothing can ever separate us.