As if under a spell

Tadase sighed as he watched the clouds fleeting above him.
They seemed so peaceful, it almost seemed like a dream, compared to his inner turmoil.
His confidence was lower than ever, and he felt like his little heart would break.
How could he possibly fix this? He had screwed up bad, so bad.
Was it even possible to save their friendship? And if so, at what cost?
How could he do it, saying it so bluntly, in front of the others too.
And what about Amu?
She said she loved him.
Stupid Kiseki for making him chara-change while thinking about Kukai.
But he couldn't blame the little king, it had been his fault too.
Kukai had stormed away without a word when he said it, and he himself had escaped out of Royal Garden as soon as he could, not even taking the time to grab his schoolbag.
And now here he was, sitting in a park he'd never been to before, being lost.
He hadn't dared to go home, in case someone of the other guardians would come.
And now he was lost, he didn't have his phone, and had no money with him.
Not even Kiseki was there.


Hours later, he still sat there, rain beating down on him.
His whole body felt numb, he was tired and cold.
It was far past midnight, and he would have been scared if he weren't so tired.


One pair of arms draped a warm and dry coat over his shoulders.
He slowly looked up, meeting Kukai's worried eyes.
"I didn't think you were this stupid, staying out in this weather." he said, lifting up the smaller boy in his arms.
"It's okay. I.. was so shocked when you said that, I.. I love you too..."