How to Turn On a Hyuuga

A NejiXTenten Fanfiction

By themadanimeotaku

Author's Notes: Hey guys! The wacky and fun loving themadanimeotaku-Chan here! Okay I know I'm supposed to be writing chapters for all my other fanfics right now, but I decided I needed a break from all things Naruto for now, seeing my interests in this anime is starting to dwindle no thanks to the manga at the moment and the creator of Naruto. By the way, for those of you who knew me as thenarutofanfreak22, I changed my name to themadanimeotaku, so you might have to re put me on your favorites list and such.

Anyway, so I'm taking a very long break from all Naruto stories, until I can figure out what I wanted to do with them. As such, I will try to continue to write chapters for Jealousy: The Green Eyed Ninja, Broken Wings and whatever other stories I'm doing at the moment that requires my attention. But! I'm also adding three new stories to the mix, one of them is my second Yaoi story, Spiral for the D Gray Man section (YOSH! I'm getting into D Gray Man now guys, and this story is going to be an AllenXLavi one), and another will be a fan of my work's request, Midnight Sky (Thank you for pushing me to write this story ThePagemaster I do this for you ya know!) And finally, this story.

This story is going to be one of those stories, where the fans will get to help me write it, by putting up suggestions through review replies for what they want to see in this story. The first chapter here will be my first chapter that came from an inspiring Fan manga that I found quite hilarious. As such, I'm gonna need a lot of support from you guys okay?

Rating for this story is M for perverted humor, a possible lemon, suggestive sexual themes (YES THERE WILL BE THIS HAPPENING!) And god knows what else I feel like throwing in here. This is also going to be heavy on the humor part so as such it will be a Humor/Romance type of story.

Anyway, I don't own any of the characters that are depicted in this story. Hello do I look freaking Japanese to you guys? Do I look like Masashi Kishimoto-sama? I didn't think so. I maybe a genius when it comes to writing fanfiction at times, but seriously, I'm not that great like Masashi-sama.

Oh! Before I start this story off, I wanted to mention there whom; other then Neji and Tenten, Naruto, Hinata, Rock Lee and possibly Maito Gai will be appearing in this story. Rock Lee because this will make it more hilarious for what possibly will happen in this story. Again this story will be run from fan ideas, SO PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEEEE! (Opps sorry, must control myself here –Lol-) Read and Review in this story!

Without further a do…

Tenten: Wait, wait, hold the phone here…what do you mean by that title? –Points to the Title of the story-

Themadanimeotaku-Chan: Exactly what it means, my dear Tenten, this is going to be like Icha Icha Paradise, only sort of written out like a manual type thingy you know.

Tenten: Why do I suddenly have the feeling that I'm going to regret starring in this story?

Neji: I agree with my teammate here…but perhaps this will be quite humorous to see what the writer has in store for the both of us. Give her a chance Tenten.

Themadanimeotaku-Chan: Yeah come on Tenten, give me a chance, the fans will probably find this very funny. –Eye twitches for a moment- OOOH ITS NEJI! –Fan girl swooning begins-

Tenten: -watches the writer start to swoon over her supposedly Boyfriend- HEY! Stop swooning and drooling over Neji! He's mine! -Pulls out a Kunai knife and starts throwing it at the writer-

Themadanimeotaku-Chan: GAH! –Attempts to dodge the kunai blades coming at her- ALRIGHT and a way we go with the first chapter here…-attempts to not get killed by Tenten for swooning over Neji while doing this- Let the Madness BEGIN!

Chapter One: Ice Cream Escapade Part One

It had been a long day for the couple as they returned from a very long mission, which had been slightly boring, considering their skill level. It also had to be the hottest day of the summer for Tsunade to have to send them on a mission.

"I'm glad that's over with…" Whined Tenten as she walked beside her stoic team mate and already been a year together, boyfriend.

"Hn…Tsunade-sama could have given us a slight break, the heat is too much." Spoke none other then Neji Hyuuga.

Tenten agreed with Neji, suddenly she had an idea. She quickly spoke up in a very cute sounding voice, which always got her what she wanted out of Neji, always did.

"Neji, why don't you take me for some ice cream, I'm sure it will help us cool down a little bit. It's your turn anyway to buy."

Neji turned to look down at his kunoichi team mate and girlfriend; a bemused smirk appeared on his face. He could never really resist that cute puppy eyed look she always gave him. He sighed.

"Alright, we'll go, I have to return to the Complex though soon, Hiashi-sama wants to talk to me about something."

Tenten then leaned up on her tiptoes and gave him a gentle peck on the lips in thanks, nothing else would need to be said. Neji had begun to change for the better, ever since he started dating Tenten a year ago. Funny, how a certain situation would bring out feelings for the other.

Neji had asked her after they had returned to Konoha to go out with him. And he was very much happy to be with Tenten as she was to be with him. They fit so perfectly together, he knew this. She wasn't like every other woman who usually fainted at the sight of his 'handsomeness' and got all idiotic around him.

No, Tenten accepted him for who he was, and didn't get all gaga for him, which was a quality he adored in her, not to mention she was beautiful and deadly as a ninja He lost count of how many times, she had distracted not just him, but the enemy with her beauty in a battle.

Tenten and he reached the restaurant within 20 minutes of walking together. They found a quiet booth near a window and sat down. Tenten reached over to grab Neji's hand and stare lovingly into his eyes for a few minutes.

"Aishiteru Neji-Kun…" murmured Tenten, giving him a smile.

"I love you too Tenten-Chan. isn't that…" Neji said as he noticed Naruto sitting with Hinata not far off from their own table.

"It's Hinata-Chan and Naruto…so?" said Tenten as she turned to look towards where Neji was staring at. Tenten winced, and hoped Neji was not going to ruin the good day by causing a scene with Naruto. Tenten knew at first Neji had not approved of Hinata's choice in a boyfriend, seeing Hiashi had ordered Neji to always keep an eye on her.

"Neji-Kun! Please don't start another fight with Naruto! I don't want to ruin the day…" cried Tenten, trying to pull his attention back to her.

Neji turned to look towards Tenten for a few minutes and attempted to keep his temper under control. He then attempted to calm her fears, by saying.

"Gomen…Tenten-Chan, I won't ruin our date this time." He then gave her a small smile of reassurance.

Tenten gave him a look and then attempted to return that smile. She then began a conversation with Neji about an upcoming event that she and him and been invited to, until a waitress came to take their order. Neji didn't order anything, he wasn't much for sweets.

When Tenten's order came, Tenten immediately began digging into the bowl of ice cream. She murmured between bites.

"Arigatou Neji-Kun…next time I'll treat you…I promise…"

"Don't worry about it Tenten…I'm just happy to treat the love of my life once in awhile…" said Neji as he watched her. Content to allow her to eat her ice cream.

As he was watching her, his perverted inner self decided to wake up at this time.

'Are you watching this? Man she looks so damn sexy eating that…' 'I'm amazed you haven't pounced on her by now…'

'Shut up…we are in a public place…' thought Neji back at his perverted inner self. He had promised to not cause a scene or a ruckus, and he was going to keep to his promise of not doing this, he didn't want to anger Tenten after all.

'Oh come on now…all you have to do is just stand up and pounce on top of her…' said his perverted inner self back at him.

'I refuse…'

"Neji? Are you alright? Why are you staring at me like that?" spoke up Tenten, her spoon half way in her mouth as she finished taking a bite of vanilla ice cream.

"I'm fine…really Tenten…I must be coming down with something…." Said Neji quickly, trying to hide the fact that he was getting quite horny at this very moment, just watching his girlfriend eating ice cream.

Tenten closed her eyes briefly before attempting to continue the conversation they had, had before with him.

Neji tried his best to listen to him. Neji then scolded his inner self.

'That was too close! Tenten's not the type of woman would probably not appreciate me jumping her like that in a public place…you baka.'

'Sure there…Neji…but what about you're little self down below, he's saying things differently if I'm not mistaken…' said his inner self right back, laughing at him.

Neji then noticed he was getting hard from watching Tenten. Neji slightly frowned to himself and wanted to face-palm himself in the head.

"Neji are you sure you are alright? You're face is really flushed…" spoke up Tenten.

Suddenly Neji stood up and said,

"Tenten…please forgive me for this but…" Neji then leapt over the table and pounced on Tenten and began murmuring strange things.

Tenten screamed, causing quite the ruckus.

"NEJI! What the hell…"

She attempted to bite back a moan as she felt him planting kisses all over her neck; she then attempted to push him off her but failed miserably to do so.

"Wow…so that's how you turn on a Hyuuga, eh Hinata-Hime?" spoke up Naruto who was sitting with his girlfriend of already 6 months. He began chuckling and shaking his head as he pointed towards where Neji and Tenten were.

Hinata turned to see what had happened; her face began to turn quite the shade of red. She then murmured.

"Naruto-Kun…um we should go right now…and I mean now!" she then stood up and attempted to pull Naruto out of the restaurant before her boyfriend could get any wild ideas of doing the same as her cousin, who was attempting to ravish the crap out of Tenten in public.

Author's End Notes: Oh Man! I just can't help myself –bursts out laughing- oh god that was so freaking hilarious! Gomen ne! Gomen! –LOL- So what did you guys think of that? Pretty hilarious huh?

Alright so, the next chapter will be up to you guys what I put up. So READ AND REVIEW! I need your ideas people!

I hope Neji doesn't get beaten up later for this. Hehehehe…

Neji: Hmph…-has a black eye from Tenten after that scene-

Tenten: -glares at the author of the story- I'm so going to kill you for this…-twirls a kunai blade threateningly- -Turns to look at Neji and frowns- Gomen Neji-Kun…I just don't like being surprised like that…-tries to soothe him by kissing his cheek and such-

Neji: -eyes Tenten with his good eye and bend over to kiss her cheek gently- I still love you though Tenten-Chan, I didn't know what came over me when I did that.

Themadanimeotaku-Chan: Maybe its cuz you were horny? –Sniggers and runs off before they get mad at her for that comment-

Alrighty that's it for now folks! Until next time everyone! From Distant Canadian Skies, JA NE!