.I own nothing.

Hermione sat at her desk, reading over a few charms book that she planned to use after the summer holidays.

"Only two weeks into the summer holidays and you're right back to work", Albus said smiling from the classroom doorway.

"Yes, well with Severus gone there isn't much for me to do."

Hermione was now 26 years old. Right after graduating from Hogwarts she studied for two years, getting her charms mistress and has been teaching at Hogwarts ever since.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Severus were the one's to cast the killing curse on Voldemort in the trio's seventh year. After that, Severus had become more tolerable all around, and was civil to the golden trio.

Once Hermione started teaching at Hogwarts, hers and Severus' friendship bloomed. Although Hermione was the Charms professor, she still had a great interest in potions. Which her and Severus worked on in their spare time. Within the last school year, they had grown very close, and an intimate relationship was starting to blossom. Neither was sure if the other wanted anything on the romantic level, but both were positive the other wanted a physical relationship.

Two weeks ago, Hermione and Severus were having dinner in his chambers. She was certain this was going to be the night their physical relationship was to begin. That was until Severus had gotten an owl right before anything happened. After he read the letter, he tore out of his chambers, not saying a word. Hermione hadn't seen him since.

Albus had come to her the next day, saying Severus was truly sorry for running out on her last night, but he had a family emergency. After enormous amounts of pleading, Albus still refused to inform Hermione on what had happened. He simply said Severus would be in contact and she was to ask him.

"Yes, Severus is the reason I'm here", Albus said bringing Hermione out of her thoughts.

Hermione raised an eyebrow and awaited his response.

"Severus is still tied up with a family issue, but he has sent me to make a request. He would like you to join him at his summer home, so that you both can continue your research on the potions you have been working on."

Hermione was thrilled at the thought of getting out of the castle for the summer, and spending it with Severus. With Harry and Ginny married and having a child, and Ron and Draco always out on the search for women, her life could get rather boring.

Hermione smiled, "That would be acceptable."

"I will give you a few hours to gather your things, meet me in my office and I shall escort you."

Hermione arrived in Albus' office a few hours later.

"I am afraid I cannot escort you to Severus' at the moment. I am a little tied up with ministry business. But, I have a portkey that will take you to Severus' front yard, he is expecting you. I will arrive shortly after you", Albus said handing Hermione a cup that turned red when she touched it.

After the queasy, tugging feeling subsided, Hermione's feet landed on a concrete walkway.

"A beach house!, since when does Severus Snape enjoy the beach", Hermione said glancing around at his ocean front property.

The house was two stories, but wasn't overly big. It was white with blue shutters, actually rather adorable, something she couldn't picture Severus having.

Hermione slowly walked up and rang the doorbell, a moment later the door opened.

In front of Hermione stood a teenage girl, she figured to be about 14 years old. The girl stood at about 5'4, skinny, but her muscles were defined. Her hair was red but if she moved it the right way it looked as if the top had blonde streaks in it. Her skin was also paler then most, obviously from the red hair, but the freckles and slight tan color suggested she was outside a lot. Looking her over, Hermione noticed she had on board shorts, a shirt with a surfer on it, and flip flops. Everything about this kid screamed muggle.

"Ah, surfing, that explains the skin, hair, and muscles", Hermione thought.

"Can I help you", the girl said breaking the silence and bringing Hermione out of thought.

"Erm, sorry, I think I have the wrong house."

"How would you know until you ask who you're looking for", the girl said flatly.

Hermione stopped for a moment, what was so familiar about this child. Is she a Weasley?

"Severus, I'm looking for Severus Snape", Hermione finally said.

The girl stepped aside, signaling for Hermione to come inside. Rather nervously, she stepped in, and jumped when she heard a squeaky voice.

"Miss has to stop doing Libby's job, master be upset", a small house elf squeaked out.

The girl smirked at the elf and walked into the sitting room. Looking around, Hermione saw there was a staircase right in front of her, a sitting room off to the right, and another room off to the left.

"If miss will follow me, Master is waiting", Libby squeaked.

Hermione smiled and followed Libby into the sitting room. Severus was coming out of a doorway, that led to the kitchen, on the other side of the room.

"I see you made it, where is Albus", Severus said smiling and walking toward her.

"He was obtained, he said he would be here shortly", Hermione said returning the smiling.

Hermione glanced into the kitchen and saw the girl standing at the sink, peering out the window.

"Severus, I don't mean to intrude, but who is…", Hermione had started but was cut off by the front door opening.

"Ah, Hermione, I see you managed to find the place", Albus said walking through the door, followed by a tall, black haired women.

Hermione was confident this had to be Severus' mother. Severus looked exactly like her, except she didn't have his large nose.

"Yes, thank you Albus", Hermione said glancing over to Severus.

"Hermione this is my mother, Eileen", Severus said placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you Hermione, I've heard so much about you from Severus and Albus", Eileen said shaking Hermione's hand.

Hermione, Eileen, and Albus were engaged in a conversation when Hermione noticed Severus wasn't in the room anymore. Hermione excused herself from the conversation and made her way toward the kitchen.

As she stepped in the doorway, she spotted Severus. His arms were wrapped around the girl, his forehead was pressed to hers, and he was whispering something to her.

Hermione became enraged. One, how could he be having some sort of relationship with a child, and how could he not tell her he was in any relationship at all.

Hermione watched as Severus lightly kissed the girls forehead and walked to the opposite side of the kitchen, disappearing into another room.

Severus turned, and froze at the sight of Hermione. "Hermione, I guess it's time for the explanation for my two week disappearance."

"No need Severus, I believe I understood. She's just a child Severus, how could you", Hermione said face turning red.

Severus smirked, which made Hermione huff and turn to walk out.

"Hermione, wait", Severus said coming up behind her and turning her around.

"No Severus, I should have known. I was warned when people found out I was becoming close with you."

Severus pushed her up against the wall and pushed his body against hers.

"Really, it's not what you think", he said seductively.

Hermione was repressing a groan and biting her lip. She was upset with him, but having him pressed up against her and speaking into her ear was turning her on.

"Ew dad, seriously can't you do that in your own room", the girl said sounding disgusted, as she walked back into the kitchen, but smirked as she walked by them and into the sitting room.

"Dad?", Hermione said flabbergasted.

"mmhmm, she's my daughter."

"But, but, the red hair. Did you sleep with a Weasley", Hermione said still stunned.

Severus couldn't help but laugh. "No, I can assure you I did not sleep with a Weasley. She gets the red hair from her mother, if you have any doubts look at her eyes", he said moving back from her so she could move away from the wall.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I will explain everything later, I promise. For now, lets go out into the sitting room." Severus grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her out of the kitchen.

Severus' daughter was sitting between Albus and Eileen on the couch, leaving two chairs for Hermione and Severus.

"Abigail, have you meet Hermione yet", Albus questioned.

"Not formally, I answered the door when she arrived and I saw her in the kitchen", Abigail said smirking.

Severus scowled, "I told you to let Libby do her job. But anyway, Hermione this is my daughter Abby."

"Nice to meet you", Hermione said with a pleasant smile.

"Like wise", Abby said returning the smile.

Hermione took a moment to look at Abby's eyes. And sure enough, they were as black as Severus'. They were very soft and warm, but Hermione could also see a sadness in them. They almost looked haunted, like she had experienced something that a child shouldn't have.

Hermione was brought out of thought by hearing Abby say the word "granddad". At first Hermione thought nothing of it, she knew Severus and Albus were very close. Until, she saw the matching rings on Albus' and Eileen's hand.

"Wait, are you two married", Hermione said looking at Albus, with a confused look on her face.

Albus' eyes were twinkling, "Yes we are."

"But I thought you and Minerva.."

"Ah, No, No. Minerva is my sister, which would be why we are very close."

Hermione looked very confused, which made Severus smirk.

"It is a lot of information to take in at one time", Albus said smiling, "But, Eileen and I are taking Abby for a few hours, so you and Severus can talk."

After Severus had kissed his daughter and mother goodbye, he sat on the couch. "Come sit with me, we have a lot to discuss."

"A child", Hermione said still surprised, as she sat down next to him, "And she has your eyes."

"That she does", Severus said putting an arm around her.

"Her eyes, they looked so sad."

"Well, that is what I'm about to explain to you, which will also explain my abrupt departure two weeks ago."

Hermione turned sideways and pulled her feet under her, waiting for Severus to continue.

"Abby, her mother, and Abby's best friend were in a car accident the night I got the owl, Abby was the only one to survive."

"Oh my gods", Hermione said with big eyes.

Severus nodded, "Abby was a wreck when I got to the hospital, her and her mother were very close. So losing her mother and best friend has taken a lot out of her. You actually caught her on a good day, some days I have to drag her out of bed."

"I can only imagine", Hermione breathed, "Were you and Abby's mother close."

"We were friends, nothing more. I spent my time with them on holidays, so Abby could be with the both of us."

Hermione rubbed his hand and squeezed it, making Severus smile. At the same time a black shaggy dog jumped up onto the couch and starred at Hermione.

"What, Severus you have a dog? Wait, please tell me that's not Sirius", Hermione said smiling.

Severus snorted, "No to both, that's Abby's dog. I wasn't about to separate her from the dog she's had since she was five years old."

"What's his name."


Hermione snorted.

"Yes my daughter has always had an odd sense of humor."

"That sounds like something you would do."

Severus grinned.

"Wait, are Abby and her mum muggles?"

"Abby's mum was, but Abby is a witch. She's been doing magic since she was born."

"Why doesn't she go to Hogwarts", Hermione said almost outraged.

"Well, When Abby was almost 11, her mother decided to move with Abby's grandparents to the states. So she has been going to a magical school there. But, she will be going to Hogwarts this year."

"Why the states? And how did you end up with a muggle, especially when we were in the middle of the war with Voldemort."

Albus, Eileen, and Abby walked through the front door.

"I believe that is a discussion for later", Severus sat lightly kissing Hermione's lips.

-Review please! I was trying to come up with an idea that I hadn't read about in a Severus or Hermione fanfic before. So hopefully this is a new plot, or at least one that hasn't been done to many times. So, let me know what you think of it all.