As Dan lay dying in his hospital bed, JD sat by his side the entire time, stroking his hand. He felt guilty for what had happened to Dan. He had, after all, been hit by a car while on his way to JD's apartment. Both his legs had been broken, several vertebrae veritably smashed into dust, ribs had cracked, internal bleeding... When JD had heard the crash and the sickening thud of a human body being flung onto and over the windshield, he immediately had a horrible gut feeling, a premonition that it was Dan who had been hit. He rushed down flights of stairs, fervently praying that he was wrong, but, unfortunately, he wasn't. He had stayed with Dan until the ambulance had arrived, when the other doctors said that nothing could be done and that they would make him as comfortable as possible, and he was still there, watching his brother die. Dan had mostly been unconscious the whole time, but occasionally drifted in and out.

Dan's hand jerked in his. He was conscious again. He began to take the oxygen mask he was wearing off in weak, jerky and ultimately futile motions. The look in his eyes begged JD to help him. JD lifted the oxygen mask off and placed it nearby, just in case. There were tears in his eyes. There were tears in Dan's, too.

"Oh God, Dan, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I-" JD began before Dan squeezed his hand.

"Don't JD. It's not your fault." Dan's voice was low and weak, JD had to strain to hear him. "JD..." Dan paused for a long time, eyes squeezed shut in pain. JD began to reach for the oxygen mask but Dan stopped him with a shaky hand. "No, there's something I need to tell you..."

JD shook his head. "You need to rest, so you can get better and get out of here..."

Dan gave a weak laugh. "There only way I'm getting out of here is in a body bag, little bro."

JD started to cry. "Don't say that!"

Dan grabbed JD's hand, wheezing slightly from the effort. "I need to tell you this JD, please... just listen."

JD's crying slowly abated and he wiped his eyes with his free hand. "Ok." He gave Dan's hand a small squeeze.

"JD... when we were young.. Dad..." Dan began violently coughing.

"Oh God, I'll go get a nurse." JD started to get up. Dan managed to grab the edge of his shirt, while still coughing.

"No.. I have to tell you." He said around coughs. "You need to forgive him JD. For what he did to us."

JD looked panicked. "What are you talking about?"

There was no answer.