I had only ever talked to Edward Masen when he would be at my house to hang out with my older brother, Emmett

I had only ever talked to Edward Masen when he would be at my house to hang out with my older brother, Emmett. There were the occasional "Hey Edward", "Hello Bella" and "Bye Edward", "Goodbye Bella" and then the rare "What's up?" every now and then. So naturally, never once in my life did I ever expect Edward Anthony Masen to be my first New Years Eve kiss.

Here's just a little background information on my life and the people in it:

I have one older brother, Emmett, who's currently a junior in high school. He's really tall and extremely muscular. He had this short but curly black hair and the absolute cutest dimples I've ever seen. Emmett is always one to crack jokes even in the most serious of times and he has this booming laugh that can be heard from miles away. He's also really attractive and can get almost any girl he wants. I swear, sometimes I think we're not even related.

But someone I'm not related to is Alice. Well, not biologically anyway. Alice never knew her parents. We adopted her when she was only a few months old. Nobody really knows why she was put up for adoption in the first place, but we all love her so much that we don't even really care. Alice is my age: sixteen years old; a sophomore in high school. She truly is my sister and also my best friend. She literally looks like a life-size pixie: she's about four-foot-ten, has black spiky hair, and is always bubbly and hyper. Always. She also has an incredible eye for fashion, and is always hoping that it will somehow rub off on me.

My parents are Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They're the two sweetest people you will ever meet, but believe me: they really know how to play the parent card. Carlisle is known as Dr. Cullen around here though, because well, he's a doctor at the main hospital. He was originally from London, England and sometimes you can still hear that accent in his voice. My mom, Esme, is basically your regular stay-at-home mom. She loves to paint and garden and all those other things like that. And boy, does she love her children.

My best friend in the world, besides Alice, is none other than the absolutely stunning Rosalie Hale. She, Alice, and I have all been inseperable since kindergarten. Thankfully she didn't ditch us for more popular people when her good looks started to come in. She has long, wavy, blond hair that goes down to the small of her back. She has full, pouty red lips and the most beautiful deep blue eyes you could imagine. Rose is super-sweet and super-protective of her family and friends. Believe me, Rosalie Hale is NOT someone you want to mess with.

Rose has an older brother named Jasper. He's been Emmett's best friend for as long as Rosalie has been mine. Jasper also has wavy blond hair, but his is only about two inches long. He's not really one to gab, like Alice, but if you know him well enough, you'll know that he can really come out of his shell… He, too, has blue eyes like Rose. If they weren't a year apart, I'd swear they were twins. Fraternal, of course.

This next person really isn't really in my life at all, but since he's so close to Emmett and everything, like Jasper, I figured I should just tell you a bit about him. First off, his name is Edward Masen. He's kind of quiet, but I've been told he has quite the personality. He moved here when Emmett was in second grade, so he's the newest best friend. Edward has this really interesting bronze-ish colored hair that always looks like he purposely made it look like he just got out of bed. He's almost as big as Emmett, but less bulky. He also had emerald-green eyes that make you want to melt. He got those from his mother, Elizabeth. Liz has been one of my mother's closest friends for as long as I can remember. Her husband, Edward Sr., also has a close relationship with my dad.

So enough about all of those people, let's talk about me.

My name is Isabella Marie Cullen, Bella for short. I have stick-straight dark brown hair that goes down to about my mid-back. My skin is abnormally pale, almost paler than Alice. I have big brown eyes that people say look like almonds. I'm about 5'4 in height. Alice always loves to play Barbie Bella, while for me it's just plain torture. Sometimes she'll even get Rosalie in on it. Ugh. My family and I have lived in Forks, Washington for my entire life. Well, actually we live in a three-story mansion just outside of the city line. I have a boyfriend named Jacob Black. He lives in La Push, which is about half an hour away from here. He has shoulder-length jet black hair, and has really dark skin, being that he is Quileute Indian and all. He's also about a foot taller than me, give or take a couple inches. That's pretty much the only not so good thing about our relationship. That, and how far away he lives. Jake's a really smart, really nice guy and I'm glad that he's my first boyfriend.

Well, that's me and my life… for now…


Okay, people. PLEASE DO NOT get mad at me for having Bella and Jacob together.

If you read the first paragraph thing you'll know that something is going to happen between them.

Also, I'm pretty sure this story is going to be all BPOV, and I'm still not sure what the plot will end up being.


I should have the first actual chapter up by sometime tomorrow.
