DISCLAIMER: CBS own all rights to CSI but I own all rights to Lexxi Seymour, and the made up characters. I would give anything to own the lovely Mr Sanders…hint hint CBS.

A/N: This is a teen fic so the CSI characters and the extra characters I added are all seventeen years old. Thank you for the nice reviews; they are always appreciated and loved. This chapter ignores the last time Haley's comet was actually visible.

SUMMARY: Lexxi Seymour is the new girl but she's already a 'Popular'. Greg Sanders is one of the 'Geeks' but when he's assigned to tutor Lexxi in science, he finds out that Lexxi used to be a 'Geek' before moving to Vegas. They start to make friends and Lexxi decides to try and make him popular but ends up hurting him instead. Can Lexxi make it up to Greg and what will the consequences of her actions be?

WARNING: Contains some swearing.

TITLE: Popularity Pains

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Chapter 4 – Would You Visit Me in the Nursing Home?

"You out tonight Lexxi?" Clarissa looked at her with raised eyebrows and Lexxi shook her head. "What? Why not?"

"It's Tuesday, you know I'm being tutored tonight." Clarissa looked confused for a second then nodded, realising that Lexxi was indeed being tutored.

"Ok yeah, completely forgot. So how are things going with dorkoid?" Clarissa's words were laced with disgust and Marissa giggled as she agreed that Greg was one of the dorkiest kids at school.

"It's goin ok actually; I think I might actually pass next time." She smiled at them and they smiled back but deep down, Lexxi knew the smile was fake.

"Great and if you don't, you could always be a model when you're older." She faked a smile of her own before excusing herself and saying that she was going to use the bathroom. She started to walk down the corridor and rounded the corner but immediately bumped into something.

"Watch where I'm going, loser." She half mumbled the statement and was about to walk away when she realised that it was Greg she had walked into. She looked down at him as he tried to pick up the pieces of paper which he had dropped and, suddenly feeling guilty, she knelt down and helped him retrieve his papers. "Sorry, I was miles away."

He looked at her and smiled. "Somewhere nice?"

"Somethin' like that." She handed him the history book which she had just picked up and he thanked her. "So, are you still ok to tutor me tonight?"

"Yeah and I'm glad I bumped into you, umm…I was wonderin' if it'd be ok for you to come round later on. This is gonna sound kinda weird but there's somethin' I wanna show you and it has to be dark for it to work. You need to be at mine for eight, you can't be late." She stood up and helped him to his feet, a confused look on her face. "Do you trust me?" She nodded and he smiled a bright smile. "Then trust me tonight and be at my house for eight o'clock."

"Ok, I'll be there." She smiled and he nodded, saying that he would see her that night.

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It was at five minutes to eight that Lexxi knocked on Greg's front door. Greg's mother, Eleanor, answered the door and smiled at Lexxi. "Hi Lexxi."

"Hello Mrs Sanders." Lexxi smiled at Eleanor and the older woman moved to let Lexxi in.

"Please, call me Eleanor or even Ellie would be fine." Lexxi nodded as Mrs Sanders told her that Greg was in his room and that she should just head straight up. After politely saying hello to Greg's grandparents, Lexxi walked up the stairs and knocked on Greg's bedroom door.

He answered the door and gestured for her to come in. "You're mom answered the door." He nodded and she walked into the bedroom. "So, what's this thing I need to see?"

"Well, it's for physics I guess." She looked at him confused and he led her out onto the balcony.

"But Greg, I'm passing physics." She pointed out as he sat down on the sun bed.

"I know that but I thought you might like this. Feel free to sit down." She nodded and sat on a chair, waiting for him to explain. When he didn't, she looked at him with raised eyebrows and he realised that she was waiting for an explanation. "Tonight you can see Haley's comet, that's the comet that…"

"That you can only see every seventy five years?" She interrupted and he smiled at her. "See, told you I was passing physics." They sat in a comfortable silence until Lexxi gasped in surprise, watching as the comet shot across the sky. Greg walked over to her and sat on the arm of the chair as she tilted her head up to look at him. "It's so pretty."

"Yeah and just think, the next time we see it we'll be ninety two." She laughed and he grinned. "Well, if we live that long."

"Yeah, although I think you will."

"So will you. If we do, will you come and visit me in the nursing home?" She laughed and he looked at her with a serious expression on his face.

"You were being serious weren't you?" He nodded and she smiled. "I won't need to; we'll probably end up in the same one." They both laughed and then looked back up at the sky as Lexxi pointed out some of the different constellations.

They talked about stars and constellations for a little longer then set about doing a bit of Chemistry revision. When the session was over he walked her to the door. "Listen we're having a family barbeque this weekend and I know we don't exactly run in the same circles but I was wondering if maybe…well I mean…do you wanna come?"

She smiled at him and couldn't help but think how cute he looked when he was nervous. "Umm…" She was actually considering the idea but Greg got the wrong impression and abruptly cut her off.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. I really shouldn't have asked." It was at that moment that she decided she should give Greg a chance.

"Greg, I'd love to come." He looked at her with wide eyes and she laughed. "What day is it on?"

"Saturday and are you sure, you don't have to?" She smiled and nodded. "Great, should be fun."

"Yeah, well I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled at him before walking down the driveway and getting into her car.

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Later that night, Greg was sitting talking to his mom and his grandparents in the lounge. "Mom, I've invited Lexxi to the barbeque on Saturday, is that ok?" He was dreading the answer, thinking that he should have asked her first.

"Of course it is." She smiled at her son and he smiled back. "So, she's officially talking to you now?" Greg gave a small nod. "I'm glad; she seems like a nice girl."

"She is, once you get to know her. Anyway, I think I'm gonna go up to my room…have an early night." He stood up and walked over to his grandma the kissed her on the cheek. "Night Nana."

She looked up at him and smiled. "Goodnight Greg dear."

He then walked over to his mother and kissed her on the cheek too. "Night mom…see you in the morning; tell dad I said goodnight."

"Night sweetheart and don't worry, I'll tell him when he gets home." Greg nodded and said goodnight to his grandfather then went up the stairs and got ready for bed.

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Eventually it reached Saturday morning and Greg found himself sitting in the back garden, helping his father to set up the barbeque. "So Greg, your mom says that Lexxi's coming?"

"Yeah, that's ok with you isn't it? If it isn't then…" His father cut him off by shaking his head.

"It's absolutely fine son. Besides you'll have someone to help you look after your cousins." When Greg had said that they were having a family barbeque, he hadn't been joking. His grandparents from both sides of the family would be there, as would his mother's sister, her husband and two children, his mother's brother and his part of the family and his father's brother.

David's parents, George and Margaret Sanders, had said that they would get to the house for twelve o'clock along with his brother, Derek, and his family. Eleanor's sister, Lise, and her family, had said that they would arrive at about one, as would her brother and her brother's wife, Tomas and Emily. Along with all the adults attending, there would also be Greg's cousins. Anna was the oldest cousin, being a year and a half older than Greg, and was the daughter of Derek and Camille. Derek also had a son called Luke but Luke was a couple of years younger than Greg. Lise and Robert had two daughters, one aged three called Roxxi and one aged six called Gemma. Tomas and Emily had three children, a fourteen year old son called Joshua, a ten year old daughter called Rose and a six year old daughter called Marta.

Greg sighed as he thought about his seven cousins, 3 of which were younger than ten years old and slightly clingy. He loved his family dearly but he wanted to make an impression on Lexxi and show her that he wasn't a complete dork but with a three year old and two six year olds to look after, he knew he would have his work cut out for him. "So, what time is Lexxi coming?" His father pulled him from his thoughts and Greg looked up to find David waiting patiently for his answer.

"Umm, I told her about half past eleven." David nodded and Greg laughed as his father struggled with the barbeque. "Will this help?" He handed him an instruction book and grinned as David rolled his eyes, staring at the manual with an incredibly 'peed-off' expression.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Britta, Jonas and Eleanor were sorting out the food and drinks for the day ahead. The last time they had had a barbeque, it had turned into an all night party and everyone had gone home very tipsy and absolutely exhausted. She laughed as she remembered the way that they had all had to return the next afternoon, slightly ill from the previous evening, to collect their cars. "So, how many people are coming tonight El?" Britta looked at her daughter, putting her task of finding plates on hold.

"Well, there's Lise and Rob and the kids which is four. Tomas and Emily are coming too which is another five and I think David's brother and his family are coming. With David's parents and the rest of the family; I guess there's gonna be at least fifteen coming and obviously there's me, you, dad, David and Greg which makes twenty plus Greg's friend. I reckon there'll be about twenty one people…we are gonna need some more chairs." Eleanor looked at Jonas and laughed at the shocked expression on her father's face; he clearly hadn't expected there to be so many people attending.

"You're going to need a lot of chairs honey." Britta resumed rooting through the cupboards, determined to find the plastic plates which they saved for barbeques.

"Well, I'll go and get the table and chairs off Greg's balcony. We can use those and we can use the ones on our balcony and I think, we could move the ones off yours and David's balcony too." Eleanor nodded and smiled at Jonas, thanking him for his help.

She then shouted out of the kitchen window to Greg. "Gregory, can you come and help your granddad move the chairs?" He nodded and walked into the kitchen then followed Jonas up the stairs and onto the balcony.

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It reached half past eleven and Lexxi found herself stood on the doorstep waiting for someone to answer the door. Greg answered the door, smiling at her and ushering her inside. "Hey, come in."

"Thanks, I umm…I have something for your parents." Greg raised his eyebrows as she followed him through the living room and into the kitchen.

"Mom, Lexxi's here." Eleanor turned around to find Lexxi holding a bunch of brightly coloured flowers.

"Hi, these are for you Mrs Sanders." She handed the flowers to Eleanor who smiled and thanked her.

"Oh they're beautiful, thank you so much Lexxi." Lexxi nodded and turned to look at Greg, a smile gracing her lips.

"I just have to finish helping Papa Olaf move some chairs but just…make yourself at home. I won't be long." She nodded again and Greg walked once more up the stairs and onto his parent's balcony where Jonas was waiting with a stack of chairs.

"Do you umm…need any help with anything Mrs Sanders?" Lexxi waited patiently for her answer and when Eleanor smiled and nodded, she smiled.

"Ok then dear, if you're sure you don't mind." Lexxi shook her head and waited for Eleanor to give her something to do. "If you're sure, could you please set the tables outside, just put the tablecloths out and the plates when my mother's found them?"

"Sure, no problem." Eleanor thanked her for her help then handed her a few tablecloths and Lexxi walked out into the back garden.

She was greeted by the sight of one very irritated Mr Sanders. "Bloody barbeque, stick to the one we have I said, no we need a new one she said…ugh." David continued to mutter under his breath until he realised that someone was stood behind him. "Hello." He smiled innocently, causing Lexxi to laugh. "Sorry about that, I've been trying to fix this thing up for hours. I'm David Sanders, Greg's father and you must be Lexxi."

"Yes sir, nice to meet you. I've just been talking to your wife, asking if I could help with anything…I'm just gonna put these tablecloths on the tables." She realised that probably sounded stupid and pathetic but she had no idea what to say and for once in her life, she was more nervous than ever before.

"Please, call me David and thank you but you really don't have to help Lexxi." He smiled at her, trying to lessen her nerves.

"I know but I want to and thank you so much for inviting me." All of her other friend's parents didn't really care about their kids or the way they acted but Lexxi had always been different. She could be very irritating and obnoxious at school but she was completely different around everyone's parents and for some reason, which she couldn't quite understand, she found herself wanting to make a good impression on Greg's family.

"Oh you're welcome sweetheart; it's nice to have you here. Greg speaks very highly of you." She was very surprised at this, expecting Greg to have complained about her to his parents.

"Really?" David nodded and she blushed slightly. "Wow that's…umm…nice." David merely nodded and turned back to his barbeque.

A few minutes passed and David broke the silence which had formed between them. "Don't suppose you know how to build these things do you Lexxi?"

She looked up from the table and shook her head before walking over to him and picking up the instruction manual. "Hmm…" She looked at the half assembled barbeque then back at the manual. "Oh, I know why it isn't fitting in." He looked up at her with raised eyebrows. "You're using the wrong sized screws, you need the small ones." He slapped his palm against his forehead and she smiled at him before putting the leaflet back down.

"No wonder I can't build this thing. Thanks Lexxi." She simply nodded and set about putting the rest of the tablecloths on the tables as David screwed in the smaller screws and finished off the barbeque.

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Twenty minutes later, the barbeque was up and Lexxi was helping Britta to put the plates out on the tables when Greg walked into the backyard with Jonas and the last few chairs. He slipped on his way out however and ended up flat on his back with the stack of chairs on top of him. "Ah, not good." He lay on his back and stared at the sky as Britta and Lexxi ran over to him.

Britta picked up the chairs whilst Lexxi knelt down next to him. "Oh my God, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She smiled down at him and he grinned. "Don't worry, I'm clumsy…guess you could say it happens all the time. You look nice today by the way, forgot to tell you before." She had chosen to wear something completely different to her normal choice of day wear and had ditched the miniskirts and tight tops in favour of a pair of bright yellow cut offs and an orange 'Converse' t-shirt which matched her orange 'All Stars'. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail and he could tell that she hadn't bothered to straighten it that morning.

"Oh…umm…thanks, you look pretty spiffy yourself." Greg was dressed in a similar way to her except he was wearing jeans and she couldn't help but laugh; only he could compliment her for dressing down. He smiled and sat up as Lexxi stood up and offered her hand out to him.

He took her hand and got to his feet then brushed off his jeans. "Thanks, I would introduce you to the rest of the family but they aren't here yet." She nodded and he said that he would introduce her to everyone when they arrived. He only hoped and prayed that his family would be less embarrassing than usual because for some strange reason, which he didn't understand, he wanted to make a lasting impression on her and that thought scared him.

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A/N: Well here you go folks, another chapter is finished. Pretty, pretty please review to find out what happens next and remember constructive criticism is always welcomed and flames are saved to make me toasty in winter. Thanks for reading and chapter 5 will be up soon.

"It's choice--not chance--that determines your destiny."

- Jean Nidetch