A/N I really wanted to make this chapter like super long because it's the end, but I'm not the type to put useless crap in just for length. So it's just regular. I rewrote this baby 3 times. Sorry if it disappoints anybody I tried to wrap stuff up the best I could. Thanks for sticking with me everybody and I hope this chap makes you happy :)

This is the song for this whole story. It's the song that gave me the idea for Bella as a doll

She & Him- Why Do You Let Me Stay Here

Last Chapter-The End


We were finally able to leave Tel Aviv. I was going to miss it but I was ready to start my human life back in the States with Edward, Alice and the rest of my "family". I've been human for the length of a week but we couldn't leave until they could forge me a passport. Now, with it firmly in my hand and my 3 full suitcases that Alice and I managed to accumulate in the past week I was finally at the airport.

Stepping into the Ben Gurion airport was a new experience for me as a human. My heart was beating frantically. I felt like any second I would be only a foot higher than the ground again. While I knew this was not likely to happen but I couldn't help the feeling. Edward turned to me, most likely noticing the change in my breathing. He grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze and I could feel myself relaxing. Edward could see it too, because he relaxed his posture and smiled at me, before dragging me further into the airport.

After we checked in, we continued further in.

"Ooh let's check out the Buy & Bye Mall!" Alice exclaimed.

Edward groaned.

"You can stay out here Edward. Bella and I will go in." She knew he wouldn't leave my side. He hadn't since I became human again and that's the way I wanted it. Therefore his grip on my hand tightened and Alice grabbed my other hand and dragged both of us into the mini mall. I'd discovered that I actually liked shopping. Having a choice as to what I wear and how I put it together was a privilege I never really missed, but I was grateful to have it back and while I was hesitant to let Alice and Edward spend money on me at first I knew now that money was infinite for them...just like their lives. Three summer dresses, 2 pairs of sandals, and a souvenir shirt later we were done and waiting in line in the Border Control Hall to get our passports checked.

I might have been worried at this point but I knew Edward and Alice wouldn't let anything happen. Everything would go perfect. I watched as the person in front of me walked through the gate with ease and I hesitantly stepped up to the counter.

The man stared at me expectantly. "Passport."

"Oh, oh! I'm sorry." I quickly handed the man my passport and waited. He quickly skimmed it before flipping and stamping. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding and he handed the little book back to me.

I looked down to see my first real stamp and was surprised to see I couldn't really tell which one was the real one and which was the fake. While I was disappointed that I couldn't enjoy it I was also happy I couldn't tell the difference because it lessened some of my worry for future trips.

I walked to Alice who was waiting at the end of the hall. "I guess you're as good as you said you were."

"Of course I am Bella. Do you have so little faith in me?" She looked insulted and I couldn't help but smile.

"I have so much faith in you Alice, it borders unhealthy." Her face returned to it's usual smile and she hugged me.

Edward came then and put his arm around my waist. "What happened?"

"Oh I was just reassuring Alice of her abilities." I smiled.

Edward scoffed." For someone who can see the future you sure need to be reassured a lot." Alice just stuck her tongue out at him before turning to walk away towards the Rotunda.

I was about to run and catch up with her but Edward stopped me. "Bella can we talk first?"

I turned back to him and my head cocked slightly to the side. He'd peaked my curiosity. "Sure. What's up? I searched my mind for anything that could be so important that we had to talk about it now and could only think of one thing. I looked up into his eyes quickly and saw they were clear. It wasn't bad news, specifically bad news about our relationship.

A/N Quick authors is going back in time a little bit and then it will continue where BPOV ended.


I watched as Bella and Alice shopped. It was odd watching Bella act like a normal girl. In all my imaginings I'd never pictured Bella as a shopper but I could see now that I was wrong. She rivaled Alice in the shopping department and if I wasn't already so in love with her I would make a run for it.

Bella turned to me and pushed 2 more pieces of clothing into my hand. I was about to protest when she smiled brightly at me effectively shutting me up.

Looks weren't a big deal to me and I knew Bella could have been turned into a human and had 3 eyes, bad teeth, and the worlds worst case of acne and I wouldn't have loved her any less. Luckily for me she had none of those things. If anything she exceeded my expectations. She was by far the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and I could see how it could have gone to her head when she was younger. Bella was everything I could have asked for and more. There was only one thing I wasn't satisfied with.

I still couldn't read her mind.

If she wasn't such an interesting creature I would leave it be. But this was Bella. I would give my left arm to know what was going through that head of hers. She never did what I expected and sometimes I would see this look in her eyes that would almost make me explode with curiosity. And then there were the times when I would see her smile for no reason. We could be sitting in silence, none of us watching the t.v. that was on, and I would turn to her and see this smile on her face that I never saw anytime else. It was unexplainable and random, but it was the smile I liked the most.

I'd make it my personal mission to figure out that smile. What causes it? So it could one day be aimed at me.

I'd failed to tell Bella I couldn't read her mind even now as a human, but it just occurred to me that she could have an idea as to why that is. It would also be nice to know if she preferred it this way. I was pretty sure she would be happy about it and while it would bother me to no end I wouldn't dwell on it. If Bella liked it this way it would remain this way.

I followed Alice and Bella throughout the mini mall until they finally had enough and went to purchase their items. Next stop was the Border Control Hall. We got in line Alice, Bella, and me bringing up the rear. I could see Bella chest moving up and down quickly and her deep brown eyes darting back and forth and knew that she was nervous.

I had no doubt in Alice's abilities in forging passports and wanted to laugh at Bella for her lack of faith in both Alice and myself. There was no chance I would ever let anything bad happen to Bella and I was surprised to see Bella must not know this.

I decided that instead of reassuring her I would let her go through it herself. Maybe next time she wouldn't worry so much.

She stepped shakily to the counter and stood there not doing anything until the man prompted her. She blushed bright red and I smiled at how easily she could get embarrassed. And then fought a grimace when I thought of the first time she blushed after being turned back into a human.

I'd never registered the fact that Bella would be human and would therefore have blood that could tempt me. Initially it hadn't bothered me but my guess is I was too distracted. Seeing Bella human and being able to touch her, and kiss her must have been enough to divert my attention from the fact that she had blood now,pumping from her heart to the rest of her body. That is until she blushed, which she did on our walk home from the forest.

It was Alice who did it. She was so enthusiastic to have Bella there. She started a steady stream of compliments from the moment she saw her. I couldn't even remember what exactly Alice said to cause the blood to rush to Bella's cheeks but I remember everything else.

Alice and I froze simultaneously and exchanged a look undetected by Bella. Alice recovered first. She held her breath and continued her conversation with Bella like nothing had ever happened. I followed quickly after.

Alice and I later figured out her blood really only stood out to us when she blushed and for that I was happy. I knew I couldn't hurt her but it was always safe to be cautious and know everything. I was still upset at myself for the first time though. How could I even for that brief second forget that it was Bella's blood, therefore off limits.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud cough and I turned to see an irritated looking man looking at me pointedly. I saw Bella turn the corner and head down the hallway so I quickly walked up with an apologetic smile on my face.

He spent extra time to look over my passport. Way more time then he had on anybody elses, and I fought the urge to tap my foot impatiently. I'd resolved to talk to Bella and he was taking too much time. He finally turned to one of my pages and pressed the stamp down roughly before tossing it at me.

I smiled at him politely and hurried around the corner to catch up to Bella. There was no need to worry because I could see she and Alice were standing at the end of the hall talking and laughing.

I put my arm around Bella and and asked her what was so funny.

"Oh I was just reassuring Alice of her abilities." I rolled my eyes.

"For someone who can see the future you sure need to be reassured a lot." She stuck her tongue out at me and turned towards the Rotunda, most likely to shop some more.

Bella began to go after her but I quickly grabbed her arm to stop her. "Bella can we talk first?"

She turned slowly. "Sure. What's up? I could see the curiosity in her eyes.

I wasn't sure how to start. Bella I can't read your mind and I was wondering if you had some information and you've been holding out on me? Yeah that would get the point across. I could see Bella was getting anxious,misinterpreting my silence.

"Bella do you know why I can't read your mind?" She stood silent for a second, before she broke out into a huge smile and started laughing loudly.

"God Edward. You scared me! From the way you were acting you would have thought it was the end of the world." Then she paused letting what I'd asked actually click in. "You can't read my mind? How odd."

I figured it wouldn't help anything to tell her it did feel like the end of the world to me. "Yes it is odd. I'm guessing you don't know why?"

She shook her head. "Sorry can't help you and honestly I'm kind of happy you can't."

She said it. There was no way I could ever read her mind or even attempt to figure out how to because she liked it better this way and I'd never want her to be uncomfortable. "Okay then. That's settled. We can go find Alice now, I suppose."

She looked at me for a second before she smiled. " It's not settled though. I can see it's bothering you so how about we make a deal? At any time you can ask me what I'm thinking and I'll tell you honestly." She hesitated before adding. "With slight editing."

I groaned. Of course she would edit. I had a feeling she would edit just enough to leave me even more curious, and I told her so.

"Trust me Edward. The editing is for the best. No one should be subjected to what's going on in my mind. It's enough of a burden for me."

"I'm sure that's not the case, but something is better then nothing." Bella nodded in assent. I decided to make use of our new deal. "What are you thinking?"

She smiled. "I'm thinking we should go find Alice and get to the gate because they should be boarding soon. And that I love you."

I pulled her to me swiftly and pressed my lips to hers. "Did you edit?"

She nodded. "I was really thinking I love you more then anything."

I brushed my lips against hers slowly. "I love you just the same."


We were just taking off. I watched the little video that showed me what to do just in case the plane crashes, or air stops coming in. I'd never had to pay attention before or really enjoyed a plane ride so this was another new experience for me.

Edwards thumb was rubbing circles in my palm, distracting me. "Stop it Edward. I need to know how to detach my seat and transform it into a flotation device."

He chuckled. "There's a latch on the bottom of your seat."

I rolled my eyes and settled back into my seat/flotation device, while Edward continued with his thumb. I still couldn't believe he loved me. Every time I think about it I get this silly grin on my face.

"What are you thinking?" Edward whispered, close to my ear.

"I'm thinking about how great it is that you love me and that I would love to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Well that explains the mystery smile."

"Mystery smile?"

"I've been wondering about that smile the whole week. It's nice to finally know what causes it."

I was about to respond when something caught my eye in the window. "Aviv?"

"Aviv? What are you talking about?"

I turned his head so he could see through the window. She was waving frantically and saying something, but of course we couldn't hear. She threw her hands up in the air with what looked like aggravation, before she pointed at the window separating us. Her voice came through then, loud and clear.

"Ahh, that's better isn't it?" Edward and I nodded dumbly, still surprised to see her.

"I just wanted to say good luck and it was a pleasure helping you become a better person. I wanted to say it now because the chances you'll be seeing me again are very slim."

"How are you...?" She understood what I was trying to say and lifted up enough so I could see the broom that was keeping her in the air.

"How cliche." Edward mumbled next to me. I gave him a look and he just shrugged.

I turned back to Aviv to thank her for turning me back, but she was gone.

I continued to stare out the window minutes after she'd left, she was the last link I had to the world I used to live in. I was actually a little sad to see her go.

The captains voice over the intercom telling us we'd reached cruising altitude broke me from my thoughts. I turned to see Edward with his eyes closed and his seat reclined. Of course I knew he wasn't asleep.



"What's life going to be like when we get back?" He grasped my hand in response to my question before turning his head towards me.

"What do you think?" I sighed. His answer confirmed what I'd assumed. He had no idea either.

"I guess since we both have no clue we should just figure stuff out as it happens?" I suggested.

He smiled and nodded. "I think that sounds good."

I yawned hugely and blushed, embarrassed. Edward stiffened next to me and if I wasn't so tired I would have asked him about it. I was starting to drift off.

"Sleep, my Bella"

That was all it took. So I slept, thinking about what life held for me and Edward and knowing that no matter what, it would be me and him forever.

A/N That was one difficult chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it and that it satisfied you. I know I kind of left their future open ended but I figured you could fill it in however you wanted. There's a chance of an epilogue but for now just think of this as the end. There is absolutely no hope for a sequel. Sorry to disappoint. I get restless easily and I have so many ideas for new stories I can't imagine continuing this one. Thank you to all the people who've been with me since chapter 1 and all the people who jumped in and supported this story wholeheartedly. I love you all! And put me on your author alert so you can know when I post new stories.
