Phantom Castle

A/N: Yeah, yeah, I know . . . I should probably get the next chapter of my InuYasha fic, I'm A WHAT?!,updated before I start a new story, but to be honest it's because I no longer have any inspiration at all for that story and this one just pushed its way into my mind.

Kara: Just as a warning, in this fic, the characters are all two years older and this fic is kinda dark and . . . is a bit inappropriate for younger readers . . . like . . . younger than fourteen. We don't want any other innocent minds being scarred.

BlueMouse: Yeah! Our mind is scarred enough from and will probably never be cute and innocent like mine again! So basically, cute scenes that don't include inappropriateness and funny/awkward situations are all that I'm musing. The rest is Kara . . . who occasionally switches from being nice to turning to the dark side.

Chibi: Like Anikin Skywalker! (smiles)

Kara: (twitch)

Chibi: And as special guests, I've used my random, skip through worlds/dimensions to find Sam, Danny, and Tucker and bring them here to do my disclaimer for me!

BlueMouse: YAY!! (claps hands excitedly)

Sam: Oh god, someone kill me now . . . the hyperness . . .

Chibi: (frowns) Don't be like that Sam. Now everyone, do it just like we rehearsed!

Danny: Chibi doesn't own Danny Phantom.

Tucker: Danny Phantom is copyright to Butch Hertman(sp?) and Nickelodeon Studios.

Sam: So don't sue her. . . . Can we go home now?

Prologue: The Legend

In the small town of Amity, a shadow looms. An old abandoned castle lies in the outskirts casting the terrifying shadow. The castle . . . is said to be haunted. The people who have gone into the castle and have returned to tell the tale, say that the spirit of a young boy lives there. With snow white hair, and neon green eyes, he tends to keep most intruders out. Most intruders except, for the bravest, the foolish, or the unlucky.

Lights flicker on and off. Doors slam shut and lock when seemingly no one is around. This is said to be the work of the spirit. How did the young boy die? Well that's the question. No one is sure for no bones, blood, nor gravestone, have ever been found that suggests that it might belong to the ghost of the boy. And at night, if one walks by the castle, and looks up into one of the windows, and gets lucky, one might see a boy, about the age of sixteen, with jet black hair and stunning blue eyes.

Are the ghost and the boy one and the same? Can the ghost change his appearance? Does he actually exist? Some seem to think not, for some do not experience these strange happenings no matter how many times they go into the castle. One of these people is a girl, who lives in a mansion in the town of Amity. A girl who likes to wear black and despises eating or wearing anything that was once a living animal. A girl called Sam Manson.