I feel like a child again, hiding on the bed. The tan course blanket is almost smothering me as is the stiff pillow over my head. I've flatten my body as much as humanly possible, hopping I look more like a lumpy mattress than someone underneath. I'm not new to this position, it was one I became familiar with when I was younger; when the stench of my father's cheap whiskey became too unbearable and my mother's screams just too hard to hear; when I'd wake from a nightmare and try to hide from the creepy crawlies I was positive were slithering under the bed frame; when I would playfully hide from my cat Matches, pretending to be invisible as he mewed for my attention.

But my current situation is entirely different. I shiver, feeling the gush of wind coming from the gapping hole in the wall. Despite the silence, sounds of menacing and deranged laughter echo through my ears. The same laughter and cheers that were being echoed from the cement blocks just minutes before. I had relished the sound then, it being a nice alternative from the crashing wall; the barrier that kept us loonies from the "innocent" people of Gotham.

He, The Joker as he prefers to be called, started all of this mess. Somehow he bribed one of the guards, I have no idea with what because for all I knew his only possessions were tacky purple suits and plastic spraying flowers. But somehow he got some guard who was sick of his job to smuggle in some supplies. At first glance these items looked like normal household appliances, but when put in the hands of a maniac they become a bomb. A bomb used to obliterate the wall of my cell, well most of it. He had decided on my room because it's positioned the farthest from the surveillance center and because I didn't feel like arguing with him. I haven't really felt like doing much of anything for the past few months. Poison Ivy and Harlequin would try to involve me in their newest schemes, but I'd merely shrug, saying I was bored of all that. They could escape if they liked but I really didn't see the point in it all, because I knew he'd find me. He, Batman; he always did. How would this time be any different?

Of course they would snicker, thinking I was pulling their leg and merely being lazy. Like a house cat sun bathing by a window, who seems perfectly content until the door is opened and it runs as fast as its four legs can carry it. I can't blame them, I do have a reputation. And the analogy isn't too absurd since I am Catwoman or was Catwoman. To be quite honest I almost become ill when someone calls me that, which is one of the many reasons I'm still here.

He had begged me to come, The Joker, all of them really. It was some sort of thanks for letting him hide his things in my cell, for keeping quiet, for not scratching his eyes out like I probably would have done a year ago.

"Catwoman, come on the coast is clear. Let's skedaddle before the men in blue or even worse, black, are hear."

His voice had the same effect of an overused squeaky toy, eerie and a bit annoying.

"Selena." I corrected.

"Catwoman, Selena, they're just titles and who needs titles…"

He sounded like he was starting up a rant, so I was pleased when Harlequin interrupted.

"Yeah and it feels unnatural calling ya Selena. Now get off your crazy tush and let's run." She ordered.

"No! I'm staying!" I vocalized.

Although my back was aching as I braced myself against the wall behind me. I wished so desperately to merge with the wall and disappear from the disbelief in their eyes. Even Harvey was at a loss for words as he shoved both hands in his pockets, I'm sure playing with his lucky coin in one of them. He was standing in profile with his unmarred side facing me. I always thought he looked handsome, Bruce rivaling handsome, with his blond combed hair and square jaw. I think I was starring because The Joker snapped his fingers by my ear.

"Hello! Look you can stare at Two Face all you want once we're out of here. I mean, you got a fifty-fifty chance with him." The Joker spat, literally, some saliva even reached my face.

"I'm not going with you! I won't tell them anything. There just isn't anything out there for me anymore!" I managed to say between clenched teeth.

"Fine, suit yourself." He said lightheartedly, licking his lips and pulling on his purple lapels with a cackle.

And before I know it, they leave without even a final glance; except for Harvey.

"If you change your mind, find me, or I'll find you." He says genuinely, winking at me before making his exit.

Finding nothing else to do and knowing the police would sooner or later show up, I buried myself in my bed. I can hear two sets of legs making their way down the hall. They're much too slow for anyone trying to escape but faster than cops.

"Damn it! There gone, all of them!" A voice I'm sure is Robin shouts.

"No, look closer." Batman, of course, whispers.

I can barely hear his light footsteps as he approaches me and yanks off my protective covering.

"Selena?" He asks, clearly perplexed.

I however do not respond, my teeth chattering at his mere presence.