Sorry this chapter took so long! It was really hard to type. I have a bit of 'Boy Drama' in my life right now, so it was hard but I did it. I hope you readers enjoy it. C:

Recap: He saw that I wouldn't answer, so he continued; his face solemn. .

'She inflicted real damage to her body. She might've had a concussion when she hit a rock at the bottom. She might not remember much.'

All of a sudden, Alice came down. Her face was breathe taking. She whispered something into Carlisle's ear and he nodded.

"Edward, May I be excused?" he said aloud.

"Of course," I replied.

Alice's POV

I upstairs in my room arranging my closet when something happened. It wasn't the present though. It was the future. Not the immediate but wisps of it. I saw things I did know would happen.

Edward and I were hand in hand. Which was pretty normal for us Cullen family. We love each other with all out hearts. (No pun intended) But this was different. We were running; running somewhere else. Some place where I do not know. Where WE do not know. It was a foreign place to us both. This vision, it was Edward and I running away. Away from our family. This vision excited me at the same time it scared me! We were running AWAY; TOGETHER. What about Jasper? What about Bella? Bella was mere weeks away from her wedding date. Not that I think she would care after what she saw Edward and I did. What was I thinking?! Bella was my best friend; my soon-to-bee sister-in-law.

I need to talk to Carlisle. He will know what to do.

I went down the stairs and found Edward and Carlisle conversing. Edward looked ashamed and Carlisle well, he looked shocked. I took in a breath, even though I didn't need it. I walked down the stairs and went to Carlisle.

I whispered in his ear so low that even Edward couldn't hear, "Carlisle, I had a vision. It's important."

He quickly rose from his spot and came with me to walk up to his office.

"Carlisle, I had a vision," I said when we were out of ear shot.

"Yes, Alice. Please tell me what you have envisioned," Carlisle demanded yet with a hint of curiosity.

I didn't know what to say to Carlisle. So I took my time, I knew a guy…err… vampyre like him wouldn't mind the silence.

I could've sworn we sat in his office for at least an hour before I spoke up. I decided to up front.

"In my vision," I started, "I saw Edward and I running away together." I paused not knowing what would come out of Carlisle's mouth. When I was sure that he wasn't going to say anything, I continued. "I was kissing Edward today." I shamefully looked down my knees.

It was quite awhile before I heard Carlisle speak up.

"Alice, my daughter," He began. The way he said 'daughter', if I was still human, it would've made me cry. "Alice, I know. Edward told me all about it. What are your feelings for him? And what about your love Jasper?"

I have thought about Jasper. I knew how I felt about him. That feeling had changed. Edward and I were perfect for each other. He knew what I was thinking without me telling him. And I knew his almost-future. (A/N: I couldn't find a word perfect to describe Alice's visions) We've been having our own 'little' conversations without humans and our vampire siblings noticing. Long before Bella Swan came into Edward's existence. I saw into Edward's and Bella's future. Things weren't going to end up well for them two. But I've been careful with my thoughts around Edward, when it came to Bella and him. But then he just kissed me, and I kissed him back. My body fitted into his just perfectly. It was like his body was a jigsaw puzzle, and I was the missing piece. The way his lip moved with mine, the way his tongue felt…-"

"Help me!"

A scream of pain broke into my reverie.

"Help me!" The voice screamed again. It took me a second to figure out that the voice belonged to Jasper. Then I smelt it; the floral scent of her blood. Bella! It was Bella's blood!

I ran downstairs quickly to find Bella's limp body in Jasper's strong arms. It took me quite some time to take in to what I was seeing. Her body was pale. Very pale. Her eyes were as black as midnight. Her body had multiple lashings. They looked self-inflicted. Oh my god. Bell tried to kill herself, again! This was my fault. I loved Bella like a sister.

I ran over to Jasper's side. When his eyes locked with mine, I saw the accusion in them.

He let that aside, right now it was about Bella. Carlisle came down in a flash. His eyes were horror-struck! His face was pale, even for us vampires. That's when I saw Edward. He was in the corner of the living room, almost as pale as Carlisle. Carlisle had in his hand his medical bag. He knelt down beside Jasper and I and began to clean off Bella's wounds. We didn't utter a sound. Esme, Rosalie and Emmet were off hunting, so they do not know about the accident here. He cleansed Bella's lashings and started stitching the up. They were going to leave scars…

I heard Edward leave to his room when the tension loosened up a bit. He did not even take a glance at me. Jasper and I stayed to help Carlisle, but we didn't talk or utter a sound. I knew Jasper was giving off calm waves for Bella.

When it was over, Jasper carried Bella up to what was our room, and laid her on what used to be our bed. Bella looked restless, but she was asleep. Carlisle gave her enough morphine to keep her asleep for a few hours. Jasper stayed Bella's side, as did I. But after a few minutes I left. I couldn't handle it. I felt like it was my entire fault that she did that.

So I left for Edward's room. I knocked on the door lightly and tried to relax. Edward cane and opened the door.

So what did you think of it? Sorry if it's confusing. It's a little short too. xS I really didn't know what to type. I made it so exactly when Bella woke up from her head injury, she saw Edward staring at her, and she ran to the kitchen and started spazzing then cutting herself. Chyeah, so please review this chapter.