DISCLAIMER: Bones, with the belonging FOX and all that.

-- Total Mouthgasm --

"Have you been to that new pizza place yet? Their cheesy breadsticks are amazing," Zack said to Hodgins.

"Yes, I have. Oh my God, total mouthgasm!" Hodgins responded enthusiastically.

"What's a mouthgasm?" Bones asked, having only entered the room in time to catch the tail end of the conversation.

"It's like an orgasm in your mouth," Zack explained, although not very clearly.

"Like, during oral sex?" Bones asked, nonplussed.

"NO!" Hodgins shouted, embarassed. "It means something is delicious, so delicious that you want to compare it to sexual pleasure! And it's not a term that I think you should ever use again outside this conversation, Dr. Brennan!"

Cause then she'd probably use it wrong, Booth would ask her where she heard it, and Hodgins would end up getting yelled at by Booth for teaching it to her.


Reviews: love.