Vader walks into the interrogation room. There is a man and a woman waiting.

"I know you have the plans for the death star. Where are they?" Vader asks.
The man speaks up. He has a British accent. "What plans? What's a death star?"

Vader motions for the interrogation droid, and it floats over. The woman begins to scream, also with a British accent, "Witch! You're a witch!"
The man echo's her. "Witch! Witch!"
Vader rolls his eyes under his mask. "I'm not a witch."
"You've got a cape." The man says.
"The cape is for dramatic effect. Now, I want to know..."
"Not a very good witch, either." The woman interrupts him. "Has the hat all wrong."

"This is my helmet. And I'm not a witch. I'm a Dark Lord of the Sith." Vader is obviously getting irritated.
"A what?" The man asks. "And if you're not a witch, how come you can do magic? And the cape? That's a witches cape."

"Like I said earlier, the cape is for dramatic effect. I am a Dark Sith Lord, so I can control the force to make things do what I want. Now TELL ME WHERE THE PLANS ARE!" Vader growls.
"Listen to him ordering us around like that." The woman says to the man. "Thinks he's king or something."
"I am the Emperor's right hand. I am the Dark Sith Lord of the Galaxy."
"Well I didn't vote for you." The woman shoots back.
"Wha... you... wha... You don't VOTE for someone to become Dark Sith Lord!" Vader is obviously mad. "You achieve the position by sucking up to the Emperor and destroying rebel planets and bases! Don't you know anything?"
"That sounds like something a witch would do... Hey, what're all those buttons for?" The man gets up, going straight for Vader's chest armor.

Vader pushes him away with the force. "Don't touch those!" He yells.
"Look!" The woman says. "More witchcraft!"
Vader is fed up. He turns to the storm troopers. "Watch them. The interrogators will be here any minute." He leaves to go blow off some steam.

When he comes back, he hears a strange thumping. He opens the door to find everyone doing a dance routine and singing...

"We're workers on the death star,

We kill rebels near and far

Vader's a big guy, he wears the same thing every day-a

Spends all of his time trying to find Luke and Leia!
We're workers on the Death Star..."
A Mechanic slid to the middle of the room, and with a deep baritone voice, belted out "I make sure things are up to PAR!"
They finished the dance routine, and then they spotted Vader.

"Oy, look! It's the witch again!" The man said.
One of the interrogation men ran to Vader ."I'm so sorry, your Greatness, but they... they were singing, and you have to admit, it's a catchy tune... We couldn't help ourselves!"
Vader started to growl, and everyone began to choke. They were soon dead.

As he walks away, he hears "I told you he was a witch." from the Spirit of the man.

"Neee!" Vader screams, intending to call for Captin Ne.

"Ok! Ok, we'll go!" He hears from the woman. "He really is evil..."