"Won't you be my Romeo?"

Rate: M or PG-13 (14)

Characters: ObitoxRin, NarutoxSakura (implied), KakaxIru,KakaxObito

Fan Fiction: Naruto

By: Kima Kyasurin (Kitase)

Summary (extended): What would happen if Obito was saved after his team left presuming he was dead, and 15 years years later he makes his way back to Konoha. Everything everyone knew changes and sparks of old bonds begin to fly, some that cause tension. Rin survived whatever she was supposed to die in, and Kakashi seemed to have finally found someone special to him, leaving Rin to herself. Rin, after the events of Obito's death, she began to have delusions for the longest time of Obito returning with his bright smile, but Kakashi had proved that they were only her wishfull thinking and delusions tricking her, even though he has nightmares himself. And now that Obito has returned, unrequited love begins, love that was lost will bloom, unexpected and unitentional love happens, and love that had just been found flutters away as interest takes to another.

Chapter 1: The Arival of Obito?!

Silence took over the two Jounin at the Konohagakure gate. There was nothing to do ever since two years ago during the Chuunin Exam when Orochimaru attacked and killed the Third Hokage. And of course everyone remembers the whole mishaps of Squad Seven, Team Kakashi that was made up of Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzamaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha.

The tan Jounin sighed in boredom, "Why'd Hokage-sama ask me to take over Geckko's shift?" he scratched the bridge of his nose just out of habit and nerves.

"Quit complaining Iruka-san! This is the best job ever! You don't have to do anything."

"But.." Iruka paused to scratch his nose again, then he continued, "But Genma there's nothing to do other than talk. And you know I'm not good at conversations."

Genma frowned obviously not amused, "We're having a conversation right now."

"Oh!" Iruka blushed scratching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment.

Genma smiled as he propped his head up with his arms. He always admired how easily Iruka was embarrassed and how he's so naive. But he had a certain gentleness that made Genma envy him so much, and, he had Kakashi Hatake.

Kakashi Hatake was basically the most wanted ninja throughout the village among women and men. Kakashi never got close to people when he was young but that changed after the death of a close friend, Obito Uchiha died on a mission and soon after Kakashi opened up slightly to others but he still kept to himself.

The Kakashi now though, is energetic and full of life. Genma wandered if it was because of his squad or when he'd meet up with Iruka, if Iruka really soothed his heart. But that's another story for him to worry about because a certain pink haired ninja holding paperwork stared at him blankly.

"Er, Genma?" she asked.

"What's with the paperwork, Sakura-san?" Genma frowned.

Sakura gave smirk as she dropped the pile in front of the two. Their jaws dropped at the height of the paper.

"Tsunade-sama says to get this is to be filed and turned in by the end of the day or else!"

Iruka simply nodded but Genma wanted to put up a fight for his right to laziness, "But why?!"

"Don't ask me. I'm just fallowing orders." She replied smirking.

"Riiight..." Genma droned on but picked a topic quickly, "Have you seen Naruto yet?"

Sakura shook her head, "No. Is he back from his mission with Neji and Kiba?"

"He sure is! He said that he wanted to take you somewhere nice today."

Iruka nodded, "So how long have you two-"

"About a year and a half!" she grinned proudly.

Genma smirked as he nudged Iruka with his elbow, "Ne, Iruka. You think he's ganna pop THE question anytime soon?"

Before anything else was said Sakura bolted off blushing.

Iruka rolled his eyes and as he did so something outside the gate caught his eye. Out in a slight distance a rather short figure wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it, was walking towards the general direction of the gate. It took Iruka a few minutes until he realized who the mysterious stranger was, a member of the Akatsuki. He swiftly stood up pointing in the direction of the enemy.

"Genma! Go warn the Hokage that a member of Akatsuki is approaching the village!"

"Yes sir!" Genma saluted and took of towards the Hokage's office.

By the time Iruka turned to give Genma orders and the time he turned to see the Akatsuki member, they were standing at least three feet away from each other. The member had the traditional uniform of the Akatsuki but had his face concealed by an orange mask that only cover one eye and on his back was a man twice the size of himself.

"What do you want with Konoha!?" Iruka demanded.

Surprisingly the man answered, "Tobi's a good boy. Tobi wanted to return this Konoha ninja that he found in a village not too far away. Villagers said he was badly injured and they couldn't help him so they kept him in their hospital until Konoha came looking for him."

Puzzled by the grammar and speech the man was using Iruka hesitated before asking another question, "Since when do we forget any of our ninja?"

The man shrugged as he gently put the larger man on the ground, he took out of his cloak a Konohagakure headband and set it on the man, "He's really knocked out 'cause Tobi gave him painkillers. Tobi a good boy." with that said the man who called himself Tobi skipped out of the gate and back to where he came from.

Iruka stood there blankly staring at the sleeping ninja before him, then he decided he should check to see if he was okay.

"Wonder who he is?"

The man opened his eyes and in a groggy voice asked, "Where am I?"

"Er..." Iruka laughed nervously, "You're in Konoha."

The man smiled and nodded, "I missed this place..."


The sound of beeping made a black colored eye open slowly. A woman about approximately 27 years old smiled at her patient.

"My, it seems like you woke up." The woman's chestnut hair glistened in the sunlight that shone from the open window in the hospital room.

The patient returned a smile since he couldn't find any words to say.

"Is it okay if I ask a few questions, since you're awake?"

The patient nodded slowly, "Sure..."

"How old are you?"

"Er..." he paused, "Twenty-eight?"

The woman nodded as she jotted the answer down.


"Ummm...well...I really don't know you that well but if you really wa-"

"What?!" She reached over and slapped him square on the face. "Unlike you I don't keep my mind in the gutter, I was asking about your gender!"

"Well excuse me for not understanding what you were asking of me!Besides, why would i EVER want to have sex with you anyway...." he growled looking the other way.

"WHAT!! How dare you talk to me like that, all I wanted to do was get some information so I could give it to the front desk!" the woman reprimanded.

"...Well...I'm sorry... if you would please continue your questions, I don't want to be left alone."

"Well, I guess that I could ask a couple more."

"Thank you..."

"So what ninja rank are you?"

"Let's see, I remember being a Chuunin last..." he mused.

"Ah, I see that you're a amnesia patient.." she murmmered.

The patient shook his head, "Not exactly," his right eye sadened, "I lived here before when I was thirteen, with a team..." he looked at the nurse, "There was a girl, one that I would give my life for to protect. And a guy that I could never be on terms with." the man frowned.

The nurse smiled sweetly, "Is that all you remember?"

He smirked as he drew his right hand over his left eye, "I lost my eye-No, I gave my eye to someone.."

"Well I'm sure that someone is very happy with it." she touched his should softly, "Only an examination and one more question left okay?"

"Okay.." he yawed. He layed silent as he watched the nurse examine him, her chesnut hair reminded him of the girl he liked along with the purple square tatoo on both cheeks. They were familar......

"Now I need your name please..." she asked.

The man stared at her his eye wide, it couldn't be her. It couldn't be, "Rin...?" he muttered.

The woman stared at him, "What?"

"You're Rin..?" he muttered again.

She nodded, "How do you know my name? Did someone tell you?" she looked to the side and muttered, "You just woke up from being in here for a day..so, no one could have...." her voice trailed off as she looked back at the good looking man, his black hair was about about waist length and layered like it used to be spikey and his black eye seemed almost empty.

The man sat up, half winceing, put his hand on her cheek and she slightly flinched, "It is you.." his eye began to tear up, smiling, and her face was blury, "It's me...Obito."