Hello! I'm sorry for not updating at all, D: been quite busy since I graduated.

As an update I want to tell ya'll that The Kakashi;Obito story is most like not going to be completed. I lost all my files and story board that I lost interest, but I'd hate to see it go away, it was a very good idea, maybe it's just not for me. I'd hate to see this story be put waste, I'm not too good at writing certain things and that didnt help this story at all. It doesnt help that I have not been keeping up with the real series, I wanted it to correspond just a bit. Unless I can get my confidence up and start to write this again it'll be on hiatus.

I'm hoping my Fiance can help with this writing stump, lately he's been asking me about this stuff and shared his own ideas and stories. So I'm hoping having someone there right next me will help with this writing thing. I enjoy it, love it. It's a nice stress reliever when it should be and I get attatched to the characters i write, and my heart breaks when i get in a slump.

As for Misfits, don't lose hope. I have not had internet for a few months but plan to very soon. Although I'm writing the story on paper first so itd go quicker when I type and post. I believe my fiance will be helping me also.

Speaking of which, he is starting to write a KH fanfiction also, some of the Characters are from KH but it's a whole new band of kids. So I'll keep you updated!
Oh! And he may write DBZ fanfictions also :3 if he writes I'll type!

So I hope to see you soon!