This fanfic is about Bella's romance life. Is isn't like Twilight. I had a dream and decided it to be about Bella and Jasper. If you don't like the paring...don't read it. But please don't be too harsh, when I had this dream it was very vivid, and I awoke crying. Read and Review please.

Disclaimer: Me: I do not own twilight, the or the characters that are potrayed in this fanfic.

My teddy bear: That is right, my owner.

Me: Whoa?! Did my bear just talk to me?? No more pancakes before i go to bed...

Bella's POV

We were at school. Our high school wasn't that interesting; Forks High School. The name is so plain. At least we didn't have to wear uniforms. I was dressed in black head to toe. (A/N: bet you didn't see that coming…punk/emo Bella) But my sweater was lime green, which I didn't really like because it made me stand out. I was wearing a skin tight long sleeved shirt under a black laced corset. My pants were straight legged black jeans. Of course I was wearing Converse. Today my hair was teased very terribly, because I was running late. But with Alice driving, we ended up arriving at school with 10 minutes to spare. I used those 10 minutes to write 1 poem:

Black agony,

Bursting with red fiery anger and words.

Blue sorrow piercing

Through your broken purple heart

Tears run down your face

Your grey soul slowly drifts from your body, and shatters into pieces.

You think you will never see the bright yellow light ever again.

Then the bell rang. I sighed and ran off to first period; English. I particularly loved this subject. We were always learning poetry and plays. The subject passed in a breeze. I was packing up, when all of a sudden, I saw Eric at my desk. As usual, he walked me to my most dreaded subject: Trigonometry. I was pretending to take notes, while I was really doodling on my book cover.

Just two more classes and it will be lunch. I thought to myself.

And the two classes did past. Alice was waiting for me at the door. Together we walked to the cafeteria. Alice opened her mouth. I braced myself; I knew what the topic of the conversation would be.

"Bella, you need a boyfriend," Alice finally said.

"Alice, I'm fine single, I don't want to be set up for another date." I replied; the same reply all the time.

"Hmph, fine. But stay at my place since Charlie is away for 6 months," Alice said, looking defeated. But I knew I was no where winning this battle.

I deliberated and said, "Sure, Alice. Your house is better than Charlie's."

She laughed her musical laugh.

It struck me into awe every time I heard it; which was quite often.

The school pasted by smoothly.

After school I told her I needed to pack my stuff. Being Alice, she told me everything was already packed.

"You must've saw me coming then," I accused

"As always," she chirped.

She wound through the forest, like always, very fast.

When we got into her house, I saw Edward; her brother. I wasn't emotionally attracted to him, but his face always took me by surprise. My eyes traced over his pale white features: the hard square of his jaw, the softer curve of his lips, the straight line of his nose, the sharp angle of his cheekbones, and his messy bronze hair. When I looked up to his eyes, it surprised me when he was looking right at me smiling. I looked away and blushed fiercely. Edward laughed. His laugh was just like Alice's; very attractive.

Since I was distracted by his gorgeous face, I didn't notice his friends behind him. There were two of them. One was a laid-back kind of guy, and the other one was just like me. Black nail polish, pale skin, heavy make-up, and we dressed the same too. I noticed him, but he was somewhere else. His eyes were into the sketch book in his hands – which were scrawling over the page flawlessly. When he looked up, I blushed even deeper. He looked back down not even caring that I noticed him.

That got me even more into him.