A.N: Hello everyone. I bet you guys all thought I was dead, or something along those lines. The truth of the matter is, my muse refused to work with me. She said she couldn't take it anymore and went to find someone with more talent. In more or less words. I realize that most of my reviews are apologetic. I truly am sorry I went so long without updating and I realize I need to work on that. Thanks for being so patient.

And as usual nothing belongs to me… and flames used as s'mores blah blah blah…

Cosmic Slytherin: I put the rating up just to be on the safe side. I didn't want everyone to be upset about the rating being too low so yeah…

Kaidaia The Run Away Advent: Thanks for all the support.

Henio41: Thanks. I realize this chapter has been a bit… late in coming. :D sorry 'bout that.

Wolfbane2005: Allow me to introduce you to Book Two. I'm sorry it took so long… Hope it was worth the wait.

Silver Moon Goddess1: I'm sorry it took so long, I was in a slump… still kinda am but I'm trying to work through it.

LunarStar Princess Krystal: I hope this part was well worth the wait. …Blush… I am having Usagi join them, but you will have to wait to see what everyone is going to be… I have it all planned out. :D

Comet Moon: I love teasers! Ask anyone who has read anything else of mine… I have a teaser set up and build the story backwards from there sometimes.

Silver Moonlight-81 : You and I seem to be a lot alike. I too burn the midnight oil… a habit I am trying (unsuccessfully might I add) to break. Thanks for reviewing.

Chapter 1

"I don't like it," Harry said.

"I don't care whether you like it or not," Ginny snapped, "We don't need your permission to train ourselves."

"But we will need your help," Hermione added gently.

"I don't want people I care about leading a resistance against Voldemort." Harry looked to Ron for support but he held his hands up, he wasn't getting in between Harry and the girls, he knew what would happen.

"You're so bloody noble Harry!" Ginny groaned, "Sometimes I just wish you would stop treating us like children. You hate it when Dumbledore and the Order does it to you!"

"That's different," Harry said, "I'm…"

"You're Harry Potter," Ginny said sarcastically, "The Bloody Boy Who Lived. We all know Harry. We've heard it all before."

"I don't want you getting into this," Harry objected.

"I'm already in this whether you like it or not," Ginny said, "We all are. Hermione's not the kind they want around and neither are we. Our Mum and Dad are fighting! Do you really think they'll let us go since we didn't join the fighting? In case you haven't heard Harry, they kill entire families just because ONE member stood up to them. Don't think for one second that I'm going to hide away while you're out there fighting, like some little ninny."

Before Harry could respond, Ginny stormed out of the Room of Requirement. Usagi followed right behind her, to help her cool off.

"Mars has chosen a suitable heir I think," Usagi smiled.

"Sometimes he just makes me wish that I could," Ginny make violent gestures and sighed, "I just hate how he's trying to do everything himself when this is a war for all of us. I know that when he agreed to let us become Animagus, he was just doing that to make us think we were still a part of the fighting. But when it came down to it, he would have had us hide away like scared little children."

"Don't worry," Usagi said, "I know I have no intention of doing any such thing."


"Your sister," Harry began.

"Is a hundred percent right," Ron said looking Harry square in the eye, "Did you really think that we would hide away just because you told us to?"

"I hadn't planned…"

"Don't deny it Harry," Hermione sighed, "We aren't as dumb as you'd like us to be. We figured it out before we started to make the potion."

"What?" Harry said acting as though he had no idea what they were talking about.

"You were pretending to let us fight when in reality, you just wanted to figure out a way to ditch us," Ron said. He seemed a bit upset saying it out loud.

Harry didn't look pleased they had figured out his plans. He closed his mouth and pursed his lips as if to tell them he had no idea what they were talking about.


"Are we ready?" Ginny asked.

Usagi glanced at the grandfather clock that stood in the corner. She was supposed to meet a few people in the Room of Requirement to discuss their ideas.

"How many people do you think are going to be there?" Usagi asked.

"Ron, Harry, and Hermione are already there. Lavender is going to be there along with Luna and Neville," Ginny said, "I don't know who else is going to be there but I don't think there are going to b e a lot. We hardly had any time to get the word out. Probably just a few people."

Ginny shook her head and opened the door to the Room of Requirement. Both Usagi and Ginny felt their jaws drop in shock. There were more than a few people

"What happened to not being able to get the word out quickly?" Usagi said slowly.

"I guess word gets out and people want to do something," Ginny shrugged.


"Seems Usagi would is up to something," Setsuna remarked after having a mental conversation with the blonde, "In the Room of Requirement."

"Well, I've got nothing to do. Let's go," Haruka stood.


"I wish I could stay longer," Fighter said. She had planned to stay longer, but with Lyra around, she felt like it was a bit crowded. Plus Princess Kakyuu had said something about how she was probably falling behind on her studies.

"You'll see us soon I suspect," Kakyuu smiled.

"What do you mean?" Fighter asked.

Kakyuu smiled and hugged Fighter. She stood back and allowed the others to say their farewells.

"You take care of her," Fighter said to Lyra. The girl stood in the background, nearly invisible. Lyra nodded at Fighter.

"I guess I'm off."


The room was filled with chatter and Usagi had a hard time hearing herself think. She and Ginny made their way over to Hermione who was sitting next to Ron and Harry. Harry seemed to still be sulking. He had made it clear that even though he was there, he'd take no part in the meeting.

"He seems to think that teaching them spells is okay when it's helping them pass their finals, but not when it comes to saving their lives," Ginny said scathingly in Usagi's ear.

Usagi shrugged, they had told her of the D.A. that Harry had led, it seemed quite successful.

"Time to start," Ginny said.

"What are you going to say?" Hermione asked looking up at Usagi.

"ME?!" Usagi said, "This whole thing was Ginny's idea."

"But you are more of a leader person," Ginny argued, "You were a princess."

"And look how much I screwed that up," Usagi muttered.

"Just come on," Hermione and Ginny said dragging her up onto the stage that stood in the front of the room. As soon as Usagi stepped on the platform, the room went silent.

"I hate speaking in front of crowds," she pleaded to Ginny and Hermione. Seeing she was getting nowhere with them, she sighed.

"Hey guys," Usagi said a bit awkwardly, "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Usagi. A Gryffindor."

Usagi did a quick count of the people in the room. There were about twenty. Her stomach rolled and she fought to calm herself.

"There is something going on in our world," Usagi began, "I don't like it. Not one bit. There is a man out there who is killing people, breaking up families and destroying lives. He thinks he is to be king of the magical community. He thinks that Muggles are filthy creatures that need to be exterminated. I think he's wrong. In fact…" Usagi felt herself gaining confidence, "I know he's wrong."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her Senshi enter the room. She imagined herself as Queen Serenity and continued.

"This man needs to be stopped. He needs to atone for all the lives he has destroyed."

"What do you think we can do?" a boy shouted, "Are you saying you want us all to take him on personally?"

"Only if you are confident you will survive," Usagi answered, "How many of you have faced some of his cronies?"

Six hands went up. Usagi knew that Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny had faced him. The owners of the other two hands were a surprise. She had no idea that Luna and Neville had been a part of any battles. Her respect for both of them went up a level.

"How many of you are willing to take one on? Right here. Right now?"

The six hands went back up, along with a few others, Lavender being one of them. Lavender looked as though she had been crying all day, but she stood there with her hand raised and her eyes dry.

"Now how many of you have lost someone to this war. Whether they were fighting or if thy were innocent bystanders."

Usagi was unsurprised when almost every hand went up in the room. Ron and Ginny both had their hands up and Harry, even though he swore not to do anything but sulk, had his up as well.

"We are going to make sure that you have the materials and the skills to survive an attack, or even a battle," Usagi said, "This is not a thing to be taken lightly. It's serious, war always is. This isn't some silly club. If we do this, we do this for real. Anyone not wanting to do this can leave now. No one will hold it against you, no one will call you a coward."

Usagi waited for whoever wasn't serious to leave. When no one had twitched a muscle, she smiled crookedly.

"Good," she looked at everyone and said, "Are we ready?"

A roar of agreement went up and shook the room.

Usagi smiled widely, "Where to start?"


"Got to admit," Haruka whispered, "She knows how to work the crowd."

"She's as passionate about this as everyone else is," Michiru said.

"She knows more about what's at stake," Setsuna sighed, "Don't forget, we've all died before."


Hermione sat at a table and began to write down the names of everyone who wished to join. Most of the people in the room had once belonged to the D.A., and they asked if they were to be using the galleons as a form communication.

"We haven't decided yet," Hermione admitted, "But we'll let you know."

One everyone was signed up, all eyes turned back to Usagi.

"That's all for tonight," she said shrugging, "I have some things to discuss with some people. We will let you know when we're going to meet again."

Slightly disappointed, people began to leave. Usagi sat down in a chair that materialized and looked thoughtful. Haruka and the others made their way through the crowd to stand next to Usagi.

"What are they going to have to know to stay alive?" Usagi asked herself out loud.

"I think it would be a good idea if you were to treat this as though it were school," Michiru suggested, "If you are the teachers, they can learn from you and to make it less repetitive, change what they're going to learn, give some of them advanced lessons."

"That's a good idea Michi," Usagi said quietly, "But who in their right mind would let me teach them?"

"The world has a lot to learn from you," Haruka said placing a hand on Usagi's shoulder.


Seiya yawned; the journey he had just made was taxing on his body. He made his way to the Headmaster's office. He had promised he would tell him when he returned from Kinmoku. He made sure no one was watching, then spelled himself to look like Orion.

After meeting with the Headmaster, he made his way to the Gryffindor tower. His cover story for being gone was that he had a sick relative. Thinking about Maker, he laughed.

He smiled as he walked through the portrait hole. He played a mental movie of what he expected Usagi to do when she saw him. She would be sitting on the couch, morose because she missed him. He'd stand there for a while and wait for her to realize he was standing there. She'd vault off the couch into his arms, clinging to him as if nothing else mattered.

Opening his eyes, Seiya grew disappointed. Usagi wasn't there. She seemed to have already gone to bed. The common room was deserted, no one there to welcome him back.
