Disclaimer: I'm not Stephenie Meyer

"Bella." Emmett said, addressing his younger sister. They'd been living on their own, with their brothers, since their parents went off on their world tour. Renee and Charlie were members of an elite band that everyone loved.

"What do you want Emmett?" she asked, putting her iPod on the desk. She'd been looking up the concert dates for her favorite band, Disturbed. She knew that their new CD was coming out soon and it had a song called "Inside The Fire" on it. She hadn't heard it yet, but really wanted to.

"Josh and Jake are back. They've brought their friend over. He and his family have just moved here. I want you to meet him. And be nice." he said, leaving her alone. She hated when her brothers brought home a new friend. It seemed that they only wanted her to date them, and didn't want her to be their friend. She knew that this one was going to be the same. All of them were. Like Mike Newton, Eric Yorkie, and Tyler Crowley. All the same. Perverted.

Bella put her iPod on her charger and walked downstairs. Her youngest brothers, Jake and Josh, had a boy with gorgeous bronze hair standing by them. Emmett was laughing with Jasper, her other brother. Emmett was oldest, then Jasper, then her, then the twins. "Hello. I'm Bella, their sister." Bella said, shaking the new guy's hand.

"Hello. I'm Edward. I feel bad for you. Having to keep these guys in line all the time. My condolences for your trouble." he said, smiling. Bella laughed and nearly fainted when he smiled. She had to remind herself to breathe.

"Thank you for caring. Not that these four ever would. Do you want to stay for dinner? I'm making it in about a half hour for these lugs." she said, sitting at the table.

"Um, I'll have to ask my mum but I'm sure that she wouldn't mind." he said, his British accent dazzling her until her cheeks flushed red. "Where's the phone?" he asked, staring at her.

"Um...we don't really have one. We have to use our cells. Here," she handed him her Sidekick, "have at it."

He dialed his number, she assumed, but left the room. She figured that he wanted to have a private conversation with his mother. She had always respected other people's privacy...something that her brothers had yet to learn. "So Bells, what d'ya think?" Jake asked, sitting next to her.

"He seems pretty cool. Quiet though. Not for long if he hangs out with you four..."she laughed, playfully hitting her brother.

"I'm hurt, Bells. I really am. You wounded my pride. Hey, at least he's not all over you like Mike was. And he's not acting like a dog like Eric or Tyler. He seems better than those three losers." Josh said, sitting on her other side.

Moments later Edward returned Bella's Sidekick. "I'm sorry but I have to go. Er, my mum and dad need my help unpacking. I'll try to come over soon. Bye." he said, leaving Bella and the twins speechless.

"W-what?" they asked, looking around. It was too late, of course, since Edward left already. "Why would he suddenly leave?" Jake asked, looking at Bella.

"Maybe he really did have to help unpack. That's what we had to do for mom and dad when we moved here." she answered, standing and getting the ingredients for pizza out of the freezer and fridge. "Jake, can you help me?"

"Naw, I got some homework to do. Josh can." he answered.

"I've got homework too. Have Jasper or Em do it." the other twin said.

"Emmett Swan, put Jasper down!" she yelled seeing that Jasper was in a headlock on Emmett's shoulders. "Emmett don't make me call Phil!" Phil was their "babysitter" of sorts. He checked up on them every other week while their mom and dad were gone. Phil was one of the only people that Emmett was afraid of.

"Sorry Bells." he mumbled. "D'you want help?"

"Yes please. I need you to get the dough ready. You can handle that without making a mess like the last time, right?" she started cutting up the pepperoni.

"Yes I can. I'm not stupid enough to repeat things twice." he said, pulling the dough out of the pile of ingredients.

They worked in a comfortable silence until Bella, being the klutz that she was, sliced her finger open. She started bleeding all over the place and she let out a hiss. She hit the floor at the sight of blood and Emmett didn't notice anything until Jasper walked in and saw her on the ground, bleeding. Ten minutes after it happened. "Emmett, what did you do to her?" he asked, picking Bella up. "I mean, I know she insulted your brain, but you didn't have to kill her." he laughed. He took Bella out to his nineteen sixty-seven Camero. He'd had it custom painted red and black. Jasper drove Bella to the hospital where she woke and was given twenty stitches from the new doctor, Carlisle.

Once home Jasper put her straight to bed and finished making the dinner for the family. He noticed that the blood and everything else had been cleaned up. He also noticed a note that told him that his pizza was in the oven, staying warm. He noticed that it was Emmett's scrawl, which he'd also written an apology to Bella.

Jasper ate his pizza then retired to his room, which was painted red and black like his Camero. He had tons of band posters on the wall, including his favorite band, My Chemical Romance. He'd loved them since the day that "Welcome to the Black Parade" came out. He soon fell asleep, dreaming of finding a girl that loved him and meeting other guys that didn't think he was gay, which most of the school did since he hadn't dated any of the girls there.

Emmett had a room of blue and gold, his favorite college football team was the Michigan Wolverines and he'd gone to Midland High School when they lived in Michigan. He'd been a freshmen when he went there and they'd left in the middle of his sophomore year. He had his football and band posters. Many of the bands were rap stars like Big Tymers, 50 Cent, and Eminem.

Josh and Jake had the same room, except it was double the size of everyone else's. Half of the room, exactly, was purple, and the other half black. They weren't made fun of having purple as half of their room color, but people though it weird. The wall where their headboards were to the center of the room was purple and the other half, where their dressers and desks were was black. They had tons of band posters on the wall, mostly rock and metal bands like Slayer, The Devil Wears Prada, Three Days Grace, Metallica, Devil Driver, and Black Sabbath. They had only Eminem posters and refused to put up any movie posters. They didn't like how directors were approaching the art of making a film.

Every one of the Swan kids had their own laptops, Sidekicks, iPods, and cars. Even though the twins were still too young to drive, being fifteen, they each had a Mustang GT. Emmett had a tricked out truck, Jasper had his Camero, and Bella had a Monte Carlo SS. Everyone at Forks High glared at the Swan kids because of their parents and the money they had. They didn't care that their parents were rock legends because they had been raised to believe that they were the same as everyone else. They hadn't been treated differently until middle school. Each one of them had to go through the horrors of everyone knowing what they did and when since they were in the magazines and papers all the time. When they moved to Forks, dozens of paparazzi swarmed them. They had no peace.

The Swan boys were really protective of Bella. They always scared away any boy that she wanted to date and she yelled at them for it. But she knew that they got it from their dad because he was like that when he was home. She'd dated some boys, secretly, but when her brothers found out that she'd lost her virginity to Max Smith, she never saw him again. She didn't know if he moved of if they buried him somewhere. She didn't bother to ask. She'd gotten a lecture from Emmett and Jasper that lasted for five hours. It only stopped because they were hungry and she was the only one that knew how to make really good meals.


Edward was lying on his bed, thinking of Bella. He'd regretted telling her that he couldn't eat dinner with them. He wanted to stay over, anything to keep him away from home. His parents had a huge fight, again, and he was caught in the middle of it. They usually didn't vent their frustrations on him, but every once in awhile he would be found by his mom in the closet and she would yell at him. It rarely ever escalated into physical violence, but he had been hit a time or two by his dad and pushed down staircases by his mother. This time, it had become physical when his dad pushed his mother down the stairs. He'd gotten angry and in his dad's face when he was pushed on top of his mother. He yelled at his dad and ended up with a few broken toes. Something that would cause him a lot of pain and wouldn't matter if he went to the hospital for or not. They couldn't do anything with it.

He never thought of telling anyone what happened, just let it be. There had only been two times when he'd intervened in their fights. The first time was when his dad-basically step dad-pushed his mom off of a cliff and made her lose the baby that she'd been carrying. Earlier had been the second.

His mom, Esme, had married Carlisle when he'd been six. Carlisle officially adopted him so he was renamed Edward Cullen, instead of Fisher. He didn't want Carlisle's last name. In fact, he hated it. He witnessed a lot of fights between the two since then and nothing ever seemed right. He had seen how Carlisle worked-with absolute schedule. Dinner was to be on the table by five-thirty and the dishes were to be done by seven. The house had to be spotless when he came home and Edward had to be present during dinner. Nobody could miss the "family" dinner.

He pulled out his CD player and put in his favorite CD. It was Indestructible by Disturbed. He listened to his favorite track-"Inside the Fire". It wasn't supposed to be out yet, but he had a friend who knew someone in the producing business that got one for him. He knew that it was a privilege to actually have a CD before it came out. Carlisle, even though he was richer than shit never spent any money on Edward. He only bought what Edward absolutely needed and nothing else. Edward didn't have any designer clothes, unless you count Wal Mart as a designer, or any fancy computers or anything. His old Dell computer was slower than molasses in January and the Internet rarely worked. Edward paid attention to the lyrics of the song, instead of the yells from his mom and dad.

Ohh Devon

Won't go to Heaven

She's just another lost soul, about to be mine again

Leave her

We will receive her

It is beyond your control

will you ever meet again

Edward thought of his dad, who was dead. He wondered if he was in Heaven or Hell, if there were such things. He didn't care if there were, he just liked thinking about his dad.


No longer living

Who had been rendered unwhole

As a little child

She was taken

And then forsaken

You will remember it all

Let it blow your mind again

Devon lies beyond this portal

Take the word of one immortal

Give your soul to me

For eternity

Release your life

To begin another time with her

End your grief with me

There's another way

Release your life

Take your place inside the fire with her

At this Edward wondered what would happen if his mom, or a girl that he liked-possibly loved-died. He wondered if he would sell his soul to the devil to get that person back. He concluded that he probably would, because it would be someone that he loved.

Sever, Now and forever

You're just another lost soul about to

Be mine again

See her? You'll never free her

You must surrender it all

If you'd like to meet again

Fire, for you're desire

As she begins to turn cold for the final time

You will shiver, till you deliver

You will remember it all

Let it blow your mind again

Devon lies beyond this portal

Take the word of one immortal

Give your soul to me

For eternity

Release your life

To begin another time with her

End your grief with me

There's another way

Release your life

Take your place inside the fire with her

Give your soul to me

For eternity

Release your life

To begin another time with her

End your grief with me

There's another way

Release your life

Take your place inside the fire with her

Ohh Devon

No longer living

Who had been rendered unwhole

As a little child

She was taken

And then forsaken

You will remember it all

Let it blow your mind again

As the song ended Edward looked at the picture of his dad that was sitting on his bedside table. He'd never forgotten it when they'd moved all those times, but he always seemed to forget that it was next to him. Edward's thoughts soon turned to Bella, who he was beginning to like. Even though he'd just met her, he knew that she was perfect for him. Suddenly feeling warm he walked outside. "Mum, I'm going for a walk." he yelled, doubting that she'd heard him. He walked the grounds of the mansion that Carlisle decided to buy and into the forest. He didn't care that there might be dangerous animals-he just wanted to get away from the drama that he called his life.

Since he'd been fifteen-three years ago-he'd been misunderstood. He'd taken up to hurting himself so he could get some of his frustrations off. He didn't want to hurt anyone, which is why he did it. It helped a lot and he liked it. He never thought of cutting so deep that he bled too much. He always cut just enough so the pain would sear his arm and he wouldn't need stitches.

Tonight, he'd brought his "special" blade with him for just that cause. He wanted to rid himself of that pain inside. He walked until he found a secluded copse of trees. He sat in the middle of it and started humming the melody to the song that he had listened to not fifteen minutes before. He drowned out his surroundings and started his process. First he took his shirt and pants off so he wouldn't get any blood on them and sat on the ground in his boxers. Next he pulled out a dish cloth from the front pocket of his jeans to wipe the blood from his arm and blade. Next he pulled out the knife. It was silver with a blue handle. The handle had intricate designs on it, in a vine-ish pattern. He drew a circle around his body and started whispering. "Accept this...thy gift of blood...to wash away thy pain." he'd said this every time that he'd cut himself to make sure that he didn't anger any spirits. He swiftly cut three lines on his left wrist, the another three on his right. He made sure that some of the blood from both wrists soaked into the ground before wiping them off. He made sure that the blade was clean and he burnt the dish cloth. He didn't want his mother finding it in his room somewhere. He made sure to put the fire out before leaving.

Once home he put his knife away and put on his CD player. He listened to the soothing sounds of Suicide Silence as he drifted to sleep.

Bella was getting ready for another day at school. She hated that she was a junior, along with Jasper who was her fraternal twin. They acted as if they weren't, but basically everyone knew that they were. Emmett was the only single birth that Renee'd had. She put on one of her favorite black dresses. It had red trim on it and it made her brothers angry at her for wearing. And at the moment she felt like pissing them off to no extent. That was why she planned to kiss a random guy every time one of them walked toward her.

She didn't really know why she was angry, she just was. It had something to do with the fact that Emmett didn't notice that she'd sliced her finger and that the younger twins didn't help her make the dinner. She'd also overslept thanks to Emmett who unplugged her alarm. She wanted to murder all of them, possibly save Jasper.

She pranced to her car, being sure that all of them saw her attire and drove to school early. When she saw Emmett walking toward her, in the school yard, she pulled Justin DeVine to her and fully kissed him. Then she simply walked away. This angered Emmett enough so he threw Justin against a tree and told him to never look at her again. He, of course, nodded his head and went to his first class.

All throughout the day he saw her kissing random guys and all throughout the day he threatened each and every one of them. They all stayed away from her for the whole day, but when Jasper overheard Mike Newton saying that he wanted to "tap that," he pulled him out into the hall and broke his nose.

Bella didn't care who got hurt in her conquest to make her brothers angry. She just wanted to put them in a pissy mood, like she was in.

After school, when everyone was at home, Emmett started in on her. "Why the hell were you doing that today? It made you look like a slut Bells." he said, sitting her down on the sofa. Jake, Josh, and Jasper sat in various seats throughout the room.

"Yeah, Bells. I had to break Newton's nose for saying that he wanted to 'tap' you." Jasper said, cracking his knuckles.

"What?!" Emmett yelled. "I'm going to fucking kill him!" he started to get up but Bella pushed him back down.

"I don't care what you guys think. I was trying to prove that I'm growing up. You guys don't think that I can handle having a boyfriend. You guys are smothering me! I can't stand it. And until you can change just a little bit I'm going to Rose's. And don't think about coming over to 'visit' her, Em. I won't stay there if you do and I won't tell you where I go." she stalked to her room and packed a bag. She'd already asked Rose at school if she could stay the week out. Her friend, who happened to be Emmett's girlfriend willingly agreed.

She left her house in a hurry and arrived at Rose's in less than ten minutes.

A/N: I hope that you like t he first chapter of this story. I liked writing it. It came to me while I was listening to the song "Inside the Fire" by Disturbed. All of the bands mentioned are great bands and I can give you at least one good song by each of them. I do not own the songs or bands themselves, I've just borrowed the names of the bands and songs, and sometimes I will borrow the lyrics. All credit goes to the bands for singing the songs. Anyway, I hoped you liked this enough to review for it. If you liked this I have four other Twilight fics. Here Without You was just finished, Even in Death is slowly getting updated, Home is being refurbished from Leaving One Home Finding Another-a story that I deleted before-and a Lips of an Angel songfic that is complete. If you like Inkheart/Inkspell I have a story called I Will Always Find A Way Back To You and the Sequel, I Will Always Find you. I have a Harry Potter fic out, Meaning of Life that I'm trying to get to. If I get five reviews then I will post the next chapter. Hurry and get those Reviews in. Thank you!!