AN: Hello again everyone

AN: Hello again everyone! I am sorry it took me so long to get another story up. I became one of those people you hate who take loooong breaks from fanfiction. I am really happy at the success of my last Pucca fanfic, "A Night to Remember," but I am probably going to end it as it is. I don't have time to make any more chapters for it anyways, considering school is gonna start again soon. Sometimes I wish I had just kept it a oneshot. It was my first really good fanfiction, so I got all excited and made more chapters, but I think she was meant to be a oneshot. Oh well. I understand if you hate me. :

However, it is now my pleasure to introduce you all to…

-drum roll-

"Pucca Goes Emo"!

I hope this one will be just as good, if not better than "A Night to Remember." This will probably be a multiple chapter story. Pucca and Garu talk in this one again as well. I guess they're the same age in this one that they were in my last fic. 16 and 17 or something like that.

BTW, I thought I'd give out a fair warning…this chapter may be considered offensive to metrosexuals and stereotypical. If you are metrosexual and/or are easily offended, then…well, it's up to you.

Disclaimer: Me no own Pucca. Pucca belong to Vooz. Me want to marry Vooz for making one of awesomest series ever. Me also want to marry Tabitha St. Germain and Brian Drummond for doing voice of Pucca and Garu. Tabitha have beautiful singing voice and Brian Drummond have singing voice that practically make me drool

On a brighter note, I do own Yunxu, one of the characters in this story! :D

It was 9:00 pm. And it was "truth or dare night" at the Goh-Rong. Pucca, Garu, Abyo, Ching, Tobe, and a few other random people were all gathered around a table.

"Let's make this interesting and call it 'strip truth or dare'," said Abyo with a perverted grin on his face.

Ching lightly slapped him across the cheek.

"Oh come on! I was only joking!" he claimed, trying to defend himself while holding his cheek. Ching suspected he wasn't and just rolled her eyes…but anyway.

"Ugh. Why do I have to sit here with Garu not doing anything?" Tobe complained. "Let's just start this stupid game now so I can dare Garu to—"

"Hey, listen guys!" Ching interrupted. "Especially you Tobe, please stop behaving like this. I'm going to have to make it an official rule now that you and Garu can't dare each other."

"What?" Garu said disappointedly. "Where's the fun in that? I was going to enjoy kicking Tobe's sorry ass when I dared him to beat me in combat." He then shot Tobe a quick glare, lowering his eyelids in detest.

"Would you guys please shut up?" Pucca said with an edge in her voice that startled both Tobe and Garu. They froze…then quickly sat back in their chairs and kept quiet. Pucca resumed her usual little smile.

"Thank you, Pucca," said Ching with a sweatdrop. "Now you are all clear about the rules, so let's get this game started."

"Not without me!" came a deep male voice coming through the front doors. Everyone snapped around to stare at the new player walking towards them. No one could see his face. It was shadowed by a black cloak. The room was dead silent, and the figure took a seat at the table.

More silence.

…The man then slowly and dramatically took his hood off…

And it revealed a man approximately in his twenties. He had short, straight, black hair and a pointed beard. He appeared to be blind in his left eye, seeing as it was foggy and the pupil was barely visible.

"And who are you supposed to be?" asked Abyo.

"I am Yunxu, master of Truth and Dare," he replied. (AN: Yunxu is a Chinese name meaning 'cloudy emptiness,' or something like that. The letter 'x' in Chinese sounds like a 'z', instead of what it sounds like in English, I believe.)

"Master of Truth and Dare?" questioned Garu, hardly impressed. "Sounds like some cheesy title you gave yourself."

"You dare question my greatness, you…metrosexual freak?"

The crowd cooed and stirred, watching Garu. Garu was just shocked. "Wait a second…what did you just call me??" Tobe laughed in the background.

"I believe I called you a metrosexual. I mean come on, red heart on your shirt, hair tied up in pigtails, tiny pathetic sword. You look like a girl!"

Garu glared angrily at Yunxu, face turning red. "Hey! I don't look like a girl, I'm just slightly in touch with my feminine side and realize the importance of a sense of style, and, by the way, even though I have a strong sense of style that may be considered a little different, it's still plenty masculine. And for your information, my hair is tied up because it is too long and I need it to be kept out of my face when I'm fighting battles! Besides, this katana was passed down in my family for generations and has always served me well and helped me win fights!"

"Yeah, you have quite a sense of style, all right. What's next? Skinny jeans and a flowery tote bag? Besides, you can always cut your hair instead of those dorky pigtails. And that puny sword should not even be classified as a weapon. It looks like a toy! This is a real weapon," Yunxu said, pulling out a huge scythe from a pouch on his back.

The scythe he was holding up gleamed brighter than the sun. It looked like it had just been cleaned and sharpened to perfection. The very tip looked more pointy, sharp, and dangerous than a scorpion's tail. Though Garu tried to hide it, his eyes were burning with hunger while staring at that weapon. To think about all the damage he could cause with his enemies if he had that scythe…

"Big whoop…" Garu said nonchalantly, waving it off, though that's not how he really felt. "Anyway, the heart on my shirt is not even my doing. That was Pucca trying to give me a kiss. Her heart landed on my shirt and I couldn't get it to wash off."

"That's another thing," began Yunxu. "You run away from girls like you're gay!"

"AAAGH! I AM NOT METROSEXUAL OR HOMOSEXUAL!!" yelled Garu, Pucca and Ching holding him back from charging at him. Yunxu smirked.

Pucca then blew a whistle that nearly deafened everyone, but managed to get them to shut up. "Quiet everyone!" she yelled. "We were supposed to start this game half-an-hour ago! So do me a favor, and shut the hell up and cooperate!"

Everyone quickly sat still and regained their composure once again.

"Okay, we're all going in turns in a circle. Let's start with Abyo," Ching said.

"Alright," he began. "This is for…Garu. Truth or dare, Garu?"

"Dare," he replied.

"Okie-dokie then," he said with an evil smile plastered on his face. "I dare you to kiss Pucca on the lips for one whole minute."

"…Oh god, that was a given. I set myself up for that one, just by saying dare." He said rolling his eyes.

Pucca got a huge smile on her face and scooted closer to Garu, leaning towards him, so that she could make it easier for her precious Garu. This was why she loved truth and dare. She didn't really have much to lose, and everything to gain. Garu sighed.

He leaned in for the inevitable kiss and their lips connected. He was grossed out somewhat at first, but eventually he just felt neutral about it and tried to just think about getting it over with. Obviously, it was vice versa for Pucca. She was enjoying it quite thoroughly. Garu was literally counting the seconds along with Abyo's watch. After an eternity for Garu, he broke away from her as soon as the timer beeped. Pucca had a slightly hurt look on her face. She could tell his heart was not even slightly into it.

"Oooooh! Garu kissed Pucca!" Abyo said in a taunting, teasing manner.

'What an immature child,' Garu thought. (AN: Yes, I know he's a complete hypocrite.)

After Abyo, it was Dada's turn. "Ok," he said in his usual strained sounding voice, "this is for Dumpling, Ho, and Linguini. Truth or Dare?"

Murmuring among themselves things about 'coolness, young and hip' and 'dare… joining the bandwagon', Linguini was the first to speak up. "Dare!" he said, acting like a hot-shot.

"Okay. I dare you to balance these dishes on your head while holding these high stacks of plates in each hand."

The crowd cooed again. "This will be good," Dada murmured. The chefs exchanged glances with each other, and then the three of them balanced the dishes. Both Linguini and Dumpling couldn't balance them for more then ten seconds, leaving Ho to be the last one balancing the dishes. It was a bit wobbly at first, but then he finally managed to hold still without them falling. He had a smug look on his face.

"See Dada? I knew I could do it," said Ho calmly. Dada just stared at him with an equally smug look that said 'not for long'. At that, Ho randomly slipped and fell on his bum and the dishes broke. Everyone, including Dada, Dumpling, and Linguini laughed. Ho's face turned bright red.

"Ha!" exclaimed Dada. "Now you can't blame me for being clumsy!"

"Fine. We won't fire you yet. Yet," said Ho.

Everyone applauded. Now it was Pucca's turn. "Alright…this is for Ching. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," she replied. Ching thought she should play it safe. She thought of some sort of secret she should reveal. She could've lied and made up a secret, but what would be the fun in that? Besides, she wasn't the type of girl to lie if she could help it. After a minute, she thought about her pet chicken sitting atop her head that appeared to be sleeping and said, "Well, once, when I was 8 years old, I ran away from home for a day, camped in the bamboo forest, and didn't bring enough to eat, so I almost ate Won."

"What? You tried to eat poor Won?" exclaimed Pucca.

"Yes, it's true. I got so hungry, that I debated eating her. I grabbed the sword I brought along, and actually chased her around with it for a couple minutes, until I realized that there is no way I could kill and eat one of my best friends, and decided to go back home to my dad."

"Wow," said a chuckling Pucca with one of those 'I-am-so-very-amused-with-all-this' grins. "And Won actually came back to you and continues to trust you after you deliberately tried to poke a sword in her and devour her?"

Ching laughed. "Yes. She knows I felt bad about it. Not to mention, she has nothing to worry about, since I became a vegetarian after that."

"Good story, Ching," said Abyo with a light smile. She blushed.

"Well, it's my turn to ask someone now," said Garu in an 'it's-about-time' manner. He immediately looked at Abyo. 'Time to get some sweet revenge' he thought rather evilly. "All right, this dare is for Abyo! Truth or dare, buddy?"

"Dare," he replied, leaning back in his seat with his hands behind his head and a confident grin.

"If you insist," said Garu, innocently shrugging his shoulders, which promptly turned back to an evil smile. "I dare you to make out with Ching for two minutes."

Abyo looked around the table nervously. "What? Seriously? Jeez, isn't this supposed to be truth and dare, not spin the bottle??"

Garu stared at him blankly.

"Oh fine, I'll do it!" Abyo cringed and slowly, reluctantly leaned in and locked lips with Ching.

Garu was going to make Abyo go all the way with this. He was gonna make sure that Abyo explored this cave thoroughly. And even though Garu's main reason for this was revenge, he also wanted to do a little favor for one of his best friends, Ching.

As for Ching, she was thrilled. The only thing that could've made this better is if they were alone, not having a bunch of people staring.

"Come on, Abyo," taunted Garu, "Lets see a little tongue action, huh?"

While Ching had her eyes closed, Abyo gave Garu the finger. The crowd 'ooooh'd' at his little gesture. And even though he was pissed off, Abyo deepened the kiss a little and used his tongue…a little. Suddenly, Garu pulled out a Polaroid camera and quickly took a picture just two seconds before time was out.

"Oi! What did you that for?!" Abyo shouted after breaking apart from Ching. Garu just chuckled with a huge, smug smile on his face. "No fair! You could use that for blackmail!"

"Heh heh. I had a feeling I might need this camera, so I brought it just in case. And I was right!"

"Grrrr!" growled Abyo, ripping off his shirt as he rushed over and tried to grab the picture from Garu's hands. Garu stood on his chair and said playfully, "fishy!" every time he pulled the picture away when Abyo jumped for it. (AN: This is a little game my older brother would play with me when I was younger. He would say "fishy!" in a cutesy, mocking tone when I tried to jump and reach for whatever he was holding. And I would always fail considering he is much taller than I.)


Minutes passed as various people dared each other. Eventually, it came down to one more person to pop the truth or dare question. This person was Yunxu. He had waited patiently the whole time everyone else had their turn.

"Ok Yunxu. It's your turn," said Ching.

Yunxu cracked his knuckles. "Finally. This is for dumpling girl, metro boy, no shirt guy, evil ninja man, and chicken lass."

"Wait a sec," interjected Ching. "First of all, we have names. That's Pucca, Garu, Abyo, Tobe, and I'm Ching. I suggest you utilize these names to address us. Second of all, you're not supposed to dare more than one person."

"You never said it was against the rules, Ching," Yunxu countered.

She paused. "…Fine. Carry on."

"Thank you. Truth or Dare, guys?"

The five of them thought about it for a moment.

"If you're scared of being dared by the Truth and Dare Master, you are perfectly allowed to save your sorry hides and pick truth. It's ok if you're a coward."

"Don't even go there. We're not scared of you! We all choose dare!" Garu boldly said.

"If you say so. I'm going to start with Pucca. No one shall interrupt me or else they will face my wrath. Pucca…" he addressed while pointing his finger at her, "I dare you to be emo. Garu, I dare you to go without martial arts and uh…get your hair cut. Abyo, I dare you to be less of a show-off and more humble. Tobe, I dare you to give up being evil and be completely nice. And Ching, I dare you to be less…innocent and pure, and really put yourself out there, if ya know what I mean."

"What?!" Tobe shouted. "Well…how long do we have to do this?"

"You must follow this dare for a month. If you manage to keep this up for the allotted time, you will be rewarded and win great honor."

The 'camera' came close to Garu's wide-eyed, glowing face. He had just said the magic word. (AN: You should know what that looks like by now from watching the series.)

"If, however, you cannot complete this dare and give up, you will be faced with great shame."

The close-up of Garu's face quickly withdrew and he changed back to his serious look.

"You know, you're practically daring us all to be our opposites for a month," pointed out Pucca.

"Yes…yes I suppose I am…your opposites," Yunxu chuckled slightly menacingly.

"Wait, how are you even gonna know if we're doing what we're supposed to?" asked Abyo.

"I'm glad you asked. I'm taking a little vacation here in Sooga, and I have my ways…I have my ways."

AN: OMG I'm done! Finally! Well, I'll hopefully be done with the next chapter soon! I always appreciate review! The only thing I ask for is no flames.

DEDICATION: This fanfiction is dedicated to my best friend, Jessica, who inspired me to write this story. She gets credit (and brownie points!) for coming up with the title and general idea of Pucca becoming emo in this story. Even though she has never been a big fan of Pucca, or watched very much of it at all, I still love her. x)