Summary: Stargate/MacGyver crossover. Thor saves baby Jack and becomes his father. Jack returns to Earth where he becomes MacGyver, eventually leading a dual life. The story focuses on Jack's father/son relationship with Thor, and follows him from his childhood to the Stargate years. This has Jack/Sara, and both Charlie and SAM appear.

Author's Note: In all practicality there is no way that I could successfully integrate the two distinct lives of Jack O'Neill and MacGyver, but I tried to stick to canon as much as possible. Additionally, I couldn't get the timelines to fit, so the MacGyver timeline happens about five years earlier.

Spoilers: anything from both shows is up for grabs, but particularly any Stargate episodes featuring the Asgard and MacGyver season 4 episode Blood Brothers (when we learn why Mac never uses guns).

Story Warnings: Rated T, language, canon character deaths, torture

Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate: SG-1 or MacGyver, strictly for entertainment, yadda, yadda. Please don't sue.

My Asgard Father

William O'Neill navigated the outskirts of Chicago, murmuring words of comfort and love to his wife Grace who was panting in the back seat, preparing to deliver their first child.

Something was wrong, she was screaming and in worse pain than he could ever imagine. He was afraid for his wife and unborn son but he had to focus on getting them both safely to the hospital. A drunk driver had other plans, however, and plowed into the side of the car, sending it spinning off the road and down the steep embankment to the river below.

William fought the blackness in his vision, the pain in his side and legs, knowing only that he had to save his wife and son. He fell out the door and crawled to open the back door. With shaky hands he pulled Grace out carefully and lay her down on the damp grass and mud. "Grace! Gracie, baby, wake up. You're okay. Grace!" Unwanted tears streamed down his face as he hugged her to his chest, rocking her body gently, knowing that she was already dead and there was nothing he could do to save her or his son.

"The child lives," a small, tinny voice startled him, but he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. His wife was dead and he was dying. "I can save him. We will keep him safe for you, he will be protected."

William nodded weakly, only half-hearing the words but understanding enough that the possessor of the voice was offering him a chance for his son to live. "My son. John O'Neill. He'll live?"

"He will live. He is special."

"My boy. Jack. He's special," William repeated deliriously. "Save my son. Jack. You'll keep him safe? You'll make sure he's happy?"

"It will be my honor."

There was a strange whining sound, then a baby crying. His son was crying, his son was alive! With one final great effort he opened his eyes and saw his son for the first and the last time. He reached out with a shaky hand and touched his son's face, his hair, then his tiny hand. His eyes drifted up to who would be his son's new father. "Who are you?"

As his vision faded out he could just make out the frail limbs, the large head, the dark, round eyes. "I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet. You have my word your son, Jack O'Neill, will be well cared for."

"He'll grow up. Tell him…tell him…" his voice trailed off as he fought for breath. The small gray being with large black eyes placed his hand with long slender fingers on William's forehead and he could no longer feel the pain. He felt calm. The last thing he saw before his life ended was the peaceful and loving brown eyes of his son. "Jack," he whispered with his last breath.

Thor stared down at the lifeless bodies that had created the special child he held in his arms. "He will know of your love, O'Neill. I wish I could have saved you, and your wife. Your son has a long journey ahead of him but I promise you he will never be alone."

In a flash of light Thor and baby Jack O'Neill disappeared from the planet Earth and rode through the Heavens on the Asgard ship Biliskner.


Thor carried the tiny form of the human child through the halls of Othalla, in the galaxy of Ida. He knew the others would not understand his actions, but he had done the right thing in saving O'Neill's life. He knew it, and the others would come to see that as well.

It had been an incredible coincidence that Thor had been able to save the human child at all. He had been scanning the planet from orbit and had just happened to pick up on the unique genetic signature of the human he now carried in his arms. He would have ignored it, but then the life sign faded briefly, and he…panicked. Yes, that was the only word to use, he had panicked. He could not risk the humans of Earth losing such great potential. So he acted, to save a life.

He looked down at the human baby in his arms, the brown eyes wide with curiosity. Thor adjusted his fingers so the child could grip its tiny fist around the larger digit. It had been a long time since there was a baby on Othalla. In a quest for immortality the Asgard had resorted to cloning themselves and were now incapable of conventional reproduction. To them, this child was a miracle.

"Greetings, Thor," someone said from behind him, taking quick strides to catch up with him.

"Greetings, Heimdall." Both Asgard stopped in the hall to converse.

Heimdall's voice was higher pitched than most of the Asgard and Thor found it slightly annoying. He was also often bothered by the rapid pace Heimdall set in both speech and movement, mostly because he was jealous but he would never admit it. Heimdall was sympathetic and understanding and despite being committed to his research on finding a solution to their reproductive problems, unlike Loki he followed the moral code. He was Thor's friend.

"This is the child?"

Thor felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him and he clutched the baby closer to his small chest. "This is my son, Jack O'Neill."

"Your son. Are you sure you have done the right thing, Thor? Surely he belongs among his own kind."

"He will return to Earth when he is old enough. He must know the ways of both our people."

"You intend to raise him by yourself? A human child requires much care and tending. What of your duties as Supreme Commander? Will you take him into battle?"

"I will do what must be done. You do realize his importance to the Tau'ri, and the Asgard, do you not?"

"I do. But I fear you take this burden upon yourself. The Tau'ri will never accept him as one of their own if he follows our customs. How can he become the great leader he is destined to be if he follows our ways?"

"These decisions are not ours to make today, old friend. The council must decide. But I have sworn to protect Jack O'Neill and I intend to do so."

"I hope you know what you are doing, Thor. You can not afford to fail."

"Indeed not. We will not fail him."


Seven years later

"Greetings, Father."

Thor inwardly smiled at his son who had instantly awoken when he entered the room. "Greetings, Jack. Did you sleep well?"

"I had the dream again. Of Earth and the Stargate. There is so much out there to explore. I want to experience everything, to speak with others of my kind. Yet I enjoy my life here with you, sharing your world with you. And our journeys aboard the Biliskner I will cherish for always. I am proud to assist in your defense of our galaxy. But I sense that I am…restless."

"Of that, I am aware," Thor said, remembering all the times in Jack's seven years that the young boy had managed to find the only room, device, console, or ship that was not childproof.

Jack grinned sheepishly, a natural instinct that he had not learned from the people who had raised him. "My body is different than yours. I require…I require action. I wish to run through the Halls of Othalla, but it is not permitted. When you took me to Cimmeria I have never felt such peace as when I stood on the solid earth, the grass beneath my feet and the wind on my face. I felt…"

"What did you feel?" Thor prompted when Jack hesitated to find the words.

"I felt at peace. Like I belonged there. This ship, and the homeworld, they are so sterile. On Cimmeria, I felt so alive, I could hear things other than the hum of the engines and the chimes of the ship's computer. There was so much life there, Father. You have told me of Earth but I have never been there. My home is with you and I have never questioned that but…" he hung his head and shuffled his feet awkwardly, also not a habit he acquired through observation.

"You wish to see your planet, Jack?"

Jack raised his head and stated calmly, "Yes. I wish to know the planet of my birth, the home of my parents. But I also know that some day you will send me there to stay, and I am not ready for that."

Inwardly, Thor sighed, because he knew that Jack was wrong about that. "You are ready, son. It is time for you to join your people. I will speak with the council."

Jack's eyes went wide with fear. "You will not leave me there! You are my father, all that I have ever known. I am not ready."

They gazed at each other, eye to eye, but after a moment, seeing the sincere distress his son was in, Thor stepped closer and opened his arms for Jack to embrace him. They did this only in the privacy of their own quarters, it was rare for the Asgard to show emotion. For that same reason, Thor had never told his son how much he loved him. Young Jack did not even understand the word, but he knew intuitively what it was and Thor knew that his son had a loving heart, filled with compassion.

"And you are my son." Thor said as he stroked Jack's back lightly. "I only desire what is best for you. If being among your own kind, in the environment of your people, is what you desire, then it shall be so."

"No. I want to be with you. I can't imagine any other life. I don't want to lose you."

"You will never lose me, son." He backed out of the embrace. "We are family. I will always be there for you, but there are some challenges you must learn to face alone. You will become a great leader one day, but to do so you must understand your own kind. It is time for you to live among your own people. I have been selfish to keep you here with me."

"No! No, Father!" Tears streamed down the boy's face and he wiped at his eyes in surprise, unfamiliar with the reaction. "Do you see, I am hurt! You would not abandon me now."

"I would never abandon you, Jack O'Neill. If you were among your people you would know that these are tears…" he reached up to brush away the wetness from Jack's face "…and they are only the result of your sadness."


"That pain in your chest you feel is a human emotion, your fear that you will lose me."

"Yes. It hurts. I do not like feeling this way."

"Then know that I am always with you."

"Then you will be with me on Earth?" he asked hopefully.

"As you know, the Tau'ri are ignorant of my existence. To them, I am an alien, a being from another world, and they believe they are alone in this galaxy."

"Yes, I remember. They cannot know of your existence yet, it is not the time. But you would not leave me there alone."

"I will be watching. You will be safe."

"But…what if I want to see you and to talk to you? You are my father, I need you. And you need me, too. I see it in your eyes, you are…sad…to send me away."

"Indeed I am, son. I have enjoyed your company these past seven years, and I am proud of all you have accomplished. But you must live among your people if you are to lead them into the galaxy."

"No," he pouted. "I don't want to leave you."

"You told me you wished to experience everything. The grass beneath your feet, the wind on your face. These are things you will have on Earth."

"Then you will share them with me. You must promise to come see me, and bring me home aboard Biliskner," Jack reasoned, far wiser than his seven years would suggest. "I must have you in my life."

Thor hesitated a moment, but emotion warred with logic and love won out. "And you in mine. I will visit. We will maintain communication. I have become accustomed to your presence, my son."

Jack smiled the largest smile of his life and again tears were streaming down his face. He wiped his eyes, confused. "But I am not sad anymore. Why do I have tears?"

"These are tears of happiness."

"I am very happy that you are not leaving me forever. That we will always be together. I am not afraid anymore."

"There is nothing to fear, my son. I will never leave you. But you must be careful so that we are not suspected. You must learn the customs of Earth without drawing attention to yourself."

"I will do my best, Father."

"I know you will. I have faith in you, Jack. I am very proud of you. Now we must prepare for your journey, and you must speak with the council to convince them you are ready."

"You are sure I am ready?" Jack asked, his voice small and lacking confidence.

"There is no doubt in my mind. You are special, Jack."

"I am special to have you for a father," Jack said with a grin.

"You have been the perfect son. There is nothing I would change about you. I have enjoyed our time together."

"As have I, Father. I am very glad you saved me that day, and took me in to raise me. I will make you proud."

"Yes, you will. You must prepare for your new journey now. I will return when the council is ready to see you."

"Yes, Father. Will you show me the stars?"

Thor toggled a button on the wall and the room darkened until only tiny pinpricks of light remained, a representation of the night sky as seen from Earth, so that Jack may always know his home. He quietly left the room while Jack gazed up at the stars around him with a sense of wonder and amazement before he sat on the thin sleeping mat which was spread across the floor in a corner of the room. He pulled the handheld computer console from its inset in the wall, displaying his lessons on conventional Earth wisdom concerning technology and inventions. He was great with mechanical things, understood innately how things worked, down to the simplest pieces of the puzzle. He loved figuring out how to make something from nothing.

As the doors closed behind him, Thor leaned his back against the wall and sighed. It was time to let O'Neill go, but he had long dreaded this moment.

On the other side of the door, as soon as the doors had closed, little Jack O'Neill couldn't stop the flow of tears and for the first time since he was two, he cried himself to sleep, ignoring the comfort he normally found in learning about the Universe.


The Biliskner hovered in orbit over the planet Earth and Jack O'Neill looked out the view port at what was to be his new home. "It is beautiful," he stated calmly, trying to hide his amazement from Thor.

"Indeed. You were born in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States of America. Do you remember your lessons, Jack?"

"Yes, Father. I am an American."

"That is correct. I will transport you to the state called Minnesota."

"And I will report to a police station. I will tell them I am Jack O'Neill and my parents are dead. They will ask me many questions about where I have been, but I will tell them I do not remember. They may give me a new name, and they will find new parents for me or put me with other children and I will learn from their behavior. I am not permitted to talk about you or the Asgard or anything about our travels together."

"And when you wish to communicate with me?"

"I have an implant in my arm that will remain undetected by human technology. With it you can track me. When I am alone I can activate the link to communicate, but I must be sure that there is nobody around to observe me, or you will not respond."

"Then you are prepared for your new journey, my son."

Jack jumped into Thor's outstretched arms, tucking his face against Thor's neck and fighting back tears. "I will miss you greatly, Father. I will not fail you."

"You could never fail me, Jack. You will be a great man, no matter who you become. I am honored that you are my son."

"And I am honored that you are my father. You will never forget me?"

"Though I have lived for many millennia I have never been as happy as these past seven years with you at my side. Do not forget that, and never forget who you are. You are Jack O'Neill, son of William and Grace O'Neill, son of Thor of the Asgard. You are as much of the Asgard as you are of the Tau'ri. Accept your heritage, even if you must hide it."

"I am Jack O'Neill of Othalla and Earth. I will not forget."

"Then it is time. Farewell, my son."

"Farewell, Father. You come visit me soon," he sniffled into Thor's shoulder then pulled away. "My soul aches with sadness."

"As does mine. We will be together again, Jack O'Neill. I will see you soon."

Their eyes locked for several seconds, Thor's large, black and unblinking, Jack's brown and full of unshed tears. Then Thor pressed the button that would send Jack to Earth, on the edge of a Minnesota town called Mission City. He was dressed only in the familiar pair of khaki brown pants that he always wore, his feet and chest bare.

"Bye," Jack whispered as the ship faded around him.

"I love you, son," Thor whispered to the empty ship.