Chapter 15: The Loss

Both ships arrived on Corneria. Little was said on the trip back. Everyone was tense with the loss of there teammates. Krystal was especially silent, spending most of her time in her room. When they arrived, General Pepper was waiting in the hanger. "Hello to all of you. I'm glad your mission was a success." The General look around for the captains of the teams. "Where are Fox, Falco, Charles, and Bill?"

Everyone looked down at the floor. "They didn't make it back sir." Adam stated in a shaky voice.

The General had a look of shock on his face. He removed his hat and bowed his head in respect towards them. "How?"

"We had located Bill's team." stated Katt. "But Bill insisted they take out the base, so they went to finish it. The base exploded."

"Are your sure they...." the General paused. "Passed?"

Everyone nodded to answer the General.

"I'm sorry for your loss." said the General.

Everyone thanked him as exited the hanger. They loaded into the limousines that were waiting for them. They road in silence. Katt was the first to speak after they exited. "Who's gunna break the news to Elizabeth?"

Nobody had thought about her. "I'll do it." offered Krystal. She started for an elevator.

"Poor girl." said Katt after Krystal had entered the elevator. "She lost her family and had nothing. Now she lost Fox. I can't imagine how shes feeling right now."

"Thats tough." stated Adam. "How are you feeling Katt?"

"I'm kinda sad." she answered. "I lost some good friends."

The room grew silent for some time. "I think me and the guys are going to head back to the barracks." said Fay before exiting. The remaining members of her team followed her.

Remaining in the lobby of the complex were Katt, Adam, Slippy and Lukas. They silently entered a elevator and separated into the rooms they were sleeping in. Katt going to Krystal's room, Slippy going to his own room, and Adam and Lukas used a spare key Falco had given them to get into Falco's room.

(Inside of Fox's Apartment)

Elizabeth had been waiting patiently for Fox's return. She was sitting on the couch watching the TV when Krystal came in. "You guys are back already?" she asked.

"Theres something I need to tell you." she said hesitantly.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Fox...." she paused for a moment. "He....He died."

Elizabeth was speechless. Krystal could see the tears forming in her eyes. She hugged Krystal and began to cry. Krystal held back her tears despite the fact that she felt like falling on the floor and crying until she fell asleep. Krystal gently stroked her hair and reassured Elizabeth that it would be ok.

"Are we going to have a burial?" asked Elizabeth.

"No." replied Krystal. "We don't have his body. He died in an explosion."

This made Elizabeth feel even worse. "I think I'm going to go to bed." she said before retreating into Fox's room.

Krystal returned to her own apartment and found Katt inside. "How you feeling?" asked Katt.

"Horrible." she replied. "I just want to go to bed."

"OK, go ahead if you want to." said Katt.

"Goodnight." said Krystal before entering her room.

Katt decided to do the same thing and laid down on the couch and shut her eyes and fell asleep.

(The Next Day)

Katt woke up. She looked over at the digital clock siting on the table at the end of the couch. It read 10:30. She sat up and wiped her eyes trying to get fully awake. She then stood up and took a peak into Krystal's room to see if she was awake. She wasn't. She was curled up, holding a pillow in her arms. Katt decided not to disturb her. She exited the apartment and walked to the public balcony area. She found Lukas sitting there. "Hey."

Lukas turned and looked at her. "Good morning."

Katt took a seat next to him. "How did you sleep."

"I didn't." he replied.

"Why not?" asked Katt.

"I couldn't." he replied. "Out of the three of us, I thought Charles would be the last to die."

"So your shocked?" she asked.

"Yeah." he answered. "How are you feeling?"

"Kinda sad." she answered.

"Only kinda sad?" asked Lukas. "Thats kinda weird that when you lose a guy you like your only kinda sad."

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"I know that you like Falco." he answered. "Its not hard to see that."

Katt blushed slightly. "I do not."

Lukas chuckled. "OK, what ever you say." He stood. "I'm heading back to the apartment. Cya later." He exited the balcony area.

Katt remained in the balcony area. After few minutes later Katt returned to Krystal's apartment. "Hey Krystal." she said seeing that Krystal had woken. "How are you feeling."

"A little better." she answered. "Still kinda sad tho."

Katt looked Krystal over. She hadn't attempted to get ready for the day. She left her hair in a mess and had changed into sweat pants and a tank top. "You aren't planning on staying home all day are you?"

"Yeah I was." answered Krystal. "Why?"

"I know your sad but you can't just stay cooped up inside all the time." answered Katt. "Get dressed and do your hair. We're going to go to the mall or something."

Krystal sighed. "Katt I really don't want to."

"And I don't want to see you turn into an zombie that stays inside all day." stated Katt. "Your going if you want to or not."

Krystal sighed again. "Fine." She walked into her room and changed into shorts and a t-shirt, then fixed her hair before returning into the living room. "Where are we going?"

"To the mall then to a movie." answered Katt.

"OK." said Krystal before leaving the apartment.

Katt followed her. They both walked down the hallway and noticed Adam standing outside of Falco's apartment. "And where are you ladies going?" he asked them.

"Out to the mall." Katt answered. "Wana come?"

Adam shook his head. "No thank you."

"Aww come on." said Katt. "Don't you earth boys ever have any fun?"

"Yes we do." answered Adam. "But not when we are on duty."

"How are you on duty?" asked Krystal. "Your standing in a hallway in an apartment complex."

"I'm in uniform and on a different planet." answered Adam. "Thats considered on duty."

Katt rolled her eyes. "Whatever, if u don't wana go have fun with two hot girls then its your loss." Katt and Krystal walked down to the end of the hallway and into an elevator. They walked into the lobby then out the door and waved down a cab. They both entered. "To the mall please." Katt told the driver. The car began to move. Katt looked over at Krystal. "You ok Krystal?"

Krystal sighed and said, "Yeah I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine." stated Katt.

"I'm fine." repeated Krystal.

"OK OK." said Katt. The rest of the ride was quiet. When they arrived they exited the taxi and entered the mall. "So shopping or the movie?"

"Shopping I guess." answered Krystal.

"OK." said Katt before leading Krystal into a clothing store. They began to browse over the articles of clothing. Katt noticed some guys looking at them. "Krys. Cute guys are checking us out."

Krystal eyes grew wide. "No Katt I wont."

"Well they are coming this way." said Katt.

Krystal turned to look and one of the guys had been behind her. "Hello." one of them said. "I'm Hex. Whats your name?"

"I'm Krystal." she answered shakily.

"Thats a pretty name." replied Hex.

The other guy began talking to Katt and she was giggling and talking with him. "We are going to a movie. Would you guys like to join us?"

"Sure." they both answered.

Krystal gave Katt an angry look as they had began to walk towards the movie theater. Hex was walking close to Krystal and took her hand in his. She felt his fingers sliding between hers but she didn't pull away, but she didn't hold his hand back either. Katt was leaning on the other guy who she had found out was named Jason. Jason had his arm around her waist. Once they arrived at the theater they picked a movie and the guys paid for the tickets. Katt and Krystal thanked them as they walked into the theater. Katt and Jason sat next to each other and so did Hex and Krystal. Katt and Jason snuggled together but Krystal tried to keep her distance without making it seem like she was. Hex put his arm around her and gently pulled her closer. Katt gave Krystal a look and signaled for her to go with it. Krystal then leaned up against Hex. They all watch the movie.

When the movie was close to ending Hex decided to make a move. He slowly and genitally pressed his lips against Krystal. Krystal was a bit shocked but she found herself kissing back. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. When he pulled away he smiled. She smiled back but felt kind of guilty inside. "Can I get your number?" he asked.

"Sure." she answered. "659-9802"

"Thanks." he said as he enters the number into his phone. "I'll call you."

"OK." she said while smiling.

Hex and Jason both left. Katt moved over to Krystal. "Do you like him?"

"Kinda." answered Krystal.

"You should go on some dates with him." Katt stated as she got up and began walking.

Krystal got up and began to follow. "I'm not ready to date yet."

"You should have thought of that before making out with him." stated Katt.

"We weren't making out!" replied Krystal. "It was just a little kiss."

"Well now he has your number so hes most likely gunna ask you on a date." said Katt. "At least go on one."

"OK OK, I'll go on one but thats it." stated Krystal.

Katt waved down a taxi and they both entered. She told the driver to bring them to the apartment complex. Krystal looked at Katt. "So do you like Jason?"

"Not really." Katt answered. She smirked "But I went with him cuz I could tell u liked Hex."

"Nothing gunna happen with me and him." Krystal stated.

"Sure." Katt said in a sarcastic voice.

The taxi stopped and they payed the driver as they exited. "Why wont you date him?" Katt asked. "You know you like him."

"I'm just not ready yet." answered Krystal as she entered the elevator.

Katt followed. "Just give him a chance." Krystal didn't reply. "OK fine I'll stop."

"Thank you." said Krystal as she unlocked the apartment. She walked in.

"What you wana do now?" asked Katt as she enters the apartment.

"Go to bed." answered Krystal as she neared her room. "I'm tired and its getting kinda late."

Katt looked at the clock. "But its still earlier than when you go to bed."

"Yeah I know." said Krystal. "I'm just tired." She then walked into the room.

Katt sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. She watched it for about an hour before falling asleep herself.

Authors notes: Well I finally got a longer chapter in. Sorry for the shorter ones. I decided to take a break from the escape and action to show how the others, mainly Krystal were taking there friends being "Dead" and I put that in quotes because they aren't actually dead. Give me reviews on whats good/bad so I can change things.

Next Chapter: The Escape


vipervet18: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and the fight that was in it ^^ I'm trying to update at every chance I get.