Third to go about writing it...Oh!! I know...don't own Naruto...

Yea...Omi...i hope you were satisfied with the flashback...i have a few more in mind...but just to make it clear, Naruto came back for other reasons than the village requested him, but you'll find out why later...


Tsunade groaned as she slowly regained consciousness. She opened an eye only to shut it just as quickly as she was blinded by a light.

'where am I? All I remember is Naruto and his clone, that rasengan, and then everything went white...' she slowly opened her eyes, giving them time to re-adjust to the light. She leaned up and looked around to see a certain blonde shinobi leaning against a wall. He looked up to see her awake and smiled.

"Hey their baa-chan, I was wondering when you would get up." he said with a smirk.

"How long was I out?"

"Well, your the first one awake, but its been about thirteen hours..."


"Keep it down baa-chan, your scaring the other patients..."

"Was that the Kyuubi?"


"Was that him?" she demanded. Naruto looked at her for a minute and sighed.

"Yea...that was him. He's the only person that can put up a good fight against me..."

"WHAT IF HE GOT LOOSE??" she roared.

"He can't, like I said, were one now. He was just in a special demon kage bushin. I could have dispelled it at any time."

"Ok...How are you not hurt? You were the closest to the attack." Naruto laughed a little.

"Well, I try to make sure my own attacks can't hurt me..." she skowled at him.

"Smart Ass.."

"Love you too Baa-chan. Well, as fun as it is to bug you, I have some suna-nins to greet." he said. He then sand into the wall. Tsunade sighed.

'stupid brat, gonna make me have a heart attack...'


Naruto stood silently at the front gates of Konoha. The two chunnin guards were scared shitless when he just popped up from the ground. They had tried to talk to him, but he was too deep in his own thoughts about a certain wind using kunochi. He looked nearly ecstatic as a group of seven people walked up over the horizon. The group came closer and stopped before Naruto. Naruto mentally laughed because he knew that they would not recognize him. The Kazagake spoke up.

"Excuse us, we need to enter..." he said. Naruto chuckled a little.

"I'm afraid thats impossible Garaa.." he was now held in a tomb of sand up to his head. Garaa stared at him.

"And why is that?" Naruto tried to keep his poker face on but he soon broke out into a smile.

"Because I can still kick your sandy ass just like I did at the chunnin exams when you went shukaka on me." Naruto said with a grin. The sand three froze. Temari dropped her fan and ran at the boy and hugged him.

"Naruto?? Is it really you?" she said as she began to cry into his chest. Naruto smiled and hugged her back.

"Hey Temari-chan, good to see you too." Garaa was slowly regaining his ability to think after meeting his first friend after so long.

"Uzamaki, it is good to see you again." he stated. Naruto released himself from Temari's hug and turned to Garaa.

"God damn it man, how many times will I have to tell you its Naruto. How ya been man?" Naruto said after shaking Garaa's hand.

"Good, good. Why are you here though?"

"Same old Garaa, right to the point. Well talk about that later, right now, yall are coming with me to my house. I have volunteered to open a temporary hotel. Lets go." Naruto said as he turned and grabbed Temari's hand and walked off. Garaa and Kankuro never noticed the two blonde's blushes as they, the genin, and the two women followed.


Naruto was standing at the front gate to the Namikazi estate with his mouth wide open. He was still holding Temari's hand and she had a similar reaction to Naruto. Garaa and the other sand nins came running. Kankuro yelled at Naruto between breaths.

"Naruto, what the hell man, we almost lost you" he stopped as he looked at the house. No strike that, masion. It was five stories tall and was on atleast a hundred acres of land. Naruto fumbled with the keys before walking towards the house. Once he opened the door he turned to everyone else.

"Ok, I get master bedroom cause its my house. You guys go and pick." he said. The genin yelled and ran off to find a room. The rest of the day was spent getting used to the house, enjoying the pool and eating. Later after dinner, the genin had all gone to bed and Naruto and the adults sat in the dining room.

"Ok, I know Temari, Garaa, and Kankuro. But I have yet to meet you two." he said, pointing at the two women. The one next to Kankuro spoke first.

"I'm Yuumi, Kankuro's fiance. I couldn't let him come here alone." she said. Naruto nodded and turned to the orange haired girl next to Garaa.

"I'm Kin, I'm Garaa's wife." Naruto froze. His eye twitched. His brain slowly stopped working and he spaced out. Temari began waving her hands in front of his face.

"Hellooooo. Earth to Naruto...Come in, Naruto...Snap out of it!" she said. Naruto shook his head.

"Sorry, I just had the weird dream, Garaa actually got married..." he said. Garaa gave him a stern look.

"I fail to see the humor in this Uzamaki." he said. Naruto laughed a little and leaned back.

"Ha, i'm just kidding. Congrats Garaa, you too Kankuro. Now, you said you wanted to talk to me." he said. Garaa nodded.

"Yes, We were curious as to why you returned, and do not give us the crap that you wanted to help Konoha." Naruto sighed and sank into his chair.

"We'll, I'm recruiting..."

"For what?"

"War. From what Zetsu tells us, Kabuto has taken up Orochimaru's position, but that's not the worst part. He and Danzo have this alliance going. Were fairly sure that their going to invade every ninja village while the kages are in konoha. And before you try and go home to protect your village, you can't."

"And why not?" Yuumi protested.

"Because if you wen't back, they would know that we knew about the plan. They'll attack before I can recruit anyone. Hundreds will die." Everyone was focusing gravly on the matter.

"What do you have in mind?" Garaa asked.

"Were making a new village in wave. With wave's thriving economy and Ataksuki as its first protectors, it will hold. Everyone will be safe. If you agree, try to recruit anyone you can." The sand nins thought for a while until Kankuro spoke.

"Is there no other way?" He asked. Naruto sighed and shook his head.

"No..." Garaa sighed.

"Ok. We'll help, but nothing happens to the girls of the genin." he said. Naruto smiled and nodded.

"I won't let it happen Garaa" he said. Garaa nodded and he and Kin went to bed. Kankuro and Yuumi soon followed. Temari and Naruto sat alone in the den. They both stood and started to walk away.

"You'll protect them, right Naruto-kun?" she asked. Naruto smiled and nodded.

"With my life, Temari-chan". She smiled sadly and did something he didn't expect. She kissed him on the cheek. He stood in shock and barely heard her whisper as she ran upstairs.

"I hope not"


The chunnin exams came quickly and genin from all of the shinobi villages sat in a waiting room for the chunnin exams. The tension could have been cut with a knife. Everyone stood glaring daggers at each other until Ibiki walked through the door.

"Alright maggots, sit down and shut up. This is the first part of the chunnin exams. You will take a written test. No cheating. Begin." Ibiki said as the genin all took their started. He then turned around to see Naruto shushin behind him. Ibiki smiled.

"Hey there brat, haven't seen you in a while." Naruto smiled and shook hands with Ibiki.

"Hey Ibiki, its been a while, your still doing the first part I see..." Naruto said Ibiki sighed.

"Yea, these brats will be the death of me yet. So why are you here?"

"Oh, i'm watching the exam..." Naruto said. Ibiki nodded and remembered their talk with him, Naruto, and Anko two days ago. The two then went back to watching the genin. When it got to the tenth question, Ibiki ran the usual stuff about not ever being able to re-enter and, as usual, half the genin backed out. Anko came in early as usual and lead the genin outside towards the forest of death. As they approched, Naruto heard stiring in his head.

"Hey brat"

"Kyuubi!! Your up, hows it goin?"

"Fine, fine, but listen. I got a wierd feeling about this. Be careful and don't do anything serious. Their moving faster than expected" Naruto nodded and slowly entered the forest behind the genin.


Whats going to happen in the FOD?? Only I know...mwahahaha...ok, well i got this chapter up. Schools about to start so I may be a little slow in all chapters from now on...R&R...

-Taco out