I LIVE :D here's a long awaited update to Penalty Shot. It has a rather steamy bonus. Be warned this is a yaoi story. As if the other 23 chapters didn't make you aware of that. And we get a lemon :D along with aging. Some time has passed since the last chapter. You can thank AX 2011 for the lovely lemon in the bonus. Hours of sitting on my butt while waiting for panels and stuff lead to this. :D

Hope you enjoy,


Shuuhei looked down at the ring on his finger. It was old and worn with scratches and slight tarnish. It was appeared as though it had not been restored prior to it being given to Shuuhei. Shuuhei started at the old silver and the sparkle of the diamond. It was also obvious to Shuuhei that this was a woman's ring.

He looked at the ring for a few more seconds then rolled over in bed. He moved so he was lying half way on Renji's back so he was just behind Renji's ear. The red head was on his back sleeping soundly in the early morning's first light. He gently reached over and examined the ring on Renji's left hand.

Renji groaned at the added weight but continued sleeping soundly. His long red hair tied up to make him look more like a pineapple.

Shuuhei reached out and gently ghosted over Renji's left hand tracing his finger over the other ring. It was the male companion ring to his also of tarnished silver with scrapes and scratches.

When Renji had presented Shuuhei with the ring two years prior just before Naoki was born he had been ecstatic. It had meant this were going to be alright even though they had almost broken up when their youngest was born. The rings they wore proved to Shuuhei he' won. He had beaten that bitch and Renji was his and the life they were going to live could be done together. Since Renji was not the cheating type.

Shuuhei moved his hand and intertwined his and Renji's fingers then rested his check against the back of Renji's shoulder. He let out a sigh. "Love you," he said quietly before closing his eyes.

He fell asleep that way.

Later that morning Shuuhei found himself busy with his typical morning tasks.

Riku at seven was mastering coming out of his shell. He was a star student in class and exceedingly popular amongst the little girls though he spent most of his time with his cousins. His hair was long and far more full bodied then Renji's having wavy curls that came to an end right past his shoulders. His hair framed his face and his eyes shinned through. Unlike when he had first come to live with his parents he was now almost always smiling. At seven his future appeared bright and bountiful.

At the moment Riku was waving. "Bye Dad Kenny's here so I'm going!" he shouted as he headed out the door dressed in his uniform for Academy.

Shuuhei waved as he placed a bowl of cereal in front of Naoki.

"Mama!" Takahiro shouted coming downstairs half dressed in his uniform. "I'm not going." He said sitting down at the table defiantly.

At five Takahiro looked nothing like any of the pictures he'd seen of Renji. Takahiro finally sat through a hair cut at age four and had refused to have his hair long after the experience. His dark hair was short and spiked out. He was currently scowling as he looked at Shuuhei. Technically he looked like a mini Shuuhei.

"Takahiro there's no need to shout. You are going to go to school today. What's the problem now?" Shuuhei asked blinking at him.

"No." He replied folding his arms over his chest.

Shuuhei rolled his eyes. "What's the matter Taka?" he asked going over to his son and patting his head.

"I don't like that school." He pouted.

"You're still upset you got in trouble last Friday aren't' you?" Shuuhei asked petting his son's head. "You know you're not supposed to fight with other kids regardless of what they say about me or your father."

Much like with the hazing Riku had undergone in school Takahiro suffered from the same only unlike his big brother Takahiro had a temper. Suzu said Takahiro was very much like his namesake just like his grandfather. Riku had reacted to the hazing by crying and allowing himself to be bullied that one time while Takahiro had reacted by attacking the male student that had harassed him. He'd thrown a book and probably would have jumped on him if the teacher having sensed the trouble had not stopped him.

"Dad got mad at me." Takahiro replied remembering that his father had lectured him upon picking him up from the principles office. Explaining to him over and over how disappointed he was and that Takahiro should never respond to things with violence. When he had gotten home he had cried on Shuuhei for an hour and had not spoken to Renji the entire weekend.

"Your Dad got mad because we taught you better then to fight with other people. Even if they're rude to you." Shuuhei said as he placed his son's jacket on. "Now promise me when you go to school today you'll keep your head high and not let what they say bother you."

Takahiro made a face.

Shuuhei kissed his son's forehead. "You can do it Taka. I have faith in you. Now go finish getting dressed and I'll take you to school."

Takahiro mumbled to himself as he headed back up the stairs. He paused for a second as Renji walked down the stairs past him. He looked at his father for a second then ran upstairs.

"Morning to you too." Renji shouted after him then went into the kitchen. He moved his hand as he spoke. "Morning."

Naoki smiled at his father and began to motion his hands about. ' Morning Daddy Renji Daddy Shuuhei gave me cereal.' Naoki signed excitedly. 'It's yummy.'

Renji smiled as he kissed Shuuhei good morning then taking some of Naoki's cereal. 'Yes its delicious.' He signed back smiling at his son.

Naoki's large brown eyes glowed as he signed with his Dad. His long brown hair framed his face. Unlike his older brother Naoki had been unable to cut his hair. Both times Shuuhei and Renji had taken him to the salon to have his hair cut Naoki had screamed like they were going to murder him ad cried as to not traumatize him they just did not cut his hair. And his long hair hid his hearing aids, not that Renji or Shuuhei needed to have them hidden it just happened that way.

Naoki's hand pointed to the stairs. 'Taka mad.' He expressed an angry look on his face.

'I know.' Renji signed pointing to his head. 'Eat.' He then turned to Shuuhei. "Takahiro's still upset?"

"You were hard on him. Renji he's five… he doesn't understand." Shuuhei said shaking his head.

"I know…" Renji said shaking his head as if loosening a thought. "He needs to learn… violence isn't the answer…"

"I'm sure he understands that now…" Shuuhei kissed Renji again and intertwined their hands. "I'm going to take him to school then I'll be back. Make sure Naoki's dressed and ready we have to take him to Uloquiorra's before we head over to your sister's place."

Renji nodded as he winked at Naoki who giggled as he ate his cereal.

Ten minutes later Renji was sitting down to eat his breakfast and watch Naoki and Shuuhei were out the door with Takahiro who was still pouting.

Renji had Naoki dressed and ready to go when Shuuhei returned. The little boy had hair tied back in a fashion similar to his father's making his hearing aids visible though the smile on the little boy's face as he signed with his father distracted you away from them. His shirt was black with the white logo of a Sakura flower and the stamp kanji for "six" on the back. He also wore a pair of black toddler cargos and little black Nike sport shoes.

Shuuhei was surprised remember back in the days when Takahiro was a baby. Renji would dress him in some of the most unusual outfits. Thankfully through his, Suzu and their children's crying persuasion Renji was slowly discovering a fashion sense.

'How're my boys?' Shuuhei signed much slower then Renji, as he did not have much experience but ha begun to take lessons when he had been told Naoki had lost his hearing. 'Ready?'

Naoki squawked excitedly at seeing Shuuhei then nods his head. 'Dad S back.' He announced to Renji pointing at Shuuhei.

'Yes yes… good boy.' He pats Naoki's head as he picked him up and placed him in the car seat off their latest BMW model.

Upon arriving at Uloquiorra's house it was easy for Renji and Shuuhei to note the changes that had gone on there in the past two years. Now instead of the Audi two door and the Land Rover four door there were two Land Rovers and a Mercedes. Poor Grimmjow had been forced to give up his two door for a four door sedan. The house that had once been painted a light blue color was not white with a glossy sheen. The yard once only surrounded by a fence was now littered with objects to keep young children busy for hours on end and a large cat that would have never had a chance to be there years before.

Panthera looked up from her position on the porch and let out a low sound as she watched the humans walk out of their vehicle. The large female serval watched the humans approach and jumped off the banister she had been occupying and went into the house.

Inside she went and jumped onto a high shelf so that she could survey the newcomers. Her tail swayed from left to right as she watched them.

The doorbell rang and Hichigo walked out of the kitchen holding onto a carrot followed by Grimmjow who was rubbing a peck as if he'd been stabbed.

When the door opened Naoki waved at his uncles while Renji and Shuuhei exchanged words with them.

"Come on in," Hichigo said waving them inside. He looked over at the large feline. "Grimmjow I swear that cat is so antisocial."

"That's not true." Grimmjow replied with a snort. "She loves Uloquiorra. If he likes that or not I'm not sure... But since he's away she's like that."

"Like I said antisocial." Hichigo replied. 'Naoki want see cousins?' Hichigo signed and watched the little boy's face light up.

Hichigo took Naoki to the kitchen where the parents could hear his excited squawking.

Naoki was close to Masamaru and Hisoka like his brothers were close to Ai and Sai and Hibiki and Yuuki.

Panthera let out a low sound as she jumped down from the high shelf and walked past Grimmjow and the others into the kitchen.

When they followed her they found her smelling Naoki then head butting him trying to get him to pet her.

Hichigo picked up Naoki causing Panthera to follow after him leaning on Hichigo from the table.

Hisoka and Masamaru laughed at their cat and parent.

Hisoka looked just like his older brother minus the hair. Like his father he had large green eyes and like his brother

"Oh and she likes your son too…" Grimmjow added as he walked into the kitchen and picked up the serval.

Panthera instantly began head butting Grimmjow and purring.

"You know" Renji said making a face. "I know we talked about this when you brought that thing back with you but is it really safe? I mean she's huge…"

"Panthera is no more a threat to our kids then Chibi is." Grimmjow replied petting his cat.

Renji said nothing when he saw the serval staring at him over Grimmjow's shoulder. Maybe it was just him. Honestly he hadn't much cared for Chibi either in the beginning.

He went over and tapped Naoki's head.

The boy looked up at him. ' Papa S and Papa R going now. See ya later.' He signed.

Naoki waved and signed. 'I love you.' Then waved bye.


Ai Maria de la Rosa was a cute little girl with short spiky hair and large green eyes. She was often seen smiling only in the company of her little brother Saito. She was currently dressed in the male school uniform having just walked out of the men's bathroom on campus. She pulled her briefcase up and waited patiently for Sai to walk out of the accompanying woman's restroom.

Sai walked out of the girls' bathroom chatting with one of Ai's friends. He moved his long black hair out of his face and smiled charmingly at the girl. She waved good-bye and headed off towards their class. Sai went over to his sister and smiled at her as he straightened the hem of his skirt and blouse sleeves then he looked expectantly at her.

Ai rolled her eyes and handed him a pretty sparkling silver and black hair clip.

Sai took it and with a wider almost 1000 watt smile placed it in his hair, taming the long black strands.

He then swung his cute black and yellow-checkered D&B backpack on his back and fell in line with his sister.

Ai leads the way to class.

Ai sat quietly in her seat next to her brother watching the excited male chat away with other girls in their class. Ai was more similar to Uloquiorra in that she was quiet and reserved. She held very little interest in anyone that was not family.

She was the very opposite of Saito who was gregarious and easily excitable and emotional. He made friends easily and people were drawn to him. That fact along bothered Ai about her brother. She did not want to share Sai with anyone. Even at this young age she felt that if she let him Sai would completely disappear from her side.

Sai turned and poked his sister. "Look Ai its Taka." He pointed out the window.

Takahiro was currently sitting in the quad by himself reading a book. Some boys walked over to him and appeared to be talking to him but Takahiro did not respond to them keeping his head down.

"Takahiro's in trouble." Sai said moving to stand up.

Ai scanning out quickly grabbed her brother. "No… stay here." She said quietly pointing down.

Sai looked out and saw Riku and two others approaching from behind said boys.

The taller of the two brunettes behind Riku stepped up and tapped one of the boy's on the shoulder.

When the little boy turned around even from the classroom Sai and Ai could see his face go sheet white.

"He's okay Sai. Biki and Yuu will take care of him." Ai said turning back to the board as the teacher walked in to take role.

Down in the quad Hibiki currently had one of the boy's bothering Takahiro by the shoulder.

The boy's face drained in color upon seeing him.

Takahiro looked up at his older brother.

Riku looked at his little brother. ' They bothering you?' he signed with raised eyebrows. 'Do you need our assistance?'

Takahiro turned away from his brother. "I wasn't going to act up. I already promised Mama…" he said out loud.

The boy Hibiki was not holding onto looked at him. "That the long haired girly one or the guy with the nasty tattoo on his face?"

Takahiro got this look in his face.

"Takahiro you promised Father right? He's not worth getting in trouble again." Riku said stepping forward. He went over and pet Takahiro's hair in the same soothing manner their parents' did. Then he turned and his eyes got uncharacteristically cold.

The two boys he was staring at kind of shrunk away. "You should be nice to my little brother." He said staring at them. "If not," He pointed over to where a large man with def defying spikes leaned against a wall watching them with interest. "He'll make you regret it."

The two boys said nothing as Hibiki let one go and they both fled away.

Riku looked back down at his brother. "They're stupid." He rubbed his brother's head. "Father and Dad would be so proud of you." He praised. "We're gonna go to class now you okay?"

Takahiro nodded his head and Riku smiled at him before taking off with Hibiki and Yuuki. The upper class was only on break and the chimes rung announcing class would begin in five minutes.

Hibiki smiled at his brother as they walked beside Riku.

Hibiki and Yuuki appeared more and more like their father the older they got. Their baby pictures and school year book pictures echoed those of Sosuke Aizen in all but facial expressions. In some pictures they looked exactly the same while in others they looked like completely different individuals.

Hibiki had short swept away hair held together by gel and a steady blow-drying in the morning. His hair was short and he appeared much like his father did during his youth prior to college.

Yuuki waved at his brother and gave him a smile. His hair was shoulder length and a beautiful wavy golden brown. His eyes were wide in contrast to Hibiki's narrower shape. Both their faces were similar and glowing with ages and ages of Aizen genetics. Including the black square rimmed glasses that framed Yuuki's face.

The three boys walked past the tall man with spiky hair and he broke off the wall and followed them quietly. This was the bodyguard Kenpachi Zaraki that had been hired by Gin and Aizen to watch over the boys who were in not in their parent's sight.

The chimes sounded and everyone went to class.

Renji watched Shuuhei eat his salad. The fact that his fiancée was in quiet thought displayed on the man's face, it was that look Shuuhei got before he had some type of crazy accusation. It was as if he was trying to decide if Renji was capable of doing whatever his mind was saying Renji had done.

Shuuhei blinked when he noticed Renji had stopped eating. "What is it?"

Renji leaned over the table and kissed Shuuhei on the lips. "What's bothering you?" he asked taking a sip of his soda.

"I've been thinking…" Shuuhei replied starting down at the ring on his finger.

Renji followed his line of sight.

Shuuhei stared at the ring for another moment then moved to speak. "Why-"

"My mother." Renji replied still looking at the ring. He took his left hand then intertwined it with Shuuhei's. "My mother." He said gently petting the scratched silver ring on Shuuhei's finger. "My father." He said looking at the ring on his finger. "These belonged to them."

"Your parents?" Shuuhei replied.

"Yeah…" Renji replied. "These were the rings they wore everyday. Suzu took mother's wedding ring and wore it as her engagement ring after Obaasan gave it to Jyuushiro when he proposed to her. And Gin's got father's wedding ring. I didn't want it." He explained. "But these rings… This ring…" he stared fondly at it for a moment. "My mother wore everyday up until the moment she died." He said that part quietly. "It was the promise ring my father gave to her. When he promised to be a good boyfriend to her." He said as he looked to his ring. "And father only took his off when he cheated on her."

"Renji." Shuuhei began looking down at the rings understanding their meaning to his fiancee.

"I wanted them to be apart of this. I'm not like Suzu. She cut my parents entirely out of her wedding when she finally tied to knot with Jyuushiro. Or like Sosuke who had his mother's limited involvement. I want my parents to be a part of everything and by giving you that ring which oddly enough took only a little enlarging to fit your size makes me feel they're here."

Shuuhei nodded. "That explains a lot." He said quietly. "I'm honored you'd give me something so important to you."

Over the years Shuuhei had come to discover exactly the importance Renji gave to his parents. How much he love and admired his mother and how he tried valiantly not to be like his father. He had come to explain to Shuuhei the complication Miss X gave to his life yet the feeling he had to still be close to her as she had given birth to him. Shuuhei now understood the importance of this ring.

"Speaking of parents Shuuhei…" Renji said looking at his fiancée. "Are you going to invite yours?"

A cold sweat suddenly washed over Shuuhei. Any chance of answering was interrupted by the waiter bringing lunch.

TBC :D how's that for a for an update :D

Sorry its been a million years T^T. This story can be so difficult at times to write. But it was being kind to my finally allowing my muse to return with all these amazing characters to come together again.

Some notes:

Renji and Shuuhei's third son, Naoki is deaf. Though he has hearing aides they're only for surrounding noise. He cannot comprehend speech and at two he's not very good at lip reading. The characters use ASL (American Sign Language) to interact with him. Why ASL? Cuz that's the language I use at home to communicate with my deaf friends and it's the only one I know relatively well. Though I'm not fluent by any means.

Two and a half years have passed since the last chapter and the kids are growing up. Renji and Shuuhei are in the stages of planning their wedding. These busy guys have been engaged for a whole 2 years.


The Bonus : Adult Playtime

Gin tapped Takahiro on the head when the little four year old looked around for his fathers. "Mama…" he said looking around past Gin.

"Takahiro," Gin began as he watched Takahiro walk away from him and began climbing on his brother. "Takahiro get off your brother." He said picking up the toddler. "It's a wonder how Izuru handles you guys by himself." He said sighing as he placed Takahiro down.

"Want Mama…" Takahiro said looking up at his uncle.

"Takahiro…" Gin looked at the boy as he took him to the kitchen to where there was a large calendar. "What's this say?" he asked pointing to the date August 12th.

Takahiro looked up at him cutely.

Gin laughed for a second. "Come on now you can read."

"Papa and Mama…" he pointed to the Kanji that expressed his parents' names. He may not have been able to read the actual pronunciation but he recognized the characters as his parents' names.

"That's right." He replied. "Renji and Shuuhei are still gone." He replied. "They'll be back on Shuuhei's birthday." He pointed to the 14th. "So one more day."

"I want Mama…" Takahiro said making a face.

Gin was taken back to when he was charged with taking care of a certain redhead back at the children's home they had lived.

"Taka, your Dads need to have some adult time away from you kids all the time." Gin explained. "Adults gotta be adults sometimes."

Takahiro looked at his uncle and started crying. To his little mind that translated that they didn' to be with him.

"For crying out loud. Ichimaru-san what did you do?" Izuru asked coming in holding a bag of groceries.

The blonde put the bag down and reached for Takahiro. "What's the matter Taka?" He asked the crying toddler.

"Mama and Papa no want me." He cried on Izuru.

"Aw poor baby." He said looking at the little boy. "Come on we'll go call Hisagi so you can talk to him." He said taking Takahiro to the videophone.


Shuuhei leaned back into Renji's chest as he felt the red head's large, strong hands work their way over his chest taking a moment to rub the soapy cloth against his nipples. Shuuhei could almost see the smile forming on Renji's face as he felt the hand move on leaving behind a very erect and well attended to nipples. Shuuhei leaned his head back.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" He asked as he felt the soapy cloth come under his neck. He felt his feet kick slightly in the water still after all these years being ticklish under the neck.

Renji moved up a little bit causing Shuuhei to slide deeper into the bathtub they shared. Renji grabbed Shuuhei's shoulders and leaned down and kissed him. The kiss was not chaste. It was quite the opposite, filled with lust and desire.

It had been ages since the two of them had been alone together without the threat of Takahiro, God bless their son who still did not know how to knock on doors, running into the room and catching them with their pants down. They were running out of excuses.

Shuuhei responded to the kiss by turning around and squatting on his knees over Renji placing either of his hands on the side of Renji's head. "Mr. Abarai…" He whispered into Renji's ear as he pulled up close.

Renji growled as he looked at Shuuhei. "Mr. Hisagi what have I said about calling me that?" He asked in that knowing voice as he reached up with the soapy cloth and began to rub Shuuhei's back paying special attention to the lower back under the water.

Shuuhei groaned and let out a long moan as the tip of one of Renji's fingers moved inside his entrance after a few seconds of prodding.

Renji shallowly trust his finger in and out of Shuuhei as he leaned forward to lick and nibbling on Shuuhei's ears. His lover's damp hair pressed against his face. He could hear Shuuhei groaning in his ear.

Shuuhei moved to bring their bodies together.

Renji relished in the feeling of Shuuhei against him. Knowing there was no chance of Takahiro messing this up.

Shuuhei reached forward to whisper in Renji's ear, "I want to f-" He was interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing.

Renji looked at Shuuhei, removing his finger. "You left your cell phone on?"

The moment was gone.

"Well… it was in case…" Shuuhei said as the ringing continued. "It's Kira… I should get it…" He said moving to get out of the bath.

Renji smacked his ass in a light playful manner.

Shuuhei answered the phone sending Renji a glare. "Hello… Oh Taka what's the matter?"

Renji let out a string of curses including the phrase. "Fucking little cock blocker!" Which was followed by the sound of Shuuhei throwing a bottle from the counter at Renji hitting him in the head.

Renji pouted.

"No… Taka… Of course Mama and Dad love you… why would you? Oh Taka calm down… we want you. We'll be home in a few days. We'll see you then okay…" He promised doing his best to ease their son on the phone.

Shuuhei paused when he felt Renji come and stand beside him. Renji picked the phone out of Shuuhei's hand and placed it to his ear. "Takahiro…" He spoke into the phone. "Son, your Mother and I will be home in two days. Now be good for you uncles. See you then… Yes Daddy loves you too. Bye." And he hung up the phone. He then flipped it over and took out the battery.

Shuuhei looked at him. "It's for emergen-"

Renji crashed their lips together.

"Hmm…" Shuuhei forget what he was saying as he felt Renji begin to gently fondle his shaft to hardness.

Renji broke the kiss and pushed Shuuhei onto the vanity counter. "Since you didn't want to do it in the bath… "He kissed down Shuuhei's spine playing special attention to part the way to Shuuhei's delicate opening.

"RENJI!" Shuuhei nearly screamed as he gripped onto the counter's edge. "Oh GOD!" he screamed out as Renji gently licked Shuuhei's rose bud and penetrated it shallowly with his tongue.

Renji continued to treat Shuuhei to the gentle mensteations while working his shaft and balls.

"Nahhh." Shuuhei tried to form words as he found himself thrusting himself back on Renji's tongue then forward into his hand.

"Cah-" Shuuhei tried to say then he yelped when Renji gripped his shaft roughly. "Renji!"

"No…" Renji said standing up and pushing his hardened member against Shuuhei. "Inside…" He whispered in Shuuhei's ear.

Shuuhei turned in Renji's arms and kissed him. He tasted himself on his lover. It was different.

They shared the kiss and slowly drifted back towards the bed. Upon Renji's shins hitting it. He lowered them down onto it so that Shuuhei was on top.

"You want a reward to treating me so nice?" he asked with a smile before lowering himself to Renji's navel, his knees resting upon the floor. He traced the tattoos there with his tongue listening to the moans his boyfriend made from his delight. Renji was withering at Shuuhei's touch.

He looked up at Renji as he slowly licked down Renji's thigh then up to his balls.

Renji groaned and bucked up into Shuuhei's causing him to slide his cock against Shuuhei's cheek. "Ah damn Shuuh-ah!" he shouted when Shuuhei slowly licked up his lover's shaft making sure to skip over the head as he worked his way back down. "Gah" Renji was unable to form a coherent sentence .

Shuuhei enveloped Renji slowly taking his time to massage Renji's thick head in his mouth as he slowly inserted a finger slick with his saliva deep into Renji.

Renji bit his lip to silence himself when Shuuhei added a second finger and continued his movements.

Shuuhei doubled his efforts as he felt Renji getting close. He could feel Renji's member beginning to strain. It wouldn't be long. It had been a long time since they had shared a bed together outside of mututal masterbation. 'Damn Takahiro…' Shuuhei thought to himself as he found himself swallowing Renji's essence. It was a bit thick and some trickled down his chin.

Renji sat up and pulled Shuuhei forward a bit so he could lick the reamins of his release off Shuuhei's face then kiss him.

As they broke apart Renji reached down and licked the shell of Shuuhei's ear. "Ready…" He whispered breathlessly.

Shuuhei felt heat pool in his loins at that statement. He removed his fingers from Renji and positioned himself.

He let out a sigh as he lifted Renji's legs over his shoulders and began to slowly insert himself into Renji's delicate opening watching it stretch to accomidate him.

"Tight." Shuuhei hissed as beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead. He couldn't go any further. It had been too long since he and Renji had been together. He was almost virgin tight again.

"You've been practicing everyday haven't you?" Shuuhei asked leaning forward and licking one of Renji's nipples.

"I…I try…" Renji replied involuntarily tightening his passage around Shuuhei.

Shuuhei groaned then looked up at Renji. "You're just about virgin tight. Those exercises are doing you good." He praised as he felt Renji relax a bit. He then began to slowly continue filling Renji with his length till he was fully sheathed. "So good." He praised. He smiled as Renji reached up to kiss him. There were so many advantages to having a tall lover.

After they broke the kiss Renji motioned for Shuuhei to start moving by bending his knees over Shuuhei's shoulders and locking Shuuhei in.

"So anxious…" he smiled down at Renji who smirked up at him. He reached between them and began to gently stroke Renji back to hardness as he started to slowly thrust in and out of Renji.

The rhythem was slow and gentle for a while. The room was filled with Renji's moans as Shuuhei shallowly stroked his prostate with every thrust. Renji's member leaned hard against his lower abdomen leaking preecum copiously upon his skin.

Renji had his arms folded over his eyes and his head turned away from Shuuhei.

The older male chuckled at Renji's sudden shyness. Virgin like indeed. He though as he chuckled then lightly took Renji's cock into his hand massaging the head gently taking care to slide his finger over the slit as he increased the tempo of his thrusting.

Renj's face exploded in a ferocious fire red blush causing his face to darken to a deep red color.

Shuuhei released his lover's member and reached up to remove Renji's arms from his face. The red head tighten his muscles causing his body to go rigid. Shuuhei almost lost it at the tightness. It was so tight it almost pushed the boundry between pain and pleasure.

"Renji calm down…" he whispered. This same thing had happened the first time they had been intimate as well. When Renji got embarrassed this happened. He gently stroked Renji's bicepts and worked his way up the forearm to his wrists and pulled gently. "Breath, Renji calm down… I want to see your face." He strained. This was starting to cross that line.

Renji began to breath slowly again. Shuuhei took the momentary relaxation of muscles to pull out and thrust sharply into Renji's prostate.

Renji continued to relax as Shuuhei resumed thrusting at a more rapid pace then before. Looking at Renji's long red strands plastered to that strong tattooed face with his lust filled eyes shut tight and delicous mouth was opened lewdly in pleasure. It made Shuuhei want to come. To thrust himself deep into his boyfriend and leave a trace of himself there.

Shuuhei felt Renji's muscles began to convulse as they had before. His boyfriend was about to cum. He rapidly continued to stroke the prostate causing Renji to ejaculate so hard his back arched off the bed and some of the release splattered across his sweat reddened face.

The sight of Renji cuming on himself let Shuuhei loose. He released Renji's arms and pulled Renji's hips closer as those muscles convulsed around him so he was fully sheathed inside and released into his boyfriend.

Slowly Shuuhei pulled out of Renji and lowered his lover's nearly limp legs to rest over the edge of the bed. He began to move towards the bathroom when he felt those legs loosely catch his abdomen.

"No…" Renji said sleepily reaching out for him.

This was so typical Renji. After they were intimate Renji would get sleepy and pass out. It made quickies nearly impossibly since Renji would have to nap afterwards.

"I'm not going away…"Shuuhei promised leaning forward to kiss the dozing red head. "I'll be right back." He promised as he untangled himself from Renji and went to the bathroom.

He returned with a rag and gently cleaned both himself and Renji. He heard the read head groan as he slowly cleaned his abused entrence.

"Shuu…" he whispered quietly turning onto his side.

Shuuhei smiled. This was all his. Someone he'd finally found devoted entirely to himself. It was nice.

"I'm right here." He whispered as he lugged the sleeping male up towards the headboard and got him under the covers. Again he found himself intertwined in his boyfriend's arms and legs.

"Luv you…" Renji whispered as he snuggled into Shuuhei and passed out.

Shuhei kissed his boyfriend's head and gently combed his hair with his fingers. It was going to be so knotted in the morning. He thought as he allowed his eyes to droop.

The two male slept the rest of the day away in each others arms.

They returned to their children refreshed and renewed two days later for Shuuhei's birthday.