Title: Intuition

Author: Aeon Cole

Rating: FRT

Fandom: CSI: Miami

Character: Horatio Caine

Spoilers: Raising Caine and Going Ballistic

Challenge: Philosophy20 / table

Prompt: #12 6th sense

Word Count: 315

Summary: Have you ever gotten a feeling that something was going to happen… Horatio's POV

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Have you ever gotten a feeling that something was going to happen or that something just wasn't right but there was nothing you could do about it because it was out of any context? It's sort of an itchy feeling at the back of your neck. At first I thought it was because Kyle's trial was coming up. I had to admit that I was a bit nervous about that. I mean, if he was convicted he'd be going to jail and if not, I was a father full-time. Either way the outcome was a bit daunting.

But then I walked into that house and heard her voice. She called me John but she already knew that wasn't my real name. Suddenly that itchy feeling at the back of my neck came back and I thought I understood it. She hadn't changed one bit. She looked exactly the same as the last time I'd seen her; dressed better but still. I told her about Kyle. Maybe that was a mistake but she is his mother.

Now I'm watching them drive off together. He chose to go with her after his case was dismissed and that itchy feeling is back again. I still can't place it but I feel like something bad is going to happen.


It's been months and I still can't shake that feeling. It took some doing but I finally convinced Julia to take Kyle and leave Ron Saris. They are supposed to meet me here at the airfield so I can put them on a plane. I need to send them a way for a while, just until everything is safe. They haven't arrived yet and I can't figure out if they changed their minds or just got hung up in traffic but that feeling is getting stronger as I step out of the plane and stand on the tarmac to wait for them…
