AN: I have decided to split this story into chapters. I have added nothing to it so if you have already read it, there's really nothing in here that's wasn't in here before, I've just decided that it's easier if it is split into chapters, I'll be posting them as I convert them. Thank you-

The Last Dance


Yamato Ishida stared across the candle lit table at Sora, the flame reflecting warmly in her soft brown eyes and giving her hair yellow and gold highlights. She glanced up at him, her cheeks and the bridge of her nose coloring as she looked back down at her hands resting on her lap.

"Yamato, you really didn't have to do this," she started.

"Of course I did," he corrected gently. "You deserve everything I can give you and more-" he was interrupted as a waiter set a bottle down in the middle of the table, and two roses, one white and one red; in front of Sora.

"Yamato, what's this?" Sora asked, reaching out to touch the delicate petals, but paused when she spied the diamond engagement ring holding them entwined. Yamato stood slowly from his chair and walked calmly over to the other side of the table. Picking up the two roses, he gently slid the ring from the stems and held it between his thumb and index finger as if in admiration.

Then, he went to one knee and looked searchingly into her eyes. The entire restaurant turned to watch them and silence descended as Sora's eyes filled with tears.

"Sora Takenouchi, I love you, I will always love you and would consider my self the luckiest man in the world if you would spend the rest of your life with me. Sora, will you marry me?" Two tears slid down her face, her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and her mouth didn't seem to want to work. Yamato could see the emotion flash in her eyes and didn't need words, but he wanted them anyway. Finally, after several seconds of suffering, Sora pushed herself off the chair and into his arms.

"YES! YES! YES!" she cried hugging him. He pulled away enough to slip the ring on her finger and then they locked in a passionate kiss as the restaurant was filled with the cheers of everyone and a few whistles and claps.

*~ Thursday-two weeks later at Yamato's apartment ~*

Yamato was sitting comfortably on an old chair he'd brought with him when he'd moved into his own apartment; watching his best friend Taichi as he took up as much room on the old couch that was possible with his thin frame. His new girlfriend, Kisha, was sprawled half over the part of the couch that Taichi couldn't take up, and half over Taichi himself. I miss Sora he thought, wishing she'd never gone off to visit her mother; watching as Taichi and his girlfriend shoved each other around playfully, trying to get the other to make room.

Suddenly Taichi stopped and sat up as if he'd remembered something; and then fell off the couch and onto his face as Kisha took the opportunity to have the whole couch to herself. Taichi sat up and rubbed his head, muttering curses as he glared at her. Finally, after either his eyes hurt, or he'd thought she'd had enough, he turned to look at Yamato.

"Hey, did I tell you-?" Yamato lifted an eyebrow and stared at Taichi.

"Yes." Taichi smiled and continued.

"Mimi called Kari this morning and asked her to tell everyone that she's coming back! She said she was going to give up her modeling career for singing."

Yamato's stomach did a couple of back flips before tying itself in knots at the mention of her name, and he tried to ignore the funny feeling that had started in his chest as he remembered his old friend and secret obsession from his teenage years. I. Love. Sora! He told it sternly, but that didn't make the feeling go away, if anything, it got worse.

"So, when does she get here?" He asked casually, crossing his legs and unsuccessfully trying to ignore his emotions.

"Well, she said that she was just getting on the plane when she called, so she should be here in… about an hour." Taichi answered, looking at his wristwatch. Yamato nodded.

"That's cool"

"The problem is," Taichi went on as if Yamato had never spoken. "I have to go to work now, Sora doesn't get back from that week with her mom for another day or two, Kisha doesn't have a license and Mimi doesn't know her anyway, Kari and T.K.. can't drive, and Koushiro and Jyou are already at work." He paused for breath. "That only leaves you buddy."

"Guess it does." He replied, his stomach continuing its acrobatics.

"Well, I've got to go change for work pal, come on Kish" Taichi said, standing from the floor and popping his back, then reaching down to help Kisha up. "Seeya 'round buddy-boy." He called over his shoulder as they both disappeared behind the quickly closing door.

I Guess I better go get ready too. He thought, getting up to take a shower.

~* At the airport *~

Yamato stood leaning against the wall; Mimi's flight had just landed and he could see people getting off. Why am I here? He thought, Taichi's boss is lenient, all he'd have to say is that a friend was coming back after several years of being gone and wanted him to pick her up! God, I think I still like her and they know it, that's why I'm here! The way his thoughts were going startled him and he took a moment to analyze them. Could I still be attracted to Mimi…? But he never got to finish the thought as a strikingly familiar -yet somewhat more mature- female voice penetrated the normal public roar.


He glanced up to see Mimi, long, short, pink striped waving gently in the breeze, his stomach clenched at seeing her and everyone else seemed to fade into non-existence as their eyes locked. Oh God, I do was his only conscience thought before Mimi dropped her baggage and threw herself into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her waist somewhat instinctively, and forced down a blush as he noticed her womanly curves pressing against his body. He moved his hands to place them on her shoulders and pushed her away from him enough to look her in the eyes. He looked her up and down as he would if she were his little sister. Which is how I should feel about her! He thought self-accusingly as he tried not to notice that her shirt was cut very low. He saw that she was wearing a light purple and green shirt with a pair of loose jeans. Not the type of clothes the Mimi I remember wears. He thought, but shrugged mentally

"You look great Mimi," he said, patting her shoulder as if she was his sister. She smiled, but he thought it might be half forced.

"Thanks Matt, you don't look half bad yourself." He glanced sideways at her as they walked back to retrieve her discarded luggage.

"Actually, I prefer Yamato now." He said casually, bending and picking the two suitcases up.

A light blush colored her cheeks prettily. "Oh, sorry Y-Yamato."

"It's okay, but… is this all you brought?" he asked with a laugh, "I would have thought now that you have more money, that you'd need an entire plane just to carry it all."

"Well," she said, stretching the word, "I had planned on bringing more, but I just sold it all. I figured I could buy new clothes and knickknacks here to symbolize my new life. But my furniture arrived a few days ago and my decorator was supposed to arrange everything for me."

"So it's true then, you came back to start over as a singer?" H asked as they arrived at his car, a black sports model. He fumbled with the keys while trying to juggle the two suit cases until he got the passenger side door open and then set them down in the back seat. Holding the door for her until she got in and sat down.

He hurried around to the other side and plopped himself down in the seat and shut the door. "Yeah it's true," she said, answering his question. "I got tired of modeling, it's such a boring job, and when they actually put the picture on the magazine, it doesn't look anything like me."

"Really, why wouldn't it look like you?" Yamato asked, glancing at her as he started the car and backed out of the parking space.

"First of all," She answered, brushing her hair over her shoulder in a gesture of annoyance. "I have several layers of cosmetics applied to my face first thing in the morning, then I'm put into clothes that are two or three sizes to small for me. That" she said pointing to her outfit of loose fitting clothes, "is why I prefer loose clothes instead of the tight things I used to wear.

"Anyways," she continued before he could comment, "I'm placed in front of a camera and put in unnatural positions for like, EVER! And last, but certainly not least, my image is digitally edited, they make me skinnier, my chest and ass bigger and then make little 'corrections' to my face!" She hissed between her teeth.

"That's not cool." Yamato said sincerely, then decided to change the subject. "So where do you want to go?" She blinked at him in confusion.


"Where do you want to go?" He repeated, "like the mall or something?" She opened her mouth to answer, but her stomach interrupted her with an audible growl and Yamato laughed softly at her amused/embarrassed expression.

"I guess that decides it for me huh?" Mimi smiled. "So what's the best restaurant in town?" She leaned back in the seat with her arms behind her head, every muscle relaxed as she stretched. Sora would never sit like that he mused, she's to uptight to relax, even when we-

"Oh look! What about that one?" She exclaimed, sitting straight up and pointing to an expensive looking restaurant. Yamato's eyes widened a bit when he saw that it was the same one he'd proposed to Sora in. I wonder if she knows Sora and I are engaged? He thought, probably not, unless Kari told her.

"I don't really have enough money to eat here right now." He admitted shyly. Mimi smiled wider as he pulled into the lot and parked his car in the shade beneath a tree anyway.

"That's okay, I have enough pocket change for both; and don't feel bad about spending my money, I've got plenty." She swung the door open and leapt out energetically, then stood and stared at the building which had been constructed to look like a three story palace. Which was probably what caught her attention. He thought, coming up beside her as she grabbed his hand and pulled him along after her. Little Miss Princess.