Disclaimer: I don't own one tree hill.

Authors notes: I'll be jumping back and forth between the past and present. Past will be in italics. Please read and review.

Rating: M

Chapter one:

Present time, Durham, North Carolina

" This is it superstar, all your dreams are about to come true. " His friend Tony Battle said, slapping him on the shoulder.

21 Year old Nathan Scott continued to stare out the window of his third story apartment, watching the tops of cars as the passed by.

" For someone about to sign his first NBA contract, you don't seem real thrilled. " Dan Scott observed, watching his sons expressionless face.

His future was bright but all Nathan could focus on was the past.

Six years earlier

" This is an amazing opportunity for me. " 16 year old Nathan Scott told the very angry girl in front of him.

" And the tour wasn't for me? " She shot back and he lowered his head briefly before bringing his gaze back up to hers.

" I didn't say it wasn't but that was your choice not to go, I didn't force you to stay. " He snapped back at her and she stepped back away from him.

" Right, you saying and I quote, ' it's either the tour or me. ' wasn't you forcing me not to go. " The sarcasm dripping from her angry voice.

" This has been my dream since I was six years old, don't you understand that? " Running a frustrated hand through his dark black hair.

" Yes but honey, we're married now. You can't just run off and leave me here while you go out and chase your dreams. " Her tone softening, hoping she was reaching him.

" I'm sorry but I can't pass this up. I'll be home for the summers. " He told her, turning towards the front door of their apartment.

" Nathan. " She called out as he opened the door.

He turned and looked at her. Tears streaming down her beautiful face, her long, honey blonde hair tied up in a messy ponytail.

" If you leave here tonight, don't come back. " She said and he began to protest but she cut him off. " I mean it Nathan, it's either that school or us. "

" I love you. " He whispered softly but she heard it.

" I love you too. "

" I'm so sorry. " and he turned and walked out.

Present time:

He could remember every detail of that night. What she was wearing, a pair of old sweat pants cut off into shorts and a Tree Hill Ravens t-shirt that Brooke had applied the name ' Mrs. Scott ' across the shoulders. He could remember the way she'd smelled. He could remember the was it felt as he hugged her that night when he'd come home from visiting his dad. And he could remember breaking both their hearts.

" Nathan... " Dan's voice cut into his thoughts, snapping his attention from the window to his father.

" The courier is here with the contract. " Deb told him as Dan continued to look at him like he'd lost his damn mind.

" Thanks mom. " Nathan said, breaking his fathers gaze and turning towards the front door.

" Nathan R Scott? " The gentleman at the door questioned as Nathan approached and Nathan nodded the affirmative. " Sign here. "

He took the clip board at of the guys hand and scribbled his name next to the 'x'.

" Here you go and you have a nice evening. " The man smiled politely, handing Nathan the manila envelope.

" Thank you. " Nathan replied, shutting the door behind him.

He glanced around the room at the excited faces of his friends and family but something was missing. Someone was missing and all he had was an empty feeling. He'd had that empty feeling for six years and nothing he accomplished mattered much to him anymore. The only thing that ever kept him from going back to Tree Hill and begging her forgiveness was his pride.

" Come sit down. " Deb told him, patting the spot on the couch between herself and her husband.

" Come on son, let's get that contract signed. " Dan grinned broadly and Nathan stared between his parents.

Their marriage was nothing short of dysfunctional. After Dan's heart attack and then moving to Oak Lake where Nathan has transferred for high school, they put the shattered pieces of their marriage back together. His father was still manipulative and his mother still had her ' problems ' but they were still together.

Giving the brightest smile he could manage, which was actually really dull, he made his way over the couch. He wanted to be excited, he really did but he couldn't escape that empty feeling that none of it mattered without her and he was the worlds biggest idiot.

Dan quickly snatched the envelope out of his hands, beginning to tear it open before a gruff voice stopped him.

" Danny, let the boy do that himself. " Royal Scott reprimanded his son, taking the envelope from his son and handing it back to his grandson.

Nathan smiled in thanks, before sliding his finger underneath the flap and breaking the seal. Pulling out the stack of papers, his breath escaped him as he read the top of the page. Petition for divorce. Not realizing he had done so, Nathan cried out in a mixture of pain and surprise.

" What the hell?! " Dan Scott snapped, also reading the top of the page.

Nathan stood up, taking the papers with him. Pulling them out of the envelope the rest of the way, he quickly scanned them while tuning out his dads angry yelling. His breath caught further as he read the second part. Petition for sole custody of minor child(ren), James Lucas Scott age 5.

Present time Tree Hill North Carolina

" It's perfect. " 5 year old Jamie Scott, walking around the small house in wonderment.

" You like it? " 21 year old Haley James Scott asked her little boy, smiling softly too herself as she watched him.

" Yeah momma. " Jamie answered, turning to look at her.

" Good, because it's ours. " Her smile widened as he broke out in a huge grin.

" Really momma?? " He questioned, almost urgently.

" Yep, no more cramped apartment and you mister, you get your own bedroom. " She told him as he ran up and jumped into her arms. " We move in next weekend. "

" Why can't we move in now? " He asked, scrunching his cute face in confusion.

" Because I want to paint it before we do. " She told him.

" Can we start packing though? "

" You better start packing. " She ordered and he giggled.

She took a moment to stare at her son as she held him in her arms. Jamie was the perfect combination of herself and her soon to be ex husband. He had her hair, and facial structure but he had Nathan's eyes and mouth but most notably his smirk. Jamie was a beautiful little boy. He had a love of both music and basketball, a wonderful mind and an incredible personality. He got the best traits of both parents. She felt lucky to have Jamie even if she was only 17 when she'd had him. It was tough, but she managed to have a baby and still finish both high school and college.

She was going to start her first ever teaching job at Tree Hill high school, her alma mater. She'd made quite a bit of money writing some songs for her old friend Chris Kellar to record, that's how she'd purchased the three bedroom house she was standing in and the new Honda Accord she'd bought the week before.

She couldn't help but stop her thoughts to going to Nathan and wondering if he received the papers yet.

" Can we paint my room Raven blue momma? " Jamie asked excitedly, breaking into her thoughts.

" Yes and maybe aunt Peyton will paint you a mural of a basketball court like uncle Lucas has in his room. " She suggested, loving how her little boys blue eyes lit up.

She loved everything about her son and often wondered how she could have even considered not having him.

Six years earlier

" I can't do this Luke, I just can't have a baby. " She cried desperately, holding onto her best friend for dear life.

" What ever decision you make I'll be here for you but an abortion? " He questioned softly, knowing how she felt about particular action.

" I know it's hypocritical, I just can't do this alone. " She continued to sob.

" Hales, you're not alone, you have me and I will be with you every step of the way. " He promised as he began to rock their bodies back and forth in an effort to calm her down.

" But Lucas, what about college and the rest of your life... " She began pulling away from him, but he held her tighter against her.

" We'll go to college together and your my best friend, you're apart of the rest of my life. " He told her honestly. " You and this baby. "

Present time Tree Hill North Carolina

Lucas had kept his promise and was even with her in while she brought her son into this world, holding her hand and whispering soft words of encouragement. They went to college together, he played basketball for the Tar heels, shared a small apartment with his girlfriend Peyton Sawyer and the three of them raised baby James Lucas Scott together. Brooke had gone to New York to pursue fashion but often sent money and gifts to spoil her godson.

Brooke had also been an amazing friend to Haley during her pregnancy and their senior year, moving into the apartment and helping Haley out as much as she could without seemingly walking over Haley's pride. Haley didn't know what she would do without her amazing friends.

Karen had also been an incredible support system, having gone through this same situation with Dan Scott seventeen years earlier. Haley didn't think she was going to be able to do it alone but like Lucas had promised her, she hadn't been alone after all.

Present time: Durham, North Carolina.

" It's obvious she's doing this for money, she knows Nathan is on the verge of signing a multi million dollar contract and she wants to get her claws into him. I bet the kid isn't even his. " Dan Scott fumed, pacing the floor as the lawyer Nathan had hired to look over his contract reviewed the divorce filing. " I thought you took care of this six years ago Nathan. "

Nathan didn't say anything, he just sat in the corner of the room in stunned silence. Not only had he abandoned his wife but he'd left her to give birth and raise their son without him.

" Actually Mr. Scott... " The lawyer cut into Dan's rant. " She waived all rights to spousal support and child support. In fact, one of these papers is for Nathan to give away his paternal rights. "

" You mean, he signs that and she can never come after him for child support or even say that that kid is Nathans son?? " Dan questioned, his ears perking up.

Nathan felt sick to his stomach, what kind of man would walk away from his child like that. Looking up at his father he knew what kind of man would would away like that. He wasn't that man. At least not anymore.

" That's exactly what I mean. " The lawyer confirmed.

" Give me a pen. " Dan demanded. " Come on Nathan, sign these papers before she can change her mind. "

" No. " Nathan said.