Disclaimer: Bleach and Naruto don't belong to me.They belong to their respective owners.



"Zanpaktou talking"

A Fox in Soul Reaper's Clothing


Kisuke Urahara walked down the street from his shop hoping that he was making the right decision. His original intention was just sending Yoruichi to help Ichigo and the others rescue Rukia. However he realised that even if Ichigo regained his soul reaper powers he would be nowhere near ready fight captain level soul reapers. Kisuke then decided to ask for the aid of the one ex-soul reaper who could stand up to even General Yamamoto himself. Kisuke then walked into a apartment complex, up 2 flights of stairs and down the hall to a open door. "I sensed you approach Urahara. Come in and close the door." Kisuke did as he was told and turned around to find himself face to face with the man he was seeking. The very first captain of Squad 3 and the 2nd most powerful soul reaper in the history of Soul Society, Naruto Uzumaki.

"What brings Kisuke Urahara to my humble doorstep? Obviously it's not to peddle his wares." Naruto said with a smirk on his face. His blue eyes staring deep into Urahara's soul. Urahara sighed and explained the whole story to him. After hearing the whole story Naruto frowned, walked around till he was behind Kisuke and promptly smacked him upside his head knocking off his hat. "You're going to send 4 human children into one of Soul Society's most guarded places and rescue a condemned prisoner all by themselves. Do they have fucking death wishes?" Naruto said. Kisuke waved his hands in front of himself and said "No they don't they really want to rescue their friend." Naruto closed his eyes and smirked 'Those that abandon their friends are lower than trash. I remember those words as if they were first spoken to me yesterday.' "I'll help." He said. Urahara smiled "Good. I'll train Ichigo and in a month's time..." "I'll be the one training him Urahara. If I left his training up to you he'd be no stronger than a third seat. Under my training he will handle lieutenants easily maybe even the weakest of the current captains."

Kisuke nodded and picked his hat off the ground. "All right. Come by the shop in three days. I have to restore his soul reaper powers." He then left the apartment leaving Naruto all alone. Naruto smirked as he went into his bedroom and opened his closet door revealing a 3 foot long box. He opened the box to reveal a katana in a red scabbard. "Well furball, looks like we have work to do." The sword pulsed which made Naruto's smirk grow wider. "You're hungry for blood aren't you. Well then we'll see if this Ichigo is worth our time."

Next Chapter Naruto trains Ichigo