My mouth must've been open, long enough for a wandering fly to zoom in, and make himself cozy. Why? For some reason, a had a craving to read a Kimmimaro and Sakura story. So, when I looked it up, I probably had to pinch myself multiple times to prove my eyes were telling the truth.

Nine. Only nine fics about those two! Can you believe that?! I can't, so that is why I want to make another fiction and prove that this deserves more than it's given credit for.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto series/manga. But I'll tell you, I will one day! Just you wait. I'll just stalk Kishimoto-san until I figure out his address and hold him hostage. No violence intended. :D

Thing you need to know:

Sakura is the same age as Kimimaro.
Yes, I will change their ages then.


"I don't like meeting new people. They might say my forehead is big." Sakura crossed her arms, sad, but annoyed, that her parents would force, and drag her, to a gathering were all the villagers came, from their new home: Konohagakure. Luckily, they moved here the day this gathering was held. Mostly, it was for adults to reminisce with one another. Few brought children along though.

"Aw come on, who knows, you might meet a new friend!" Her dad playfully pushed her on ahead, as they approached the huge gathering, located in a fairly large field, ment for a training zone. Sakura tripped over her pink, beautiful kimono, but caught herself before falling upon the rough dirt ground. She scowled silently at her clumsy Dad.

"Alright, now Sakura, you can roam among this area, but don't go too far." Sakura's Mom patted her head gently as she walked with her husband, on into the growing crowd of adults. Sakura, now angry, pouted.

"Please Mom, I'm ten. I can do stuff on my own!" Sakura stood tall and pretended to have pride in her steps towards the food area. When close enough, she swiped a sprinkle-covered cupcake and took a huge chunk out of it. Sakura peeked around, but obviously no one would bother to look. Who would be surprised by a young girl chewing on a cupcake like she was Godzilla?

Sakura finished the cupcake normally and carelessly shook the crumbs off her chest, letting them fall towards the ground.

"Oh...what's the point? No one's going to notice me, no one ever does." Sakura sighed, staring at all the adults who were laughing and having a great time. Sakura was just about to walk over to her parents, when something touched her foot.

"Huh?" She looked down and saw a little rabbit, aimlessly munching away on the few crumbs that Sakura had left. Sakura instantly brightened up and tried to hug the bunny, who was now hopping away in terror.

"Hey! Bunny! Wait!" Sakura ran after the horrified rabbit, speeding up its pace each second. Sakura dodged the tree branches and bushes that interfered in the path of her and her favorite animal.

"Bunny, wait! You're going to fast!" She continued to follow it, leading her farther and farther away into the unknown, of a forest.

After a few minutes into the endless chase, Sakura was starting to grow weary. She was just about to halt to a stop, when she didn't feel ground underneath her feet anymore. Sakura, now the one terrified, dared to look down.

Apparently, she hadn't been watching where she was wandering to, and ended up falling off the edge of a cliff. A small one, but just high enough to be able to seriously injure you.

"What the?! Mom, Dad!!" Sakura screamed with all her might as she approached the ground at a chilling pace.



"Uhn..." Sakura slowly blinked her eyes open, though soon squinting at the afternoon light. She lifted her head slightly, in an attempt to see where she was now located. Her vision was blurred, and kept on changing. Reluctantly, Sakura sat up and rubbed her eyes carefully.

'Good, nothing's broken.' Sakura brushed her hair away from her face, and in the mean time, fixed it. Reality, then did hit her.

She was at the bottom of a treacherous cliff, in the center of a forest, away from all civilization, surrounded by the unknown. This was her first day in the village, she knew nothing about it, nor what enemies it collected.

"Oh no." Was all she could manage to choke out at this particular moment. Trying to remain calm, and search for the nearest human, Sakura got up from the dirt ground, and looked in all directions.

"Oh, one's here. This is not good, this is not-" Finally, her eyes came across on an unstable, worn, little building, just a few yards ahead of her. Her instincts warned her not to even be near there, but her mind was telling her otherwise.

"Maybe someone in there could help me..." Sakura kept quiet as she ran towards the ominous building.

When she stood in front of the door, she knocked delicately upon an eerie steel door, expecting it to be impossible to open on her own. Well, she was shocked when it opened with a creak, leading to almost complete darkness. Sakura gulped.

"H-hello? Is anyone in here? I need some help." Sakura took a couple steps in, as her emerald eyes adjusted to the darkness, allowing her to see better.

"Please speak up if anyone is in here." Sakura clenched her fists tighter, as she went a little bit farther in the building.

Suddenly, there was a pounding noise, that echoed just a little. Sakura instinctively turned her head towards the sound. She gulped once more.

"Please, just t-tell me your t-th-here..." Sakura spoke again to nothing, hoping to hear the comforting sound of another voice. Surprising her again, wax candles, one by one lit themselves automatically, letting Sakura see that this was no normal run-down buliding.

"It's..a jail?" Sakura took note of all the rusted bars that stood still. Then, Sakura spotted a figure, curled up in a corner in one of the cells. Sakura cautiously approached the creepy cell door. When she was right in front of it, her line of sight went straight for the figure, now identified as a human.

"Um, hello..." Sakura's voice had obvious hints of nervousness and fear in it. The figure raised its head, allowing Sakura to identify it more clearly.

He had emerald green eyes like her own, except he had long white hair, tied in the back, and two red dots upon his forehead. He was hugging his knees to his chest, and appeared to be her age as well.

"Oh..h-hi." Sakura dared to stir up conversation with him, as he gazed at her, perplexed.

"Who are you?" His voice had shyness, but confidence. It seemed to be rather gentle too. Sakura widened her eyes, not actually expecting an answer.

"My name is Sakura. Haruno Sakura." She had to stop herself from lending out a hand for him to shake. Who knows what this boy has done? He returned his gaze to the ground.

"Cherry blossom. That's a pretty name." Sakura widened her eyes even more. It totally confused her why a boy her age, whom is locked in a cell, would ever be nice to anyone. Yet, Sakura felt relaxed, and managed a small smile, despite her situation.

"Thank you." His head raised once again, to continue his perplexed gaze towards her.

'She...she's talking to me? No one ever did before...' His expression went relaxed also, as he replied.

"My name's Kimimaro." Sakura nodded at his response.

"Kimimaro, I'll never forget that name." Kimimaro's face lightened up a bit.

"R-really? You would do that?" Sakura looked at him strangely.

"Why wouldn't I?" Sakura smiled her smile, and it seemed to gleam in the light that was barely there. Kimimaro smiled back, but almost a smile that no one would be able to see, unless you looked really close. Kimimaro had never been treated so nice before, it was kinda scary.

But all these good things have to end some time.

"Sakura! Sakura, are you here?" Sakura's face brightened up as she recognized the voice of her Mother and Father. They had found her!

"Oh, that's my parents! I got to go Kimimaro!" Sakura waved quickly and raced out the door. Kimmimaro's face grew depressed again. Alone, yet again. He was not new to this, but it still hurt a lot inside. She left so sudden, it was a bit rude.

Luckily, Sakura left the door open, to let the sunlight in, then his skin wouldn't go pale. He buried his head into his arms again, awaiting nothing.

But, the almost invisible smile appeared. His mind drifted back to the conversation he had with her, moments ago;

"Kimimaro, I'll never forget that name."

"Don't forget about me won't...will you?"