Disclaimer: I do not in any way own Transformers, Transformers Animated or any of the songs used in this fan fiction. This is written purely for fun.

Summary: Transformers Animated fic where three O.C's Fangirls Rose Leiana(Lala) and Jade get their wish come true to travel to the Transformers Universe. But at a price, they must help the Allspark become whole again to ever return to the normal world.

Rose Connolly property of Blackwing Rose

Leiana (Lala) Grey property of Ninjala

Jade Rivers property of me

For every fan girl who wishes they could go inside the television and meet their favorite transformers! Or that their fan fictions were real.

Name: Jade Kwiatkowski

Age: 24

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Dark brown with blonde streaks in front

Height: 5'4

Build: medium

Skin: Slightly tanned

Clothing: Purple halter top with silver butterflies on it, black Capri pants with matching silver butterflies, purple kerchief in her hair with the bangs hanging down in front, black maryjane shoes with white socks.

Location: Freetown, Massachusetts, United States

Name: Leiana Grey (aka Lala)

Age: 16

Eye colour: brown

Hair colour: curly brown

Height: 5'3

Build: Slim/slender

Skin: Dark tanned

Clothing: Black tank top, black skirt with skull buttons, black leggings, checkered allstars, black headband.

Location: San Jose, California ,United States.

Name: Sami Rose (aka: Rose)

Age: 16 Eye colour: Blue

Hair colour: Red-brown

Height: 5"11

Build: Slim/slender

Skin: Pale w/rosy cheeks.

Clothing: Blue jeans, short red skirt over them, black tube top with corset stitching up the front, black tights black combat boots, black arm length gloves, black spiked dog collar, hair down long.

Location: London, England.

The Real World

Jade typed happily away at the computer, headset over her ears and an enormous smile plastered across her face. "Rose that was such a great chapter!" She exclaimed to her friend online. She brushed a stray strand of blonde hair out of her face as she finished up her review of "The Day We Hailed The Heavens." "Really, you always put so much Skyfire and me in. I'll have to return the favor for you in my next chapter."

"Oh I always love writing about you two love." Rose replied, calmly sipping her tea and looking up the latest you tube video her friend had made online. "I just love the video you made of Ratchet Barricade and me! The song was excellent!"

"It's my favorite song!" Leiana, or Lala as her friends called her chimed in. "I just wish my computer would work for once and I could put up my new fan art!" The young girl rolled her eyes in annoyance as she finished sketching out the newest masterpiece that she would have loved to put up on . If only her computer were working.

Rose peered at the clock anxiously. She'd gotten up early on purpose to talk to her friends through the yahoo voice chat. It had to be before she had to drop her little brother Alfie off to school. That was at 7:45 am, It was 6:30 am. The British girl sighed in relief. She still had plenty of time. It was rather interesting to be chatting with her two friends across the ocean. Jade's time was at 1:30 am while Lala's was 10:30pm.

"I'm so glad I have the night off." Jade smiled happily, adjusting the ipod so that it played a different song. The headphones that lay across her neck blared the tune barely heard over the voice chat.

"I'd rather be anything but ordinary please." Sang Avril Lavigne.

"Yeah Freedom!" Lala replied enthusiastically. "You work a hella lot Jade. About time you had a day off so you can talk to your sisters!"

Jade smiled, making a smiley face over the chat as well as putting (huggles) in parentheses. She always enjoyed talking with her friends. They had indeed become like really close sisters. The three of them loved writing transformers fan fictions and had even been given the nickname, "The Goddesses of Fanfiction." It was quite stunning. She still couldn't believe that people online found their stories so fascinating. She marveled at all the fanart that had been done for all three of their stories.

Leiana had just about to call her father in to help fix the broken scanner…again, when something caught her eye. It was a bright light in the sky, moving at a fast pace. Lala blinked. There was no red light, so it wasn't an airplane. It had to be a shooting star! "Wow…" She exclaimed under her breath, setting down the headset, as she moved toward the window. She opened it and slid her head out. Twirling her curly brown hair in one finger idly, she smiled and blushed slightly. "I wish the fics were real."

"Lala…? You ok girl?" Jade asked, brows furrowed in concern for her friend when she didn't answer. "Maybe she had to go to the bathroom or something." She leaned back in the chair waiting for Rose to reply, when she too, saw a shooting star arc across the expanse of open sky. She grinned sheepishly, glancing at her transformers collection display behind the computer desk. One in particular stood out. Her figure of Jetfire. "Jeez, I wish you guys were real." She said, quickly telling Rose she'd be right back. Jade then climbed onto her bed and looked out the window. "Wow…that thing's getting really close." She murmured in amazement. "It's so bright."

"Alright love." Rose had answered her friend, again glancing at the clock. It was getting close to the time she needed to get ready. She wouldn't have much longer to chat. "I wish my life were more exciting like in the fan fictions." Rose shivered, securing a blanket from her bed and wrapping it around her shoulders. "Damn weather." She cursed, looking outside at the softly falling snow. The sun had yet to make its appearance over the horizon and she wished it would hurry up. England was almost always cold and misty but this was just pushing it. "Bloody Hell…" The British girl gasped, a gloved hand coming to her mouth. Just like her friends, the goth girl had seen a shooting star and it was coming right toward her window. She was sure of it!

All three stars appeared before the girls at exactly the same moments. It was as if they had a mind of their own. Lala watched, backing away from the window as the glowing star seemed to slow down and hover before her window. She rubbed her eyes and blinked in surprise as it took physical form in front of her. It glowed a pearly pink and purplish color, shimmering in the low light, floating like a fairy in front of her. It looked like a thick shard of glass, but without sharp edges. It stopped before the girl who was too stunned to move. "What the Hell is that thing?" She gasped as it proceeded to float on toward her.

The Allspark. Came a simple voice inside of her head. Come to grant your wish and seek your help The shard came into contact with her skin, settling itself against her neck, shifting and forming, morphing itself around her. Lala shivered, wishing the thing would just slip right through her and fall. It felt creepy, like a snake slithering around her neck. Yet, she was filled with no fear, only a sense of warm understanding. She peered into the mirror to find the shard had formed a crystalline collar around her neck with a small cherry blossom flower at the center.

Jade, who unfortunately couldn't open her window because of the air conditioner set up inside, winced as the star came crashing through the glass. "Jeez…if only I could pick that stuff up without getting hurt." She grumbled, grabbing a broom and sweeping the glass into a dustpan, her eyes never leaving the floating shard of glowing glass before her. Once the floor was free of window glass, she strode up to the floating pink and purple luminous piece. She slowly, tentatively reached out for it, catching it in her hand. "What in the world…?" Jade whispered as the shard began winding itself around her middle finger, spiraling several times around before forming the head and tail of a dolphin connected to each other.

I am the Allspark. Came the same soft simple voice inside of her head. You called to me and here I am. Though I have called to you as well, for your help..

Rose gasped, backing away from the computer, her hand flying to her heart as the star came closer and closer to her window. She fought with herself, whether to open the window for it or just wait and see what happened. She thought about calling for her Mother but no words came out. The British girl fumbled across her computer desk, spilling her tea all over the floor and tripping to the ground. She slapped a hand over her forehead, wishing to be anywhere but here.

Wish granted young one. Though your assistance is required as well. Came that same soft spoken voice in her head as she got up. Drawn irresistibly to the window, like a moth to the flame, Rose opened it with shaking hands. The same glass shard, glowing with a radiance nothing on Earth could compare to floated amongst her room and down toward her wrist. Do not fear the Allspark young one. For I am Life. With that, the shard stretched, curling around her right wrist, swirling and shaping itself into a bat, its wings circling around her wrist, the same glassy purple pink color as the shard itself.

As you three have called upon my power, So have I called upon yours. Look deep within yourselves for my gifts and use them to complete me. Make me whole again. Only then will you be able to return to your world.

That's when, for those three girls. Lala, Jade and Rose, the world went black.

Cybertron Barracks the recruits locker room.

Sentinel Prime grunted in complete exhaustion and exasperation. His once broad pompous shoulders slumped downward as he headed toward the locker room. It had been a particularly grueling day for the drill instructor, having to train the…less than thrilled cadets. Since arriving back on Cybertron, the blue wide chinned Elite Guard bot had been put back to work, training the new recruits as quickly as possible. The Decepticons were mobilizing now after being scarce for so many solar cycles. It wasn't a good. The Autobot forces were spread too thin, too used to the quiet and peace. Too decadent to have planned for what was happening now. So unprepared, so few fighters.

The orders were from Ultra Magnus himself. "Prepare them for battle, do it quickly. I place my faith in you Sentinel Prime. Do not disappoint me."

How he'd hated coming back to that line of work after leaving Earth. Sure it gave him a self important sense of power, looking down the line of sniveling Autobot younglings who's dreams who would quickly crush in his palm, but he couldn't help thinking that Optimus Prime back on Earth had secured the better position.

"How is it that an Academy washout like Optimus Prime gets to stay on Earth and pal around with his loser buddies while I get stuck here with these…" The self important blue instructor trailed off. He had opened his locker and groaned, clenching his metallic fist in rage. All his trophies and badges that he'd stashed inside…were gone. Rude words were painted all over the inside of his locker as well as a badly drawn picture of himself being crushed under a meteor.

Sentinel slammed the door to his locker shut, denting it with his fingers, and glared at the recruits in the room. "Attention!" He shouted. "All recruits front and center!" Three Autobots immediately stopped what they were doing and rushed to the center of the locker room. One was a shorter bulkier bot with a dome shaped head colored yellow and green. He'd been given the name Brawn because he'd shown surprising amounts of strength during the display of powers in the naming ceremony. The second was a red and black bot named Preceptor, for his intelligence and ability to gather information quickly and efficiently in the heat of battle. The third was a rarity upon himself, possessing both a flying mode, a robot mode and a vehicle mode. He was green and his name was Springer, for the way he attacked his enemies so tenaciously.

"Do any of you lowlife slaggers know what happened to my medals!?" A furious Sentinel Prime shouted, pointing down the line and walking up to each recruit in turn. None of them answered him. Sentinel Prime scratched his head as he counted the number of recruits in front of him. Three were missing.

Sentinel Prime grimaced, face flushing with anger as he realized just who was missing. "Those miserable twins." He growled. "And Powerglide too. Where the slag are they?"

Then, as if to answer him right on cue, his audio receptors picked up yelling voices outside on the training field. He pinched the bridge of his oversized nose and stomped his way out the door and out onto the field. Sentinel's optics widened in surprise and alarm at what he saw before him.

Poor Powerglide, a smaller red bot that took an aerial flying form was circling around and trying to dislodge two rowdy passengers like a dog scratching off fleas. These fleas, were twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, one being yellow and black the other being red and black. Both were straddling Powerglide, like a horse and riding him around the field! The little bot looked like he could barely hold their weight as they continuously kicked at his sides urging him to go faster.

"Come on Powerglide how are you ever going to beat the Decepticons if you fly so slow!" The red one, Sideswipe jeered, holding onto the front of Powerglide's nose cone. He laughed as the little red bot went into a barrel roll fruitlessly trying to throw him and his brother off of his back.

"Yeah, you'll get slagged the minute they see you if this is all you got!" Sunstreaker, the yellow twin added. He clung to middle of the plane, holding onto the back end just barely with his legs. Powerglide shuddered with all the weight.

"I thought you…said this…was going to…help me!" Powerglide huffed, clearly almost at the end of his rope with exhaustion.

The twins looked at each other and formed sly devilish grins. "We never said we'd help you." Sideswipe laughed as Powerglide attempted to fly even higher.

"Yeah, we just wanted to practice our jet judo! And you're the only thing close to a jet around here!" Sunstreaker said, giving Powerglide's back end a good kick. "Besides, your carrying the most awesome gorgeous cargo around Glide, what are you complaining about?"

Sentinel narrowed his eyes at this display. And…was that…his medals, hanging from the twins necks like stolen bling? "YOU THREE GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Sentinel roared, barely able to contain his rage any longer. The twins had been up to mischief the minute that they'd shown up at the door. Pranking the other recruits, causing mayhem and in general not taking their training very seriously. Their rude frivolous behavior had irked the instructor to no end but he'd been determined to break their spirits and mold them into model soldiers. So far…it had been pointless.

Powerglide, glad for the excuse to stop, pointed his nose downward and headed toward the ground at an alarming rate! He wasn't used to the added weight of the twins upon his back and it caused him to miss his landing! Powerglide crashed upon the ground, burying his nose deep into the sand, sending the twins tumbling over each other until they landed right at Sentinel's feet!

"You two want to tell me why my Elite Guard award medals are hanging around your necks!?" Sentinel roared, glaring at the two twins as they gave him crooked grins.

"What medals?" They both echoed each other, hastily taking off the charred metal ribbons of bravery and hiding them behind their backs. "No medals here!"

"Boy teach, you must be really losing it." Sideswipe grinned, his sly manipulating used car salesman type slick smile. He leaned against Sentinel's arm casually. "Too much work and no play, chug back some oil and relax for a change."

"Yeah." Sunstreaker agreed, leaning against Sentinels other arm. "Let's have an oil guzzling contest! Spending time with such a perfect specimen of an Autobot like me will surely improve your mood. Dontcha think?"

You could practically see the steam rising out of Sentinels audio receptors as he glared daggers at the twins. Ignoring their ridiculous offer to drink with him, Sentinal Prime instead pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "And what…dare I ask…were you two attempting to do?" He spoke very slowly, trying to channel his angry thoughts away from strangling both twins where they stood. Not that it wasn't a most tempting thought indeed. Sentinel glared pointedly at the twins and held out his blue metallic hand expectantly.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe looked at each other and sighed in defeat. They handed over the stolen medals to Sentinel Prime. "We were just practicing our special technique sir. Jet Judo." Sunstreaker told the instructor.

Sentinel folded his arms over his chest crossly and raised an optic ridge. He watched as Powerglide was helped out of the dirt by Brawn. His eye twitched in annoyance, his patience ticking off like a time bomb. Jet Judo? Sentinel grabbed Sunstreaker and Sideswipe by the front of their chest plates and jerked them both forward! "Jet Judo? Jet Judo! We're training to fight against Decepticons you brainless scrapheap's!" Sentinal finally exploded in a fit of rage. "I should have you two sent to the stockades!" He dropped the twins right on their afts with a double thud. "But instead, I've decided to be generous and just give you time to think about what you've done. While doing 100 transform ups!" He cried out as the twins got back into line with the rest of the recruits. "Now! Go go go!"

The recruits shot nasty looks at the twins, especially Powerglide who was already burnt out. The all began transforming from vehicle mode to robot mode in unison. "Nice work guys." Powerglide grumbled, his gears whining and clicking with the strain. "Now we're all being punished because you just had to practice your stupid Jet Judo!"

"I have half a mind to pulverize the both of you after all of these transform ups!" Brawn huffed. It had been an immensely long day of training and the extra work of doing transform ups just made it all the more exhausting.

The twins grinned impishly at each other, ignoring the murderous glances they received from their team mates and their comments. They were absolutely contented with the mischief they had managed to create. "Well done brother." Sideswipe said under his breath to Sunstreaker. "Too bad we couldn't keep the medals as trophies though."

"Meh, they clashed with my paintjob anyway." Sunstreaker scoffed. "Who would ever wear a purple heart of courage? Seriously that's just bad taste."

"What's bad taste is the fact that they gave it to big blue aft in the first place." Sideswipe snickered shortly joined in by his brother.

Sentinel crushed the retrieved medals, balling up his fists in anger as his keen audio receptors picked up on what they were saying. When he looked down and opened his hands, his precious medals were dented and bent beyond repair. This is all their fault! Sentinal fumed as he stormed back inside the Autobot barracks. One thing was for sure. The twins had to go.

Sentinel sat in front of his main computer and dialed up the connection to his old friend Cliffjumper. The red bot looked like a taller version of Bumblebee with longer horns. Sentinel had asked his friend if the two were related, perhaps Cliffjumper being Bumblebee's older brother, but the two weren't connected at all. "Hey Sentinel. What's got your servos in the scrap?" Cliffjumper asked, noticing how tense and stressed his friend looked over the computer picture screen.

"Jumper, I got a problem. I need to send away two pests." Sentinel told his friend. He slumped down in the computer chair and sighed heavily shutting his eyes. The twins had given his central processor

"New recruits getting you down?" Cliffjumper scoffed, grinning at his friend. "They can't possibly be as bad as that group with that guy you said looks like me only yellow…what was his name…Buzzy?…Bumblebot…?"

"Bumblebee." Sentinel corrected. "And yes, they can be, but only two of them. Got anyplace really gross and remote to send them? Far away from my audio receptors?"

Cliffjumper began typing away at the keyboard, searching for some place the twins could possibly go to…far away from Cybertron. "Looks like Ultra Magnus sent me a memo saying to send help back to Earth to help Optimus Prime and his space bridge crew." Cliffjumper said, reading the email. "I could always send them there."

"Perfect." Sentinel grinned wickedly, eager to pass on his problem to his rival and once best friend, Optimus Prime.

Back on Earth

It was a fairly normal day at the Autobot base garage. Prowl was meditating in his room under the big tree he'd brought in there. Peace and tranquility…Peace and tranquility. Prowl chanted over and over again in his mind. His optics were closed as he sought the serenity within himself.

Crash! The sound of plates breaking against the floor made the ninja bot wince and shake his head. He opened his aqua optics and stood up. His olfactory sensors were picking up a strange smell and he heard frantic cries coming from the kitchen. Prowl broke into a run now as he heard a familiar high pitched scream. "Sari!" He cried out, turning the corner and wincing at the scene before him.

"Get out of the way!" Bumblebee cried out as Prowl came through the door. He had Sari under one arm as he tucked and rolled to the side.

Prowl frowned when he saw what all the commotion was about. An empty bread package lay on the counter, opened with no bread inside and the toaster…had Sari's key embedded in the back. The toaster was spinning around the room, shooting flaming bits of toast all over the kitchen! "What did you two do!" The ninja cried out, rolling down his battle mask and taking his standard ninja stance. He threw his throwing star at the offending appliance in an attempt to stop it in its tracks…The thing dodged completely, flailing to the left.

"We were just trying to make breakfast!" Bumblebee cried out as the toaster made a lunge in his direction.

"But It was taking too long so…I kinda used my key…" Sari explained sheepishly giving Prowl her best innocent grin. She held onto Bumblebee's arm tightly, her fast friend dodging the flaming bits of bread as best as he could.

"Didn't Optimus tell you not to use your key for everything?" Prowl demanded, making a run past the insane bread toaster. He flung his remaining throwing star at the toaster and severed its cord, cutting off its power…and setting it free from the wall.

"Whad you do that for Prowl?" Bumblebee cried out as the toaster broke free from its electric prison and proceeded to leap off the counter and onto the floor. It bounded out of the room in seconds, making its bid for freedom. "Now you've set it loose!" The yellow bot raced out of the room hot on the trail of the malfunctioning device.

"Well, if you two hadn't been fooling around with the Allspark key in the first place!" Prowl pointed following close behind the faster younger Autobot.

"There's no time for that Prowl we have to get my key!" Sari cried out, wincing as strands of her flowing red pigtails got caught up in Bumblebee's armor. "Watch it Bumblebee your pulling my hair!"

"Sorry Sari." Bumblebee murmured to the young girl he had under his arm. "Here, let us handle this." He promptly deposited her on the couch in front of their big tv, just as the toaster rounded the corner.

Bulkhead was busy working on his latest painting, another one of Sari which she'd refused to hold still for, complaining that her tummy was rumbling and opting to get breakfast instead. As usual, his painting looked like a little monster version of Sari, the only thing recognizable being her red pigtails. He was still plugging away at it, rather proud of his work and wondering if the others would like it. He smiled, well, he was always smiling, the way his mouth plate was hinged to his jaw, but he was content with how the painting looked. "Just one more dab of red here…" Bulkhead said, delicately stroking the brush downward. He wasn't expecting a flaming piece of charred bread to come flying directly at him from a maniac toaster on the loose. So naturally, Bulkhead didn't move fast enough to block his painting from being hit by the roasted bread, setting his newly finished work on fire!

The oil burnt up quickly in the fire as Bulkhead desperately tried to punch out the flames with his enormous fists!

"Bulkhead hit the toaster not your stupid painting!" Bumblebee shouted, aiming his stingers at the toaster as Prowl tried to get the jump on it…literally.

"What in the name of Cybertron is going on in here?" Optimus Prime yelled, rushing into the room. He was not prepared for the scene of utter chaos that awaited him. Bumblebee and Prowl were trying, and failing pathetically, to catch and restrain a jumping human food cooking device he recognized as a toaster. Sari was cheering them both on from the couch and Bulkhead was staring sadly as some paper he held in his hands burned to ashes. And then…a flaming piece of bread hit him square in the side of the face.

"What's all the ruckus in here?" Demanded an angry looking Ratchet. "Can't a bot get in a stasis nap in their own home?" He glared angrily at everyone around him until his optics found the toaster, evading capture and bouncing off the walls, firing random bits of flaming bread at everything in sight. "Is that all that's giving you trouble? We fight Decepticons and even human villains all the time yet a malfunctioning appliance manages to beat the Autobots?" He growled, withdrawing his electrode's from his armor and magnetizing the toaster till it flew to his hand. "Boy are we in trouble!" he rolled his optics, crushing the blasted thing in his hand.

Optimus Prime slowly scraped the bread off of the side of his face, eye twitching as he spied a familiar looking key come clattering to the floor out of the metal debri falling out of Ratchet's hand. The leader raised an optic ridge as he saw Sari looking at him with a shocked look on her small face and diving under the couch. The Autobot leader sighed in frustration, shuttering his optics and lifting up the couch. "Sari…Didn't we talk about not using the key for frivolous things?" he asked, trying his best not to yell at the little girl. Sari was sweet and cute usually, but it annoyed him to no end that she used the Allspark key for just about near everything.

"We were just making breakfast Prime, no big deal." Bumblebee grinned, scooping up the young girl in his arms and hugging her to his chest. "You believe us right?" They both gave Optimus their best puppy dog eye expressions.

"Prime, you've got a caller." Ratchet informed the leader before he could lecture Sari again for using her key to bring random objects to life. Optimus ran a finger down the bridge of his nose in pure irritation as he strode over to the computer. Ratchet watched as Optimus clicked onto the Cybertron channel feed. "Great", Optimus said out loud. "As if my day couldn't get any worse." he saw the smiling smug self satisfied face of his former friend Sentinel Prime appear on the screen.

"Optimus my old friend, how's life back on Earth with all those gross organic creatures?" Sentinal leered over the computer screen.

"Just fine." Optimus answered with less than his usual enthusiasm. He wasn't in any mood to deal with Sentinel right now. The leader still felt crumbs getting caught between his joints. "What do I owe this great honor of speaking to you?" He asked dryly.

"Well, there are two cadets in my unit that I feel would really benefit your team and I'm calling to let you know they're on their way to Earth."

"What? You can't just…" Optimus began to protest.

"Actually, as head of the Elite Guard and ranking highly over a dropout like you, yes I can." The blue jerk answered. "Their names are Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. Two twins who I feel, under your leadership, can grow to become functioning cogs in the big Autobot machine. They can get a little…difficult to handle, but I have faith in you Optimus. Don't let me down." And with a click, Sentinel had hung up before Optimus could get in a word edgewise.

The leader slumped in his chair and buried his head in his large metallic hands. Ratchet scoffed and put a hand on the leader mech's shoulder. "Relax Prime, how bad could they really be?"

Dun dun duuuuuun! Famous last words! Hey peeps, thanks for reading and stay tuned for chapter two where the girls appear to help out Autobot heroes! And one to get pestered incessantly by a villain…

Icarian Angel Wings

Ps. For all those worried about me updating my other fanfics, fear not I haven't forgotten them and will update them regularly as well!