This is the final Chapter of Vengeance... this is for all to enjoy, but this is dedicated to FYH this was all you baby! I hope it satisifes your wants, LOL!! Enjoy...

Vengeance Epilogue

Eight Months Later

Hanson sat nervously in the front seat of his electric blue Ford Mustang waiting for something... anything to happen. He had been told that Lexi would be released at noon. It was now one in the afternoon and still no sign of her. He was going to surprise her and pick her up. He was finally going to spill it all to her. He couldn't bottle it up anymore. The timing was perfect... Dennis was getting married, he was walking his fiancé down the aisle and he needed a date. He had taken Judy to pick out a dress for her to where to the wedding and he was going to tell the world how he felt about Alexia George. Judy nearly jumped out of her skin as he told her that he was thinking of taking Lexi to Booker's wedding.


"Is that legal?" She asked.

"Jude, she's almost nineteen. I think that I am safe." Hanson responded.

"Wow... I never thought that you of all people would fall for the bad girl. Your so straight laced and everything. Wow... I pictured Dennis telling me something like this, not you."

"Well, she's not a bad girl she was mislead and she has almost paid her debt to society." Hanson stated defending the girl.

"Good point. She's really beautiful and quite perfect for you." Judy winked back at Tom Hanson who then blushed as he went back to his desk smiling as he thought of how close he was to seeing her again.


He was starting to fear that he had missed her. Tom wanted to give her a ride to her apartment. It was right down the street from his. So in fact close that it made him nearly giddy with nerves and happy thoughts.

Hanson had gone to the supervisor of the building and explained the situation to him. He and the supervisor had been friends for years so giving a job to someone based on Tom Hanson's recommendation was nothing new. He had helped out a couple of kids whom Tom felt deserved a second chance as they were being released from lock up. He had agreed to let her live there for a lowered cost if she would do janitorial tasks around the building. He was also going to pay her for her time. Tom had been excited to write to her and tell her what was going on. She had responded happily jumping at the chance to go into a job and a place of her own.

He was fidgeting again as the doors to the facility opened and Lexi walked down the steps. Her stride was long and slow. She wore a pair of dark denim jeans, a blue tank top and long red sweater. She carried a bag and a purse as she walked towards the bus stop and set her bag down on the bench. She dug a key out of her pocket as Tom Hanson opened his car door and stepped his foot out on the ground. He had on his denim jeans and black vest over top of his white t-shirt he had thrown on his brown leather jacket as he thought maybe he would get a little chilled in the early fall breeze. He held a small single white and yellow daisy in his hand as he walked towards the unsuspecting female.

She was more pail in color than he remembered. Her tan had faded away but her hair had grown out. Her dark auburn locks brushed her shoulders and blew in strands in the cool breeze. She was still fumbling with the key as he reached out and lay his hand gently on her shoulder. She gasped as she turned to see who was there touching her.

"Tom... hi... Oh my GOD.. you look so... I... what are you doing here?" She stammered. Her eyes lit up as she smiled at the man in front of her.

"Um... I-I thought... maybe... well what I mean is... if... you don't have one maybe I could take you there. That is if you want to." Hanson's words sounded like they had come from the mouth of a thirteen year old asking out his first crush. He was sure he couldn't have sounded any dumber to her.

Her brilliant smile spread across her lips as her eyes lit up. Her laugh was small and precious to him. She had grabbed his heart so easily. Why couldn't he just say what he wanted to? All he had to do was tell her... that's it... but she could say no.

"Take me where?" She asked furrowing her brow.

"Home... I would like to take you home. To your home! I mean... not mine... right now." He felt like such a nerd. Did he really sound like "Rainman?"

She smiled as he looked down at the ground and then back at her. He raised an eyebrow as he smiled his brightest "I'm cool but nervous" smile for her. His eyes caught hers and she bit her bottom lip.

GOD I love that... he thought to himself ashis stomach did a flip while he watched her.

"I would like that." She answered in a near whisper. She too looked down at her feet shyly.

"Here... this is for you." Tom's eyes widened as he pushed the daisy towards her. He remembered the day she had said that daises were her favorite. She had told him that in their English class on the first day of school. He remembered how she said no guy she had ever dated had ever gotten that right. They always brought her roses and as much as she loved them daisy's were always her favorite.

"You remembered." She looked at the flower and took the small blossom in her hand. carefully she ran her dainty fingers softly over the velvety petals in the palm of her hand. "I haven't seen one in so long. It's beautiful." She murmured.

"There's something else." Tom Hanson stated.


"Something.. I really needed to talk to you... I mean... your eighteen right?" Hanson inquired.

"And three quarters. I'll be nineteen in three months. You know that." She laughed.

"Good... I mean... crap..." Hanson fumbled with his words again as he shifted his weight nervously.

"What do you want Tom?" Lexi asked confused. She watched the officer behaving unnaturally in front of her. She was worried that he was about to tell her that he no longer could help her and that she was on her own starting now. She licked her lips as she watched the officer take a deep breath and run his fingers through his hair.

"This..." he grabbed the unsuspecting girl and pulled her to his body. Lexi let out a gasp as he kissed her long and hard. He pushed his lips onto hers his stomach flipping as he closed his eyes to the pleasure that engulfed him. The moment felt like an explosion of perfection as he pulled her tighter towards him her body lying fully against his own. Her slight movement of wrapping her arms around her neck indicating the desire to continue as the slightest noise escaping from her lips drove Hanson mad with desire.

After a time the two separated. Lexi lifted her fingers tips to her lips brushing them gently while staring at the man in front of her. Hanson stood breathing heavily mouth agape with fear that he had done something wrong. He licked his lips as she smiled.

"Say something... please..." Hanson begged.

"You waited long enough." She laughed.

"I've wanted to do that for over a year now." Hanson added.

"I've been wishing you would for longer." She raised her eyebrows at the officer who chuckled as he looked around.

"Uh I thought that maybe you might want to go get some dinner or something?" Hanson suggested.

"Tom I've thought about something for about six months or so. Maybe if you're okay we can get some Rocket Dogs and go bowling or something? They're my favorite and I've really been craving one for a long time." She asked this time holding her breath as she waited for the typical "Ugh... Rocket Dogs and bowling... I thought you were girl." That she would get from most of the guys she had dated.

Tom laughed again as he looked down at her and asked, "Is it too early to ask you to marry me?"

"Maybe... but I won't hold that against you." She winked.

"Listen Dennis is getting married and I am giving the bride away... so would you be my date?" Hanson asked.

Your brother Dennis... I mean the other officer?" She asked confused.

"Yes... Dennis Booker. They know all about you and they are ready to get to know you. I promise your going to..."


"Yeah Lexi?"

"Could you stop talking long enough to kiss me again if I say yes?" Lexi raised her eyebrows again as she questioned the officer again.

Hanson laughed and looked around the street his brown eyes concentrating on nothing in particular. He licked his lips as he wrapped his left hand around her tiny waist and lifted her chin with his right hand. He then pulled her svelte body against his and holding her as tightly as he could her parted his lips and lost himself in the pleasure of such an intimate and amazing moment. This time he made sure that she would not forget the first time she asked for a kiss from the officer.

I hope you liked the story... now go and read The Lost, it was suposed to be written after this one but I just couldn't keep that one in any longer. I am going to go and revamp some sections in it later so keep your eye open. Thanks to all who read and reviewed this story, you mean the world to me. Don't worry Dean and Angie will not be going away forever and I am going to work on the rest of "My Brothers Keeper" and for those of you reading my Jeremiah story I am still working on it too:-) Later Thanks a million to all of you... Firebunee