Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or 'Love and Sk8' by Nancy Krulik

He was a boy. She was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious? He was a prep. And she liked to skate. What more can I say? He wanted her. She'd never tell she wanted him as well. And all of her friends Stuck up their nose. And they had a problem with his ironed clothes. -Avril Lavigne "Sk8r Boi" -my version

Skaters and Preps don't associate and just don't date. Period. No questions asked. Case closed. Kagome is absolutely fine with not ever having to associate with preps who think they run the place, but when Inuyasha steps into the skate shope where she works she can't help but be attracted to him. And from there the two of them begin to screw with the social system of Kyoto and break and bend all the rules.

Sk8 4ev3r

Chapter 1: Short Tempered


Kagome loved the feeling of the air rushing past her as she swooped down the ramp. Feeling the adrenaline pump through her body always excited her. It felt like she was flying everytime she left the lip of the ramp and for that reason alone Kagome would never stop.

"Hey Kags! Its five!"

Unfortunately she had to. Kagome had a job at the only skate shop in the small town of Kyoto, and her boss was strict on her to make sure she was there at 5:30 everyday.

"ugghhh!" Kagome yelled out of frustrated as she climbed down the ramp. "I wish Toto wasn't so damn strict!"

"Hey be happy." Rin said patting her on the back. "At least you don't have to wait on some at a stuck up restaurant."

"She's right you know." Ayame said coming to a stop beside Kagome. "Everytime they see my nose ring they look at me like I'm a disgrace. I'm surprised we even got the job."

"Are you kidding? You know only rich people can afford the stuff at Sk8 G8te. The old giezer puts the prices up so high."

"Hmmmm. I guess you're right." Ayame said before making her way to the ramp.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" asked from her spot on the grass sandwitched between her boyfriend, Miroku and Ayame's boyfriend, Kouga.

"You know it." Kagome the left the sound of wheels hitting the ground and hurried as fast as she could to work.


Kagome let out a sigh of relief when she entered the skateboard shop at 5:29. If she had been even a second late Totosai would have a hissy fit.

Kagome looked happily around the store. She may hate her boss and the snobs that came in to take skateboarding as a hobby and not a way of life like Kagome and her friends, but the store always gave her a great feeling. On the left wall hung a bunch of skateboards with the decks showing which Kagome had designed. In front of the boards were all the safety gear for people who are just starting out. The left wall was shelves of Totosai's skateboarding trophies. Considering how much of a tight wad he was now it was hard for Kagome to believe he had ever skateboard let alone become a champ of his time. In front of the 50+ trophies were wracks of clothing that you would wear for skateboarding.

Kagome took her place behind the counter and waved goodbye to Gina as she took of for the rest of the day. Kagome switched out the CD that was playing with one of the ones Sango had burned for her and let 3 Days Grace's Riot vibrate through out the small shop. She then went to Totosai's office in the back to tell him she was here.

Kagome walked back out to the register just as the bells above the entrance rang. In walked a silver headed boy with a hat resting on top of his head. He was dressed in Abercrombie frome head to toe. Kagome cringed at the thought of another preppy she would have to suck up to. Though she didn't like preppies she couldn't help but notice that this one was cuter than the others.

But just as that thought came it went away as the bells jingled and in stepped your class A bitch. She wore a tight low cut shirt with a super short miniskirt. She walked over to the silver haired boy and linked arms with him. She looked around the store in disgust and when her eyes landed on Kagome she grimanced even more.

Kagome just rolled her eyes. She got that look a lot. Apparently when rich people saw her red streaked hair, thick eyeliner, ears that have been peirced 4 times each, and dark clothing they thought disgusting. All her friends recieved that look. It was a disgrace in Kyoto to be a skater. Its always been like that though. The rich people owned the place and the skater were looked down on upon for marching to the beat of their own drums. Preppies didn't like skaters and skaters didn't like preppies. It was the circle of life.

"Inu-poo, can we leave this music is giving me a headache." the girl complained tugging on the boy's shirt sleeve.

Kagome wanted to throw-up at the sick pet name but managed to keep it down.

"One sec, Kikyo."

More like Kinky-hoe. Kagome thought to herself. She would of gladly said it out loud if she didn't know Totosai would rip her head off for not being respectful to a customer.

"But Inu," the girl complained. "that girl is scaring me." she pointed a finger in kagome's direction.

Kaogome's eye twitched a bit as she struggled to contain her anger. That was her only problem with the job. She had to be patient and respectfut but she had a very short temper and a sharp tounge.

"Maybe you should wait in the car." 'Inu' suggested.

"And let that bitch steal you? I don't thind so."

Kagome's patience snapped as she looked up from the homework she was doing and looked the girl dangerously in the eye.

"Look bub, I don't know who the hell you think you are but you sure as hell ain't smart to be calling me a bitch. Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

The girl narrowed her eyes and set her lips in a tight straight line. "I think I'm Kikyo Hinami and I have looked in a mirror because unlike you mine doesn't break."

"It will when I slam it in your face!" Kagome said ready to hop over the counter.

"I'd like to speak to the manager."


"Right her."

Kagome froze at the sound of Totosai's rough voice behind her.

"I would like to inform you that having disrespectful service ain't helpin' your buisness."

"I apologize for Kagome's behavior."

"I'm sure my daddy wouldn't be happy to find out I was assulted by an employee."

"if you want an assult I'd be happy to rearrange your face for proof." Kagome said clenching her fist in a tight ball.

"Kagome!" Totosai said in a firm, warning voice. "Maybe letting you design the decks was a bad idea." he said motioning towards the wall.

Kagome immediately unclenched her fist and fung her head. Designing the boards here was kagome's only way to express her love for art. Her parents didn't approve of art so she kept it secret from them.

"I'll go organize the clothes." Kagome said with a tight fake smile.

"You do that." Totosai said before appoligizing to Kikyo trying to make sure she wouldn't sue.

"I'm sorry 'bout that."

Kagome looked up from the pile of clothes she was folding to be greeted with the face of the silver haired boy. The intense look in in his golden eyes made her blush a bit.

"I'm used to it." she said picking up another shirt to fold. "Why are you here anyways?"

"I came to get a board and lessons."

"Okay then our best boards are hanging up on the wall." Kagome said snapping into buisness mode. She walked to the opposite side of the store and picked up one of the boards. "They're maplewood boards. Seven ply thick. So the next time you practice a move it won't break in half and make you fall on you ass."

She looked over at the boy who didn't seem to hear a word she just said which ticked her off a bit.

"You designed all these?"


"You're good."

"Thanks. So are you gonna buy one or not?"

He looked around a bit more before picking up one that had a skull on it with a black background. Around the skull was silver and red lightning streaks. "How much for this?"

"150." Kagome said without a second thought.

"Okay so how much are lessons?"

"Its 20 bucks per hour. You can get up to three hours for a month."

"I'll take 3 hours for a month."

"Alright thats a total of..." Kagome walked back to the register to calculate the total. "...330." her eyes popped at the price. She would never get used to the money kids spent here.

"I'll pay in cash." he said handing her a wad of money.

"Th-thanks." Kagome was bewildered. Most customers payed with credit cards. I was a surprise to be holding such a big chuck of cash. "Any questions, concerns?"

"Who's gonna teach me?"

"It would be Toto but he's got a bad knee pain so you're looking at her."

"Oh...well see ya tomorrow."


As the door shut Kagome couldn't help but fell the tinsiest bit excited about the lesson tommorw. she wanted to do a little happy dance but didn't when she saw the angry boss walk towards her.


Just great. Kagome thought as she listened to Totosai's lecture on how she should control her temper.


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