TC Stark: Hey, well I've seen Batman Begins and I just saw the Dark Knight twice. I honestly thought it was the best movie I've ever seen and that it gave so much justice to how Batman is suppose to be and the actors were amazing. RIP Heath Ledger, he was so great. But, I looked at the fanfiction section and realized there's no Two-Face stories and he is my favorite villain. So, I started this story for myself for fun but now I'm going to try it out on this. Please enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman, the plot, the characters, nothing in any sort of way. I just own Leeann Stevens and the plot for this story.

Leeann Stevens had already been working hard on getting Gotham City back on its feet. The city of Gotham had suffered a terrible loss with the death of Harvey Dent. He seemed to be the city's white light. While Batman was looked up to, the city needed a real hero. Someone with a face, someone to really look up to. With his death and the whole Joker events the city felt less then safe, more so then ever there was a reason to be afraid.

Running successfully for Attorney DA had proven her to be trusted. Being fairly young for the position, she quickly gained the trust of people who were a little uneasy about her. Her policy was to pick up where Harvey Dents had left off and to work with the commissioner of the police department to deal with the Batman issue. She was confident in her speech, active with anything that had to do with politics, and made sure she was an easy to look at face.

Of course there were always skeletons in everyone's closets and since the new attorney was young and female the press was all over her. For one thing they had revealed her real name was Lena Stephano, changing it to be more American. The public had doubts about her, they persecuted her in the papers, and filled her with plenty of off questions at public hearings.

But, the 5'7" lean, raven haired, fair skinned, green eyed female didn't let this get her down. She was persistent in her road to turning Gotham right side up. With the whole ordeal of odd almost comic book villains coming out in the recent years, no one ever felt safe anymore. Gotham was known as the worst city out there with murders, rapists, and thefts, but now that the villains had taken it to another level, it was hard to trust anyone.

Leeann wasn't sure how she felt about Batman, Gotham had seemed to calm down for a little bit with only the run ins of the usual suspects. She hadn't been visited by the Dark Knight, though she knew when he showed up so did the horrible villains in that town. She sighed, she was very serious about turning Gotham into a new city, but she knew it was going to be hard. This city seemed to have another life all on its own.

Just coming from a highly publicized press conference, she waited outside, hailing a cab. It would have been easy to be escorted out by the police, but then that wouldn't show she was just a regular person like everyone else. She wanted to keep her independency and hail a cab. She really didn't mind except the fact she stood there in a black skirt, heels, a suit tight jacket with a blouse underneath, it was very cold.

Leeann expected to win the public and everyone else by showing them she was a woman of Gotham. Not many people could say that they grew up in Gotham and were brave enough to stay. Most people were ones who just came in from other cities and felt it was their job to help the city when no one else was up to the job. She wanted to make sure people knew she was.

Finally a black cab with tinted windows pulled up, the girl rushing in for Gotham city was similar to NYC, if you didn't rush in, someone else did. Gotham was very much like NYC, very busy and always active. The crime rate was much more, but they were basically the same. Most cabs weren't even yellow so really she felt no need to raise an eyebrow.

It seemed that there was another person in the cab, the driver probably was going to make two stops to get extra money. It mattered little to the beautiful woman as she sat down and gave directions to the driver, him speeding off as soon as the door shut.

Looking in her purse, she spoke to the man in the shadows, "I hope you don't mind sharing a cab with me, but you know how difficult it is getting one."

"Of course," A raspy voice replied, "What other behavior would be acceptable for the woman who is going to take my job?"

Leeann quickly snapped her head towards the shadows, gasping, "Harvey Dent?"

Harvey was looking out the window, looking back at her so that she could jump back at the sight of the other half of his face, which was severely burnt. It seemed that he had lost his eye lids for his burnt half, imagining his eyes must have been very dry and painful. Most of his teeth were showing, missing his lips as well, "You may call me Two Face, Ms. Stevens."

It was an awkward feeling as a tinted glass rose to give the two privacy, her heart pounding a mile a minute. She tried hard not to stare at his burnt face, averting her gaze to the floor, "It's alright…I know I'm hideous."

"I thought you were dead." She bit her lower lip, taking in a shaky breath.

Two-Face took out a cigar, lighting it with a match as smoke puffed out, "One thing I learned not to rely on was the known, yet rather the unknown."

Leeann took a deep breath, hesitant at first to look up, her green eyes meeting his blue ones, she never actually met him when he was Attorney DA and she was just a little lawyer, "What do you want, Har-I mean, Two-Face."

Taking in another puff, the mutilated former attorney DA gazed out the window, "Do you have anything to live for?"

Taken back by the question, she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

Leeann practically screamed as Two-Face pulled out a gun, pointing it directly to her temple. In an instant her body stiffened, feeling her heart fall into the pit of her stomach and tears forming in her eyes. He didn't pull the trigger, just aimed it at her head as the car continued on, "I will ask again. Do you have anything to live for? A husband? A child?"

"I-I-" Leeann yelped again as she felt the gun being pushed into her forehead, his thumb cocking it, "N-No, I'm turning 28 next month, I'm certainly not married with kids."

She then noticed him reaching into his pocket, pulling out what looked like a regular quarter. Her green eyes stared intently as he shook his head, "28? So young, let's see if you make it to then," He held up the quarter to the normal head's side, "You live," He then turned the quarter to where it looked like another head only scratched up, "You die."

Was he serious? What kind of maniac decided whether or not he killed someone based on a coin flip? The sense of instability scared her more then anything, sure she had stopped breathing as the coin flipped in the air. It was like time and space had slowed down, her whole world had stopped, watching the coin spin the air, landing down finally on his hand.


The gun was removed from her forehead, the lady melting back into her seat, grasping her chest, "Luck is on your side I see."

Unable to form words, she just nodded her head, her hand nervously shaking. To leave such a serious decision like whether she died or not to a simple flip of a coin seemed mad. Insane. Her life had been held so loosely in the balance and not respected nor considered valuable. Her world had all been turned upside down and if she could she'd kiss the beloved ground.

Leeann closed her eyes, biting her lip to try and fight back tears. Remembering though she was in the car with a madman, her eyes fluttered open. She stared over at the former Harvey Dent who was putting his gun away. He then opened up the center consol where there was a bottle of Jack Daniels and glass cups. Two glasses were filled with the alcoholic beverage, handing the female the glass.

Hesitantly she took it, the ice cubes clanking against the glass because of her hand shaking. She tried to take a sip, but just couldn't as she watched her elder take a sip, struggling to keep the beverage from leaking out of where his teeth were exposed. After he finished his sip, he turned back to her, "It's a good thing luck was on your side, now I can use you to my full advantage."

"I-I," She raised her eyebrow, before folding her legs, "I dunno what you mean."

Two-face almost chuckled, taking another sip, "When I was running for attorney DA you were just another lawyer. I certainly knew who you were though. Rachel was your mentor wasn't she?"

Leeann frowned, how could she forget the night that changed Harvey's life forever? Not only was it the night he became disfigured, but the night that his fiancé was taken from him, the love of his life. There was probably a way to appeal to his human side, leaning foreword, "I know how hard it-"

"You don't know shit!" Two-Face screamed, lashing out to grasp her face with his hand, pulling her closer, "Answer the question."

"Y-Yes," She nodded quickly, "I was as you can say taken under her wing."

Practically throwing her back, he regained composure while replying in a raspy voice, "As attorney DA, you will not mention me at all, do not refer back to me on references, do not utter my name. No one is to know I am still alive."

The raven haired girl gulped, "If you don't mind me saying Mr….Two-Face, that'll be hard. Your…Harvey Dent's policies and what he stood for is what this city is desperately trying to grasp onto, it's hard to make any speeches without Dent's policies being brought up."

"Harvey Dent is dead," He growled lowly, turning to her, "I don't want anyone to know about me: Two-Face."

TC Stark: Well, just let me know if you're up for this story and give reviews to let me know if you'd like to read more. Much love, peace.