An all boys preparatory school was intended to prepare boys ages fourteen through eighteen for their college careers. It was designed to sharpen their minds and to get them used to the rigors of an academic life away from home. At least that was the definition as most people saw it. Mostly, people who had never had to go to preparatory, or prep school, thought of it this way. They saw it as an honor.

But the students, or at least a lot of them, felt a great and pressured need to impress those who initially sent them to the boarding schools. One particular student felt this emotion very strongly. The student's name was Uchiha Itachi.

Eighteen years old and in his final year at prep school, Itachi had been originally from Japan but had moved to America with his family to join the rest of his already assimilated Japanese-American clan, the Uchihas. He was well-learned in the English language and had surprised everyone in his family and clan by getting accepted into one of the most prestigious preparatory schools in the country, the Pilcher School of West Virginia. It was an all boy's school and Itachi was a part of the upper school, quite obviously.

He disliked his situation, however. He, being the eldest of the two siblings in his family, was the experimental child; the one who was forced through the uncharted waters. He was the one who would have to deal with the consequences of his parents' decisions, some more irrational than others. He was the one who had to deal with his father's unadulterated wrath if he did anything wrong. This was not a desirable situation.

Itachi had made many friends, most of them with Japanese origins. His friend Deidara was one such person. Deidara was born in America but his grandparents had been from Japan and had immigrated to America when Deidara's grandmother was pregnant with his mother. Another of Itachi's friends was a young man named Hoshigaki Kisame, born in America, but having immigrant parents. Other than that, Itachi had no friends. It was very hard for an exchange student to find friends in a prep school. Itachi, though he was one of the smartest kids in the school, was most definitely not the most popular. His study group was comprised of only two people, Kisame and Deidara.

As the time came for the start of his final year, Itachi was more pressured by his parents, his father in particular, than ever.

"Itachi, this is your final year at the Pilcher School of West Virginia," Fugaku said. "And the last year you can get perfect marks in all of your courses. I'm not going to lie. That last B+ in calculus was very disappointing." During speeches like this one, Itachi would only nod and say, "Yes, father." It was slightly degrading to have one's own father put one down for a B+ in preparatory school. And, needless to say, very irritating.

The summer days slowly passed and Itachi remained at his parents' large home with his brother and some of his other relatives. Only the influential ones, of course. Itachi didn't exactly like living in his parents' large mansion and having to deal with unspoken irritating rules of etiquette and manners that were supposed to be common knowledge. His brother, Sasuke didn't either, though he was the only one who openly rebelled. This was very irritating to Fugaku, since Sasuke was going to be going to prep school in a year's time, where he was expected to uphold Itachi's excellent reputation. Sasuke didn't like this at all. Though he would deny it, the young Uchiha had always tried to gain the favor and attention of his father, but had always failed in the face of his brother's accomplishments. He couldn't hate Itachi for it, though. No, it wasn't Itachi's fault. He knew for a fact that his big brother loved him very much and really didn't like all the proud and gushing crap that spouted from their father on a daily basis. Itachi was, actually, the closest person to Sasuke there was, and the latter had become very grumpy since his brother had gone off to prep school.

In summer, though, he would perk right up and insist that Itachi spend time with him, just like when they were younger. Itachi would comply and the two would spend fun-filled days with each other doing things that brothers do. This summer was no different.

"Itachi, I'm going for a walk. Coming?" Sasuke would ask.

"Sure," Itachi would reply. He would then leave whatever it was he was doing and go over to Sasuke, leading him out to their favorite park to go walking in. It was a nice relationship and Itachi missed it when he went away to school.

The last day of summer was a very melancholy day for Sasuke and Itachi. After promising to visit during the holidays and poking his brother in the forehead like he always did, Itachi had left with Fugaku and Mikoto for the school and the welcome ceremony.

Upon arrival, Itachi had sought out his friends for a quick hello before the start of the ceremonial welcome.

"Hey, Itachi!" Deidara, blonde, bubbly and crazy shouted. "Nice to see you again, un!" He winked and Itachi nodded.

"It has been a while," Kisame, next him snickered, his wide toothy grin in place. Both were dressed in the traditional school uniform, sweater vest over a nice white shirt accompanied by long tan dress pants and complete with black loafers. They both looked ridiculous, but neither cared. Itachi supposed he must've looked pretty damn pathetic as well, but it wasn't his fault that the fashion consultant for these uniforms was probably blind.

"So, is there any new genius this year?" the Uchiha asked. They did that every year; scoped out any new legacy with a family reputation to uphold and a sharp mind to go with it. Deidara smirked, looking very much like Kisame for a moment.

"Like hell there is, un," he said, reverting to Japanese to speak the rest. "You've heard of the Hyuugas, yeah?" Itachi nodded. Of course he'd heard of the Hyuugas. It had only been the talk of the town when the famous Hyuuga business had gone through a crisis which had caused the entire clan to move from Japan to America in the span of one year. It had happened years ago, but it was still a hot topic of discussion. It had been very exciting for his family, who had always been one step behind the Hyuugas in terms of business achievements and size. They had jumped at the arrival of the opportunity of a possible partnership of the two businesses, as the Hyuugas were near bankrupt and were very close to being sent out of business. Many and most Uchihas were still trying to negotiate some sort of working companionship with the Hyuugas. Of course Itachi didn't care. What did it have to do with him?
"Yes," he replied. "Why, is there a Hyuuga coming to school here, now?" Deidara nodded.

"Bingo!" he said. "A certain Hyuuga Neji, if I'm not mistaken, un. Nephew of the big boss, Hyuuga Hiashi. Very big name, very big legacy, very nice ass." Itachi arched a brow at the last comment.

"You've seen him?" he asked curiously. Deidara nodded, smoothly pivoting the Uchiha around and pointing across the room to another corner.

"Oh, yes, I have, un," the blonde replied, chuckling. "And let me tell you, he's not at all bad to look at like some of the trash in this place." He rolled his eyes and Itachi sighed, shaking his head. His own black eyes soon fell on the aforementioned Hyuuga Neji and he found he quite agreed with Deidara. Neji was very good looking. Long flowing coffee colored hair cascaded down his back and was caught at the bottom in a neat ponytail. Eyes of the brightest pearly white blended with pale alabaster skin tainted with a slight tinge of apricot when caught in the correct light. His frame was slender, though he was slightly muscled, as a male usually was, and overall looked very feminine. Itachi had never honestly seen anyone with such delicate features and found himself quite fascinated with the boy. He couldn't have been more than fourteen or fifteen. He must've been a lower classman.

"You think he's good in bed?" Kisame spoke up, elbowing Itachi mockingly. The Uchiha shrugged.

"Hn," was his reply. Deidara rolled his eyes at Itachi's infuriating aloofness. It was disconcerting.

"Do you think he's going to be thrust into his uncle's business when he gets out of here?" Deidara wondered honestly. Kisame shrugged.

"Probably, but it doesn't look like he's too happy about that," he remarked. Indeed the young Hyuuga on the other side of the room was most definitely not very excited about the prospect of going to prep school. His eyes, half lidded, reflected a look of disdainful scorn and his raised eyebrows only accentuated the expression. His posture, though it may not have been apparent to others, Itachi interpreted as something along the lines of, "Don't-Talk-To-Me-Unless-Someone's-Dying." Itachi couldn't blame the Hyuuga. He couldn't find a single person who went to prep school that didn't go there because of their parents, relatives or former legacies. He sighed and turned back to his friends, removing his eyes from the stiff brunette on the other side of the room.

"So what about you, Dei?" Itachi asked. "What hell hole are you going to be shoved into upon graduation day?" Deidara scowled.

"I'm going to be sent to Harold, or something," he groaned, attracting disapproving glares from tightwads who were loitering nearby. Kisame smirked.

"Harvard," he corrected. "Honestly, Dei, you can't expect to be accepted into a school with a reputation like Harvard's if you can't even remember the school's damn name." Itachi scoffed in agreement. Deidara rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, well," he said, his voice irritated. "I don't give a damn about Harry. That school can rot in hell for all I care. It's not like it's going to help me, un. My parents want me to be a something-to-do-with-numbers. How the hell does Herbert help with that? I thought that only future lawyers went there." Itachi shook his head.

"No, that's Harvard Law School," he corrected. "There are plenty of courses in Harvard that can help someone with a number background." Deidara shook his head.

"I know that, I was just venting," he said. "I won't last one minute in a fancy school like that. I'd much rather go to Skidmore College, or something and have a major in art. But, of course, my parents want to leech all the creative thought out of my mind and replace it with dull formulas and godforsaken logical theories." He scowled and Itachi grinned slightly, shaking his head.

"Well, you'll get there," he said. "I've never known you to refuse a chance to get what you want. I'm positive that you'll come up with some cock and bull plan to get yourself out of it." Deidara smirked.

"And that's half the fun, un!" he said lifting his hands up. Kisame chuckled and shook his head.

"Little bastard," he mumbled.

Across the room, the conversation that the much known Hyuuga Neji was engaged in was focused on the topic of future careers as well.

"Of course we expect Neji to take up his uncle's seat as the corporation head," Lucile gushed. She clung to Hiashi's arm tightly, demonstrating her claim and daring any desperate bitch in need of some nice cash to try and take him from her. Neji rolled his eyes. She was young, classy, and riddled with plastic surgery. Her bosom was twice as large as was expected of women that age, which happened to be twenty-five, and her torso was twice as slim. Her hair was a fake blonde color and was allowed to bounce its fake curls all around her face, some strands managing to fall into the monstrous cleavage that her low cut dress exposed. She stood in a way that showed off her figure, as she was now surrounded by men, though all considerably older than she, and she batted her eyelashes prettily, smiling cutely and simpering pathetically. Neji hid a scowl. Why his uncle would marry a simpleton like her he would never fathom.

"Please don't speak for me, Lucile," he said, taking a step forward. "Though, you are correct, I do intend to enter into my uncle's occupation, I would rather someone who has my best interests at heart speak for me." Lucile smiled and nodded, flashing Neji a small wink when Hiashi was turned away.

"Of course Neji," she said. "And please, don't sound so stiff when regarding me. We are family now, and you may feel free to call me Aunt." She parted her lips slightly, allowing her tongue to trace over her teeth in an alluring manner that only Neji could see. The brunette prodigy bit back a grimace. It was disgusting that his step aunt wasn't above flirting with him. She was significantly closer to his age than she was to Hiashi's and thus, the younger Hyuuga became the target of her advances. And it seemed right to her, since he was taller than she and looked very mature for one his age, which just happened to be fifteen.

"Perhaps when I feel more comfortable with the arrangement," Neji replied. "You have, after all, only been married to my uncle for half a year now." Without another word or glance in the broad's direction, Neji took a step away from her in an attempt to fall out of the conversation. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side.

"You know, Neji, this is an arrangement that most definitely should be taken advantage of," Hiashi spoke, turning to his nephew with critical eyes. "I saw, on my way in, the young Uchiha Itachi. Very handsome fellow, and the son of Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto. His father's and grandfather's legacy, I believe. Top student in his class, despite being an immigrant here from Japan. You should talk to him sometime, Neji." The young Hyuuga arched an eyebrow and his face adapted a look of elegant and beautiful distaste.

"Why would you have me do that, uncle?" he asked, slightly mockingly. "You're not suggesting that I try to infiltrate the Uchihas' inner circle and attempt to gain their favor by means of the young Itachi? That would just be low. I, Hyuuga Neji, legacy of Hyuuga Hiashi and Hizashi, reduced to petty spy work? I'm not in the FBI, uncle." Hiashi nodded and offered a slightly cruel smile to his nephew.

"Very well said, nephew," he all but spat. "Despite being rudely spoken. I am well aware that such means to insert ourselves into the Uchiha family would be demeaning and degrading, however, if we wish to save our fortunes and our reputation we must resort to such activities." Neji narrowed his eyes as the men around them, all Hyuugas, nodded accordingly.

"Then do them yourself, uncle. I am not a pawn and I am not your son to be easily manipulated into such disgusting affairs," he said, his scorn well hidden in the smooth folds of his voice. He looked angrily away, Lucile watching him slightly hungrily and Hiashi watching him with a clear annoyance in his eyes. The other Hyuugas looked on awkwardly. Never before had such behavior been displayed in a place as important as a preparatory school. At least not to their knowledge, and they didn't quite know how they should act in the face of such rebellion. So they remained silent and watched as Hiashi and Neji civilly battled out for victory.

The time soon came for the welcoming ceremony and Itachi left his friends to find and sit with his parents. He took a seat near the front, courtesy of his father who always liked to be noticed by important people, and let his eyes graze about the room, taking in the sight of familiar faces, and memorizing new ones. Like Hyuuga Neji's. The brunette beauty took a seat across the long and elegant isle along with the rest of the new pupils. His look echoed that of all others around him; bored, disinterested, distasteful. He didn't want to be there. Itachi empathized with him. He remembered his first year at the Pilcher School of West Virginia. He wasn't at all nervous. Only irritated. Irritated that he had allowed his father to rope him into the pathetic school. He absolutely hated the idea of being unable to control where he went to school. To him, it had basically confirmed that he would have absolutely no control over the rest of his life. He imagined Neji felt the same way.

"Hello and good morning." Itachi was drawn out of his reverie by a firm but old voice. He turned his attention to the slightly cruel looking old man standing before them all, at a podium of honor and in black robes lined with purple that flowed down to his feet. He looked around the room and waited for the scattered muttering to cease.

"I see many familiar faces and many new ones as well," he said. "So I shall open and say to all of you returning to us, welcome back. And to all of you coming to us for the first time, welcome to the Pilcher School of West Virginia. It is a pleasure and an honor to have so many of you gracing us with your presence and eagerness to learn and strive more than you ever could before." Itachi fought the urge to roll his eyes. Of course, the bastard was only putting on a show for the parents. It was all smoke and mirrors. And it was pathetic.

"I would like to ask all of our upper classmen to stand and face your peers," the man at the podium said, waving his hand in Itachi's general direction.

Neji watched as he saw many upper classmen stand, all scattered throughout the seats. His eyes were drawn to the front row and he saw something that attracted his unwavering attention. A boy. A very tall and elegantly held boy stood in the front row. His hair, kept back in a low ponytail, was a jet black raven color, highlighted by a lighter ebony hue when the light struck it just right. The uniform fit his sharp angles perfectly and Neji found himself wondering what the boy's face looked like. His hands were slender and his fingers were long. The skin that stretched over them was a pale translucent peach color that looked almost white. He could've sworn he saw a flash of purple on the boy's nails, but he sat down before Neji could ascertain that suspicion. He strained slightly to get a better look at the boy, but his eyes were drawn away from the handsome and mysterious stranger when the old man at the front spoke again.

"Welcome back to you all, and I wish you a very excellent last year at Pilcher School of West Virginia," he said. He led the crowd in a very polite and controlled applause before he continued.

"However, for every one of us that leaves, another takes his place," he said. "And, therefore, I should like to welcome our new pupils this year. Lower classmen, if you would stand please."

Itachi turned in his seat as the young boys across the isle all stood in a clumsy unison. He saw the young Hyuuga looking in his direction and nodded inconspicuously when Neji's eyes found him. The brunette boy looked him over, as though appraising him, before he sat back down with the rest of his peers. Itachi turned in his seat to face the front of the room once again. The man spoke once again.

"And, it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you all a new addition to our teaching staff."

Neji sighed softly as the old coot at the front of the room introduced some new professor. His mind hadn't been on the new teacher. His mind had been elsewhere. On the boy he had seen in the front row, to be specific. When he had turned in his seat Neji had felt as though he had been granted a treat. His face had turned out to be so lovely. Skin that looked like it could be smoother than water was spread across his face. His lips were not full and red, but soft and understated, yet perfectly matching all of his other features. His eyes were a deep charcoal black that radiated a hot fiery scarlet when he looked directly at you. His long black bangs neatly framed his face and the long slightly diagonal lines that ran from the bridge of his nose to just above the corners of his mouth had intrigued Neji. The Hyuuga supposed they were some sort of birth mark. He had nodded at Neji and Neji had returned the gesture, before he turned back around, hiding his delightfully beautiful face from view.

"And, with that being said, I would like to assure you all, parents and students alike, that here at the Pilcher School of West Virginia, we, the boys of America, shall soar!"

Okay, I was watching 'Dead Poet's Society' when this idea came to me. I decided to twist it to my own liking and I will honestly say that most of my plot ideas came from that movie. I don't own Naruto or Dead Poet's Society.

Tell me what u think and if I should continue. Started this really late and am kinda braindead right now. -.-

Review please. Thx!