Title – Secret Love

Disclaimer – I own nothing

Summery – Tommy and Kira are a couple but are trying to keep it a secret. Will they be able to? AU. ENJOY!

Chapter 1 – True Love / The Party

XXX – Mid July – Tommy's house – 10 am – Master Bedroom

"Good morning," Kira said as she kissed Tommy's chest and sat up. She sat up and started to get dressed. She had called her mother a few weeks ago to tell her she had her own house and her mother approved so Kira was able to move in with Tommy. She had lived there for about three weeks and they were as happy as could be. Tommy got up and made breakfast. It was summer so not school and nothing to do. Conner and Ethan came over in the afternoon. They were some of the only ones who knew Tommy and Kira liked each other but they did not know that they were dating or for that matter living together.

"So Dr. O how have things been?" Ethan asked

"Good," He answered

Ring Ring Ring. Tommy's phone rang and Tommy answered.

XXX on the phone

"Hello?" Tommy said

"Tommy Oliver?" The man asked

"Yes? May I ask who this is?" He asked

"This is Andrew Hartford calling to tell you that on behalf of the Operation Overdrive team we would like to invite the Dino rangers to a ranger reunion held at my mansion this Saturday at noon,"

"We will be there," Tommy said

"Great we will see you there," Andrew said and then he hung up.

XXX - End call

"Who was that?" Kira asked

"Andrew Hartford inviting the Dino's to a ranger reunion,"

"We will be there," Conner said

"Yes we will," Tommy said smiling at Kira.

XXX – Hartford mansion – Saturday – Noon – Living room

"Tommy!" Someone called as she ran over and hugged him. It was Kimberly Hart.

"Hey Kim, I would like to introduce you to my team, This is Conner red, Kira yellow, Ethan Blue, Trent White and I was the black," He said

"It is nice to meet you," She said

"Tommy?" A man said

"Jason, it is great to see you again how is Trini?" He asked

"She is right here," he said as the old yellow ranger walked over.

"Dr. Oliver it is great to finally meet you, you are a legend," Andrew Hartford said from behind Tommy.

"It is nice to meet you too," Tommy said shaking his hand.

"Attention!" Andrew yelled around the room

"Thank you all for coming, I would like to introduce to you the active team right now, This is Mack red, Ronny Yellow, Will Black, Dax blue, Rose pink and Tyzonn is the mercury ranger," He said pointing to the team

"Now that we are all here lets have fun and get to know each other more then we already do," Andrew finished and then walked back to the team and Tommy watched him then a group of people ran over to him.

"Tommy! It is great to see you again," Someone said

"Hi Billy, Adam, Iesha, Zack, Tanya, Kat, Rocky, Justin, T.J., Ashley, Cassy, Carlos, Andros, Cole, Carter, Leo, Wes, Eric, Shane, Tory and Dustin. It is great to see all of you again," He said

"Yeah how have you been man?" Adam asked

"I have been good, now if you will excuse me my yellow ranger is calling me over," Tommy said running over to Kira

"Hey what is it?" He asked thinking something was wrong

"Nothing I thought you could use a little help getting away from all those people," She said

"Thanks," He said smiling and then walking away to talk to Jason and Adam.

"So Tommy have you settled down or met a girl?" Jason asked

"Or are you still single?" Adam added

"I have a girlfriend and we are living together right now," Tommy said

"Who is she?" Adam asked

"Well you don't know her she works near the school," Tommy said which was true Kira did get a job a few blocks away from the school.

"Well tell?" Jason said

"Is she good?" Adam asked

"Yes, and she is beautiful,"

"More beautiful then Kat or Kim?" Adam asked

"Yes, and she is slightly younger," Tommy said

"How much?" Jason asked

"A year," Tommy lied

"Well we can get together sometime I would lover to meet her," Jason said

"Me to," Adam added

"Yeah maybe later," Tommy said walking away

"Kira?" Tommy asked when he walked into the hall. He had seen her walk out earlier.

"Hey Tommy,"

"What is it?"

"Can we go?" She asked she started clutching her stomach but Tommy did not notice.

"Sure, I'll pretend I'm sick and say we have to go," Tommy said


"Anything for my little Ptera,"

"Thanks," She said smiling and kissing him on the lips. Little did they know that someone was watching them and that, that person would mess their little secret up.

"Andrew, I'm not feeling well so me and Kira are going to leave,"

"Why is Kira going with you?" He asked

"She needs a ride home and I don't feel well enough to drive so she will drive me home and Conner will pick her up later,"

"Okay, hope you feel better," Andrew said and Tommy snuck out without anyone noticing. He got into the passenger side and Kira drove until they were a few miles away and then they switched.


To Be Continued…

Hope you enjoyed. Please review. Thanks. :D