Hey guys!

I'm back with another Chadpay - this idea came to me while I was watching some weird movie on Hallmark with my mom. Technically, she was watching. I was the one sprawled out under the coffee table singing the Barney song.

Yeeeah go me... anyways, enjoy! Read and review, please! :)


''Will you marry me?''

The little boy with the afro wobbled on his knees as he struggled to pull out something from his pocket.

''My mommy told me never to speak to strangers.'' hissed the little girl before him. Her stringy blond pigtails flashed in the sun as she clutched her bedazzled pink purse uncertainly, wondering what to do. It was her first day of pre-k and she felt alone. The boy simply looked up and gave her a toothy smile, handing her a grubby piece of paper.

Five-year-old Sharpay Juliette Anabell Evans stared at the offending object and wrinkled her nose distastefully. It was torn around the corners, covered in a messy red crayon scrawl that most five year old's general wrote in. Wrinkled and crumpled in a million places, it had something that slightly resembled a chocolate stain around the bottom. Chad Micheal Danforth seemed quite undeterred by his 'friend's reaction.

He carefully unfolded it and smoothed it out upon his shirt, trying in vain to make it look more presentable. ''It's for you-- cuz you're an angel.''

Sharpay stared at Chad with wide eyes. The only boy she had ever remembered being nice to her - ever - was her twin brother Ryan. And he didn't really qualify as much of a boy in Sharpay's opinion. She blinked a few times and when Chad's smile did not falter, she decided that maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

''I'm Sharpay Juliette Anabell Evans.'' she announced, sticking out her hand stiffly to shake.

Chad's grin only increased in size - if that was even possible and he grinned another toothy smile. ''Wow, that sure is a long name.'' he commented.

''I'm Chad Micheal Danforth.''

''Chad...'' she tested the name out carefully savoring how it felt on her tongue. ''I like it.'' she smiled for the first time.

Suddenly, both friends jumped at the sound of the school bell ringing, signaling for all children to come inside. ''We gotta go.'' noted Sharpay, starting towards the classroom. Chad ran in front of her and barred her way.

''What?'' asked Sharpay, somewhat annoyed by this strange behavior. Friend or no friend, no one ever stood in her way.

The little boy chuckled and stood up on his tiptoes to quickly plant a light kiss on her cheek. The blond princess looked shocked as she lifted a hand up to the place where his lips had touched her skin. It tingled.

''My older brother said that's what you do when you meet a pretty girl.'' explained Chad, blushing. Sharpay took a moment to digest that piece of information before lifting her purse and hitting him with it. Hard.

''My mommy said that's what you do when the boys try to kiss you. Sorry.'' she extended a hand to help him up. The two new friends raced quickly back to class, hand in hand, already excited about their first day...

Nine Years Later

''Oh, look who's finally torn herself away from the mirror. So nice you could grace us with your sparkling presence, Evans.''

Sharpay narrowed her eyes dangerously at the tall, African-American boy blocking her way. He returned her murderous gaze with a cool smirk, his chocolate eyes flashing.

The two fourteen year olds eyed each other coldly - everyone else who had been in the hallway had already cleared off. They knew better than to get involved in this. It happened every single day and it was not pretty.

''Fuck off Danforth.'' she spat venomously, shoving him aside with surprising force. Chad reeled for a second before regaining his balance and grabbing her wrist.

''Watch what you're doing!'' he hissed. Sharpay simply flashed him a frozen, mirthless smile, before kneeing him full force - right where it hurts.

She didn't even spare him a glance as she strutted off towards class - ''Later Danforth.''

''Bitch!'' he yelled after her, but she was already gone...

Present Day

''Ryan! Hurry up! We're gonna be late!'' Sharpay shrieked up the stairs, checking her Gucci watch for the tenth time that minute. Her pink and silver stilettos tapped the floor impatiently with building tension. Where was he?!

''I'll be right there!'' yelled her twin as he ran down the stairs hurriedly adjusting a lime green beret on his head.

''I'm just gonna get something to ea--''

''Ryan!'' Sharpay's voice was dangerous. Ryan faltered for a second but then quickly decided that he wanted to get to school with his limbs intact thank you very much, and rushed to get his coat on.

His sister fixed him with an unerring stare that said - you better hurry or ELSE. And Ryan was definitely smarter than to find out what ELSE was.

He made it to the garage in record time, all with Sharpay breathing down his neck. Ryan reached for his car keys but quickly froze when Sharpay made a strangled noise in her throat that was something between an annoyed snarl and a sigh. ''I'LL drive.'' she emphasized.

''Your car...?'' Ryan's heart sank. Like people don't think I'm gay enough already! ''Shar --''

''There's something wrong with my car?'' she challenged.

''It's pink.'' he said slowly, as if explaining it to a very dense five year old. Sharpay didn't seem to catch on to this - or maybe she just didn't care.

''So what?''

Ryan gaped at her, opening and closing his mouth wordlessly. Couldn't she see how ridiculous this was?!

''That's a total girl colour!''

''Ryan I don't have time for your theatrics. For once in your life, stop being such a drama queen and get in!'' she said, adjusting her seat belt and turning the rear view mirror her way just to make sure her makeup was still flawless.

Ryan groaned but - knowing he had no choice climbed in obediently, careful not to slam the door too hard.

''You know, you're such a bitch when it comes to Troy...'' he muttered under his breath, adjusting his own seat belt. Sharpay - who had by now had carefully backed the pink convertible out of the garage and down the driveway, brought the vehicle to a screeching halt.

''Repeat?'' she snarled, daring him to repeat the sentence. Ryan huffed. ''Never mind...''

Sharpay was the Ice Queen of East High. But if there was one person she really was nice to, ever, it was her Ryan. They were twins, and that was something special- he was her little brother after all. She bought him designer clothes and stuck up for him when he was bullied. Only he knew that kind caring side to Sharpay Evans actually existed.

At least, that was how things had been until something that Ryan referred to as 'The Great Bolton Craze' set in. Sharpay had gone completely head over heels for the hot basketball captain - it had was her first real crush. The trouble with Sharpay was, she just wouldn't let go.

The girl was determined to get her guy - she often told Ryan -

''He wants me - can't you see? Just get rid of his airhead girlfriend Montez, his asshole best friend Danforth and everyone else on the basketball team - Troypay is meant to be! We're perfect for each other...''

And once again - Ryan knew better than to disagree. He actually valued his life.

But now, the blond boy was trying his best to sink as low as possible in his seat to avoid being seen riding in his sister's hot pink car.

''Remind me again why we have to be in school an hour early...?'' he said from under his hat - Ryan had placed it over his face earlier to avoid identification by anyone who happened to have the gift of seeing through hot pink car doors.

Sharpay sighed impatiently. ''I told you, Ry - I have a plan to execute. Troy won't be able to resist this time, I just know it!'' she smirked, gripping the steering wheel confidently.

But Ryan heard the catch in her voice. ''You know he's not worth it, right Shar?''

His sister was silent. Suddenly, without warning, she turned the wheel violently, veering off the road at the last moment. Ryan gave a yell and clung onto his seat belt for dear life as Sharpay maneuvered the vehicle skillfully, making it skid to a halt right in front of a Starbucks.

''You have ten minutes.'' she hissed, not looking at him. Ryan grinned. ''Thanks Shar - I owe you.''

He ran out of the car, eager to get some breakfast before Sharpay could change her mind. A tiny smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth - it was his sister's twisted way of apologizing.


''This is it, Ry...'' whispered Sharpay excitedly as she eyed her target from around the corner. Ryan rolled his eyes, noting wryly how much she sounded like a silly little schoolgirl with a silly little schoolgirl crush. He hugged his squealing sister secretly knowing that she would be turned down again and regretting it.

''I'm gonna ask him now.'' she decided. ''Is my hair okay?''

The boy looked at her eager face and didn't have the heart to answer with anything other than:

''Perfect Shar. As always. Go get your guy.''


Chad Danforth walked whistling through the corridors of East High. He was just out from a very satisfying basketball practice and he felt totally pumped for the next game. They were so gonna send the Knights home.

He spun around and did a little jump as he mentally rehearsed the plays they had run in practice - Fake right - break left...

Chad was roused from his reverie by a tiny sob from the auditorium.

He halted and listened again intently - there it was again. Curious, the boy sneaked up to the huge double doors and took a peek inside. It was dark.

Deciding that there was nothing there but wanting to check it out anyway, he gently pushed the door open and stepped in, noiselessly closing the door behind him. He padded along the aisles between the seats, silently promising himself to come here more often. Suddenly, there was a scuffling sound which directed his attention to the front row-

''Danforth?!'' the voice was cold, commanding - with an unmistakable tinge of shock trembling within it. Chad looked confused for a moment before he recognized the person standing before him.

''Evans - what are you doing here?''

''I could ask you the same thing.''

There was silence as the two enemies eyed each other. ''Well I'm sorry for disturbing your 'Chapel of the Arts' or whatever.'' Chad said sarcastically.

Sharpay rolled her eyes. ''Wow Danforth. I'm impressed. You actually listen to Darbus?''

''That dies here.'' he hissed suddenly, turning red.

''Oh right - it would spoil your lunkhead basketball idiot image. My bad.''

More silence. Sharpay sat back down on the red velvet seat and fixed her eyes firmly on the empty stage. ''There's more to this place than you would think.'' she said quietly.

''What no smartass comment? Troy finally stuck it to you, didn't he?'' quipped Chad.

Sharpay stood up very slowly and walked up to the Chad. She glared at him with narrowed eyes - her fingers clenched into a white knuckled fist by her side. ''Leave.'' she whispered, her voice deadly.

Chad opened his mouth to argue when he suddenly saw something that caught him completely off guard. ''You've been crying?'' he asked. In all his life, Chad had never thought that Sharpay Evans was even capable of such an emotion. Yet here she was before him - the Ice Queen herself with unmistakable mascara smudges running down her cheeks.

Something that looked like panic flitted briefly across the blond's face before her eyes hardened again. ''Like you fucking care.''

She grabbed her designer bag off the seat and shoved past him as she headed for the doors of the auditorium.

Chad's voice echoed after her as she walked out.

''You're right - I don't.''


Weeeell? What do you guys think? Personally, I think this chappie turned out very nice. I'm really excited to take this new idea further. ;) Please review - you have no idea what it means to me! Best review gets mentioned in the next chappie. Love you all!

Iliii - aka Crystal-Fey
