"No problem! Lets kick this guy's Digital butt!" Davis said, slamming his fist into his other hand.

"I'm with you Davish!" Veemon grinned.

Soon after Izzy had encountered Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, he had called Davis, Yolei, Ken. Cody, Kari, TK and their Digimon over to assist with defeating Demonmon. They were at Izzy's house, in his room, and Izzy had explained the situation, though some were sceptical.

"I find it hard to believe Izzy..." Yolei shrugged. "Who's word do we have to take on all this? A freak with rocks for brains, and the other with an axe stuck in a brain made of pumpkin!"

Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon who were sitting with Yolei, Ken and their Digimon on Izzy's bed, looked annoyed.

"What I find hard to believe Four Eyes..." Pumpkinmon said, turning to Yolei. "As how Mr. Boyfriend there..." he pointed at Ken, who sweatdropped. "Would go out with a freak like you!"

"Why YOU!!!!!!!" Yolei snarled, who looked ready to rip Pumpkinmon apart, but Ken and Hawkmon held her back.

"You certainly have our condolences..." Gotsumon muttered, patting Ken on the back.

"Look, cut this out everybody! This fighting is getting us nowhere!" Izzy shouted and everyone was silent.

"This is not helping the situation at all..." Izzy said, as everyone calmed down.

"Its not helping my bashed up computer!" TK put in.

Gotsumon jumped off the bed. "Want to make something of it TB?"

"Oh where did you get that?" Yolei said slyly. "The Big Book of Jokes by Davis Motomyia?"

"Hey!" Davis protested.

"We wouldn't get our jokes off a gogglehead like that!" Pumpkinmon put in.

"HEY!" Davis said again.

"That's not very nice!" Kari snapped.

"Hey! What's with the camera?" Pumpkinmon asked Kari. "Do you take pictures of people with better fashion ideas? Cause baby, you certainly need them!"

"Don't talk to Kari like that!" Gatomon shouted, jumping in front of Kari defensively, flashing her claws.

"Want to make somethin' of it furball?" Pumpkinmon asked.

"Hey!" Veemon protested, jumping in front of Gatomon, flashing his teeth.

"Hah!" Pumpkinmon laughed. "PrinceCharmingmon to the rescue!"

Veemon and Gatomon went red.

"You gotta be kiddin' me!" Gatomon exclaimed.

"Some people certainly have a way of putting their foot in it!" Hawkmon muttered to Yolei.

"Hey! You got something to say feathers-for-brains?" Gotsumon asked.
"I say! That was uncalled for!" Hawkmon said.

And soon everyone was at it again, Izzy sighed and sat back in his chair by the computer, while everyone was arguing.

When everyone calmed down, Izzy took a deep breath and spoke again. "Okay everyone, the one problem we have to address is how we're going to get to this place?"

"No prob!" Pumpkinmon grinned, under the scratch marks he received from both Gatomon and Veemon. "We've been there, all we need is someone's D3 and we can concentrate and open the portal!"

"So hand it over Four Eyes!" Pumpkinmon ordered, holding his hand out to Yolei.

"I'm not giving anything to you pumpkin head!" Yolei snarled.

"Here you go!" Davis said, grinning evily, as he flung his D3 at Pumpkinmon, hitting him in the back of the head.

"Ouch!" Pumpkinmon shouted, nursing the bruise and muttering under his breath as he picked up the D3.

"That looks like fun!" Yolei grinned, throwing her D3 at Pumpkinmon, which hit him right in the face.

"Cut this out!" Izzy ordered, as Yolei's D3 hit him in the face.

"Oh...bad aim! Sorry..." Pumpkinmon chuckled nervously.

Izzy handed Yolei's D3 back to her as Pumpkinmon walked over to Izzy's computer desk, got up on it, and held Davis' D3 up to the computer screen as everyone stood behind him .

Pumpkinmon closed his eyes and focused. "Digi-Part Open Sesame!" he ordered as everyone burst out laughing.

Pumpkinmon sweatdropped. "W-What?"

Izzy told him the correct term to open a Digi-Port and Pumpkinmon went red.

"S-Sorry folks..." he chuckled as he shouted 'Digi-Port Open!'

Instead of a pleasant image of the Digital World, the image on the computer showed cavern of lava and fire and the cracking of whips and moans of pain could be heard.

And before they realised it, everyone was sucked in....

"Isn't this a sunny place?" TK muttered, as the Digimon and Digidestined, looked around at their surroundings.

They were all standing on a pathway cut into a cavern wall, and emerged from a television screen embedded into the wall.

"HALT!" a voice bellowed, and the Digidestined and Digimon gasped when they saw the nine-foot tall, snarling, muscular, horned figure of -

"Demonmon!" Pumpkinmon wailed, jumping into Yolei's arms, to which she quickly dropped him.

Demonmon's reptile-like eyes darted to the small forms of Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon who were standing beside the Digidestined.

"Ah!" he grinned. "You have finally returned! I'll be taking you back to the mines!" Demonmon looked at the Digidestined and their Digimon. "You all can go, I have no quarrel with you!"

"Not so fast you devil-wannabe!" Davis shouted, stepping forward. "We're here to shut you down permanently!"

"No! No Davis!" Izzy said, running forward and taking Davis aside. "Em, will you hold on a sec?" Izzy asked Demonmon.

Demonmon shrugged. "No problem!"

"Look Davis," Izzy said. "Remember our plan, we go free the prisoners, and Kari and Gatomon handle Demonmon, right?"

Davis nodded. "Oh yeah! C'mon everybody!" he waved, as and the other Digidestined ran down the opposite side of the pathway.

Demonmon laughed. "Hah! You pathetic Digidestined think you can stop me?"

"If we had a nickel for every time an evil Digimon has said that to us..." Tentamon began. "...we would eh...have a lot of nickels!"

Demonmon sweatdropped. "I don't know what's worse, having to face you in battle, or putting up with your lousy puns!"

Izzy turned to Kari and Gatomon. "Now Gatomon! Digivolve to Angewomon!"

"I can't!" Gatomon said. "We don't have the crest of Light!"

"But the power of Light isn't in the crest!" Izzy pointed out. "It's just focused through it, the power of Light is in Kari!"

Kari nodded. "You're right Izzy! Gatomon! Digivolve!"

"Gatomon digivolved to....Angewomon!"

In a flash of light, the angelic form of Angewomon floated there in front of Demonmon

Demonmon grinned. "Hmmm...Angewomon, eh? How about when this is over and I defeat you we can-"

"Can it!" Angewomon bellowed. "We're here to put an end to your operation!"

Demonmon outstretched his previously unseen wings. "Well, lets rumble!" he shouted, as he charged towards Angewomon.

Nearby, Izzy and Kari sat beside Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon who were chomping on popcorn.

"He's right though!!" Pumpkinmon nodded. "Angewomon sure is a looker! Hey Gotsumon, what do you think are my chances?"

"Honestly? Four billion to one!" Gotsumon replied, as Pumpkinmon facefaulted.


"Oh that's got to hurt..." Gotsumon muttered, watching the battle.

"Yeouch!" Pumpkinmon gasped.

"Impressive!" Izzy nodded.

"Go Angewomon!" Kari shouted.


"Whoa!" Gotsumon said, his jaw nearly hitting the ground.

"Oh man! That's gotta be sore!" Pumpkinmon nodded.

"Most impressive!" Izzy grinned.

"Go! Go! Go!" Kari shouted.


"Ooo...I can't look!" Gotsumon gulped, choking on his popcorn.

"Never, NEVER get this lady mad at me!" Pumpkinmon gulped, covering his eyes.

"A very impressive display of combat techniques..." Izzy nodded, stroking his chin.

"That my Digimon!" Kari laughed.

"I don't understand this attraction to violence!" Tentamon shrugged.

Hovering in the air, in front of them, was a battered and bruised Demonmon, and a victorious Angewomon floating in front of him.

"Now it end!" Angewomon shouted, as a familiar arrow appeared in her hand. "Celestial Arrow!"

The arrow flew towards Demonmon and stuck in his gullet.

"I had only one day left till retirement!" he muttered stupidly as he exploded in a wave of Digital Energy.

A few hours later, the Digidestined, their Digimon and, (or course), Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon were back in Izzy's room and celebrating a job well done.

"It was cool! Wait till I tell you all about it..." Davis exclaimed, telling Kari, how he and Veemon freed the prisoners and Demonmon's servants, with SOME help from the others!

Meanwhile, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon were chatting up a very flattered Gatomon.

"It was a very, very, very great prievelege seeing you tonight in action Gatomon!" Pumpkinmon grinned, going red.

"VERY!" Gotsumon nodded, also going red.

"So if your not busy Friday night..." Pumpkinmon grinned, cleaning his throat.

"Forget it guys!" Veemon smiled, walking over and wrapping his arms around Gatomon. "She's mine! And its staying that way!"

"Hm! Only in your dreams!" Gatomon laughed, shoving Veemon to the ground.

"Yeah! That's for sure!" Veemon sighed, sweatdropping.

"So Pumpkinmon..." Izzy asked. "What are you and Gotsumon going to do now?"

Pumpkinmon shrugged. "Ahhh...I dunno...its a big world out there...well, thanks for everything guys! C'mon! Gotsumon!" Pumpkinmon ordered, grabbing Gotsumon by the arm, (who was still ogling Gatomon), and they walked out the door.

The Digidestined and Digimon had no sooner said their goodbyes when Pumpkinmon stuck his head in.

"One more thing," Pumpkinmon said. "In Demonmon's realm, some of those prisoners were murderers and psychotics, so there was no need to free them!"

Ken sweatdropped. "Y-You never said that..."

Pumpkinmon walked out, him and Gotsumon chuckling. "Yeah I know! Kinda funny huh? We just set free a load of murders and psychotics!"

The Digidestined and Digimon all facefaulted and sweatdropped - sometimes, these adventures never turned out right!


So whatcha think? Think I should do a sequeal? (I've thought of an idea for one - it'll be much funner!) Well? Review and let me know!